Source code for wonambi.attr.annotations

"""Module to keep track of the user-made annotations and sleep scoring.
from logging import getLogger
from bisect import bisect_left
from itertools import groupby
from csv import reader, writer
from json import dump
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from numpy import (allclose, arange, around, asarray, clip, diff, isnan,
                   logical_and, modf, nan)
from math import ceil, inf
from os.path import basename, splitext
from pathlib import Path
from re import search, sub
from import loadmat
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, tostring, parse
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString

    from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
    from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QProgressDialog
except ImportError:
    Qt = None
    QProgressDialog = None

from .. import __version__
from ..utils.exceptions import UnrecognizedFormat

lg = getLogger(__name__)
                    'N2': 'NREM2',
                    'N3': 'NREM3',
                    'Re': 'REM',
                    'Wa': 'Wake',
                    'Ar': 'Artefact',
                    'A\n': 'Artefact'}

                      'SLEEP-S1': 'NREM1',
                      'SLEEP-S2': 'NREM2',
                      'SLEEP-S3': 'NREM3',
                      'SLEEP-S4': 'NREM3',
                      'SLEEP-REM': 'REM',
                      'SLEEP-RE': 'REM',
                      'SLEEP-UNSCORED': 'Undefined'}

ALICE_STAGE_KEY = {'WK': 'Wake',
                   'N1': 'NREM1',
                   'N2': 'NREM2',
                   'N3': 'NREM3',
                   'EM': 'REM',
                   'S1': 'NREM1',
                   'S2': 'NREM2',
                   'S3': 'NREM3',
                   'W': 'Wake',
                   '1': 'NREM1',
                   '2': 'NREM2',
                   '3': 'NREM3',
                   '11': 'Wake',
                   '12': 'NREM1',
                   '13': 'NREM2',
                   '14': 'NREM3',
                   '15': 'REM'}

                     ' 2': 'NREM2',
                     ' 3': 'NREM3',
                     ' 4': 'NREM3',
                     'em': 'REM',
                     'ke': 'Wake',
                     '1\t': 'NREM1',
                     '2\t': 'NREM2',
                     '3\t': 'NREM3',
                     '4\t': 'NREM3',
                     'm\t': 'REM',
                     'e\t': 'Wake'}

COMPUMEDICS_STAGE_KEY = {'?': 'Undefined',
                         '?\n': 'Undefined',
                         'W': 'Wake',
                         'W\n': 'Wake',
                         'N1': 'NREM1',
                         'N2': 'NREM2',
                         'N3': 'NREM3',
                         'R\n': 'REM',
                         '0': 'Wake',
                         '0\n': 'Wake',
                         '1': 'NREM1',
                         '1\n': 'NREM1',
                         '2': 'NREM2',
                         '2\n': 'NREM2',
                         '3': 'NREM3',
                         '3\n': 'NREM3',
                         '4': 'NREM3',
                         '4\n': 'NREM3',
                         '5': 'NREM3',
                         '5\n': 'NREM3',
                         'R': 'REM',
                         'R\n': 'REM' }


PRANA_STAGE_KEY =  {'0': 'Wake',
                   '1': 'NREM1',
                   '2': 'NREM2',
                   '3': 'NREM3',
                   '5': 'REM'}

DELTAMED_STAGE_KEY = {'1': 'Wake',
                      '2': 'REM',
                      '3': 'NREM1',
                      '4': 'NREM2',
                      '5': 'NREM3'}

                   '1': 'NREM2',
                   '2': 'NREM1',
                   '3': 'REM',
                   '4': 'Wake',
                   '5': 'Artefact'}

                 'N1': 'NREM1',
                 'N2': 'NREM2',
                 'N3': 'NREM3',
                 'RE': 'REM'}

BIDS_STAGE_KEY = {'Wake': 'sleep_wake',
                  'NREM1': 'sleep_N1',
                  'NREM2': 'sleep_N2',
                  'NREM3': 'sleep_N3',
                  'REM': 'sleep_REM',
                  'Artefact': 'artifact',
                  'Movement': 'artifact_motion',
                  'Unknown': '',
                  'Undefined': ''}

[docs]def parse_iso_datetime(date): try: return datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") except ValueError: return datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
[docs]def create_empty_annotations(xml_file, dataset): """Create an empty annotation file. Notes ----- Dates are made time-zone unaware. """ xml_file = Path(xml_file) root = Element('annotations') root.set('version', VERSION) info = SubElement(root, 'dataset') x = SubElement(info, 'filename') x.text = str(dataset.filename) x = SubElement(info, 'path') # not to be relied on x.text = str(dataset.filename) x = SubElement(info, 'start_time') start_time = dataset.header['start_time'].replace(tzinfo=None) x.text = start_time.isoformat() first_sec = 0 last_sec = int(dataset.header['n_samples'] / dataset.header['s_freq']) # in s x = SubElement(info, 'first_second') x.text = str(first_sec) x = SubElement(info, 'last_second') x.text = str(last_sec) xml = parseString(tostring(root)) with'w') as f: f.write(xml.toxml())
[docs]def create_annotation(xml_file, from_fasst, lights_off=False, legacy_meth=False): """Create annotations by importing from FASST sleep scoring file. Parameters ---------- xml_file : path to xml file annotation file that will be created from_fasst : path to FASST file .mat file containing the scores lights_off : bool set to True if scoring begins at lights off legacy_meth : bool old functionality; will stage epochs starting at epoch_start = 0. Returns ------- instance of Annotations TODO ---- Merge create_annotation and create_empty_annotations """ xml_file = Path(xml_file) try: mat = loadmat(str(from_fasst), variable_names='D', struct_as_record=False, squeeze_me=True) except ValueError: raise UnrecognizedFormat(str(from_fasst) + ' does not look like a FASST .mat file') D = mat['D'] info = score = D.other.CRC.score if score.ndim == 1: score = score[:, None] # atleast_2d adds the dimension at the beginning microsecond, second = modf(info.hour[2]) start_time = datetime(*, int(info.hour[0]), int(info.hour[1]), int(second), int(microsecond * 1e6)) first_sec = 0 if lights_off: first_sec = int(round(score[3, 0][0])) last_sec = score[0, 0].shape[0] * score[2, 0] root = Element('annotations') root.set('version', VERSION) try: filename = D.fname path = D.path except AttributeError: filename = path = info = SubElement(root, 'dataset') x = SubElement(info, 'filename') x.text = filename x = SubElement(info, 'path') # not to be relied on x.text = path x = SubElement(info, 'start_time') x.text = start_time.isoformat() x = SubElement(info, 'first_second') x.text = str(first_sec) x = SubElement(info, 'last_second') x.text = str(int(last_sec)) xml = parseString(tostring(root)) with'w') as f: f.write(xml.toxml()) annot = Annotations(xml_file) n_raters = score.shape[1] for i_rater in range(n_raters): rater_name = score[1, i_rater] epoch_length = int(score[2, i_rater]) annot.add_rater(rater_name, epoch_length=epoch_length) if not legacy_meth: offset = first_sec % epoch_length annot.get_rater(rater_name) stages = annot.rater.find('stages') # list is necessary so that it does not remove in place for s in list(stages): stages.remove(s) for i in arange(offset, first_sec - epoch_length, epoch_length): epoch = SubElement(stages, 'epoch') start_time = SubElement(epoch, 'epoch_start') epoch_beg = i start_time.text = str(epoch_beg) end_time = SubElement(epoch, 'epoch_end') end_time.text = str(epoch_beg + epoch_length) epoch_stage = SubElement(epoch, 'stage') epoch_stage.text = 'Unknown' quality = SubElement(epoch, 'quality') quality.text = 'Good' idx_epoch = 0 for idx_epoch, fasst_stage in enumerate(score[0, i_rater]): epoch = SubElement(stages, 'epoch') start_time = SubElement(epoch, 'epoch_start') epoch_beg = first_sec + (idx_epoch * epoch_length) start_time.text = str(epoch_beg) end_time = SubElement(epoch, 'epoch_end') end_time.text = str(epoch_beg + epoch_length) epoch_stage = SubElement(epoch, 'stage') try: one_stage = FASST_STAGE_KEY[int(fasst_stage)] except: one_stage = 'Unknown''Stage not recognized at second {epoch_beg}') epoch_stage.text = one_stage quality = SubElement(epoch, 'quality') quality.text = 'Good' else: for epoch_start, epoch in enumerate(score[0, i_rater]): if isnan(epoch): continue annot.set_stage_for_epoch(epoch_start * epoch_length, FASST_STAGE_KEY[int(epoch)], save=False) return annot
[docs]class Annotations(): """Class to return nicely formatted information from xml. Parameters ---------- xml_file : path to xml file Annotation xml file """ def __init__(self, xml_file, rater_name=None): self.xml_file = xml_file self.root = self.load() if rater_name is None: self.rater = self.root.find('rater') else: self.get_rater(rater_name)
[docs] def load(self): """Load xml from file."""'Loading ' + str(self.xml_file)) update_annotation_version(self.xml_file) xml = parse(self.xml_file) return xml.getroot()
[docs] def save(self): """Save xml to file.""" if self.rater is not None: self.rater.set('modified', xml = parseString(tostring(self.root)) with open(self.xml_file, 'w') as f: f.write(xml.toxml())
@property def dataset(self): return self.root.find('dataset/path').text @property def start_time(self): return parse_iso_datetime(self.root.find('dataset/start_time').text) @property def first_second(self): return int(self.root.find('dataset/first_second').text) @property def last_second(self): return int(self.root.find('dataset/last_second').text) @property def current_rater(self): try: return self.rater.get('name') except AttributeError: raise IndexError('No rater in the annotations') @property def raters(self): return [rater.get('name') for rater in self.root.iter('rater')] @property def epoch_length(self): epoch = next(self.epochs) return around(epoch['end'] - epoch['start'])
[docs] def get_rater(self, rater_name): # get xml root for one rater found = False for rater in self.root.iterfind('rater'): if rater.get('name') == rater_name: self.rater = rater found = True if not found: raise KeyError(rater_name + ' not in the list of raters (' + ', '.join(self.raters) + ')')
[docs] def add_rater(self, rater_name, epoch_length=30): if rater_name in self.raters: lg.warning('rater ' + rater_name + ' already exists, selecting it') self.get_rater(rater_name) return # add one rater + subtree rater = SubElement(self.root, 'rater') rater.set('name', rater_name) rater.set('created', self.get_rater(rater_name) # create subtree SubElement(self.rater, 'bookmarks') SubElement(self.rater, 'events') SubElement(self.rater, 'stages') SubElement(self.rater, 'cycles') self.create_epochs(epoch_length=epoch_length)
[docs] def rename_rater(self, name, new_name): """Rename event type.""" for rater in self.root.iterfind('rater'): if rater.get('name') == name: rater.set('name', new_name)
[docs] def remove_rater(self, rater_name): # remove one rater for rater in self.root.iterfind('rater'): if rater.get('name') == rater_name: # here we deal with the current rater if rater is self.rater: all_raters = self.root.findall('rater') if len(all_raters) == 1: self.rater = None else: idx = all_raters.index(self.rater) idx -= 1 # select the previous rater if idx == -1: idx = 1 # rater to delete is 0 self.rater = all_raters[idx] self.root.remove(rater)
[docs] def import_staging(self, filename, source, rater_name, rec_start, staging_start=None, epoch_length=None, poor=['Artefact'], as_qual=False): """Import staging from an external staging text file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Staging file name. source : str Name of program where staging was made. One of 'domino', 'alice', 'compumedics', 'sandman', 'remlogic', 'phillips', 'grael', 'egi' rater_name : str Rater name for imported staging. rec_start : datetime Date and time (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) of recording start. Year is ignored (New Year's Eve celebratory recordings unsupported.) staging_start : datetime (default: None) Date and time of staging start. For use when not provided in staging file. epoch_length : int duration in s of a scoring epoch poor : list of str epochs with stage names in this list will be marked as Poor quality as_qual : bool if True, the staging only be used to mark quality, as per poor """ if as_qual and rater_name not in self.raters: self.parent.statusBar.showMessage('Rater not found.') return clue = None # used in some instances to pick out epochs from other evts idx_clue = None redherring = None if source in ['remlogic', 'sandman']: encoding = 'ISO-8859-1' else: encoding = 'utf-8' with open(filename, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f: lines = f.readlines() if source == 'domino': for i, line in enumerate(lines): if line[0].isdigit(): idx_first_line = i break if lines[idx_first_line].index(';') > 15: idx_time = (11, 19) idx_stage = slice(25, 26) stage_key = PHYSIP_STAGE_KEY else: idx_time = (0, 8) idx_stage = slice(14, 16) stage_key = DOMINO_STAGE_KEY stage_start = datetime.strptime( lines[idx_first_line][idx_time[0]:idx_time[1]], '%H:%M:%S') stage_day = int(lines[1][12:14]) stage_month = int(lines[1][15:17]) stage_start_for_delta = stage_start.replace(year=1999, month=stage_month, day=stage_day) rec_start_for_delta = rec_start.replace(year=1999) first_second = int((stage_start_for_delta - rec_start_for_delta).total_seconds()) if epoch_length is None: epoch_length = int(lines[5][6:8]) elif source == 'remlogic': clue = 'SLEEP-' # signifies an epoch (as opposed to an event) time_hdrs = ('Time [hh:mm:ss]', 'Heure [hh:mm:ss]') redherring = 'SPINDLE' idx_clue = slice(-18, -6) idx_head = lines.index( next(l for l in lines if any( hdr in l for hdr in time_hdrs ))) first_line = next(l for l in lines[idx_head:] \ if clue in l[idx_clue] \ and 'SLEEP-RM' not in l[-18:]) idx_first_line = lines.index(first_line) stage_start_date = _try_parse_datetime( lines[3][16:lines[3].index('\n')], ('%Y/%m/%d', '%d/%m/%Y')) stage_start_time = None try: stage_start_time = datetime.strptime( first_line[:19], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') except ValueError: cells = first_line.split('\t') for cell in cells: try: if 'PM' in cell: stage_start_time = datetime.strptime(cell, '%I:%M:%S %p') else: stage_start_time = datetime.strptime(cell[-8:], '%I:%M:%S') if cell[1] == 'U': stage_start_time = (stage_start_time + timedelta(hours=12)) except ValueError: continue if stage_start_time == None: raise ValueError('No valid start time found.') stage_start = datetime.combine(, stage_start_time.time()) first_second = int((stage_start - rec_start).total_seconds()) stage_key = {k[-2:]: v for k, v in REMLOGIC_STAGE_KEY.items()} idx_stage = slice(-6, -4) if epoch_length is None: epoch_length = int(first_line[-3:-1]) elif source == 'alice': dt = rec_start line1 = lines[1] row_offset = 0 if line1[1] == '\t': # some files have an index column row_offset += 2 if ' pm' in line1.lower() or ' am' in line1.lower(): stage_start = datetime.strptime( line1[row_offset:row_offset + 11], '%I:%M:%S %p') # best guess in absence of date if line1[11:13] == 'pm' and rec_start.hour < 12: dt = rec_start - timedelta(days=1) elif line1[11:13] == 'am' and rec_start.hour > 12: dt = rec_start + timedelta elif ':' in line1: stage_start = datetime.strptime( line1[row_offset:row_offset + 8].strip(), '%H:%M:%S') else: stage_start = rec_start stage_start = stage_start.replace(year=dt.year, month=dt.month, first_second = int((stage_start - rec_start).total_seconds()) idx_first_line = 1 lines[-1] += '_' # to fill newline position stage_key = ALICE_STAGE_KEY idx_stage = slice(-3, -1) if epoch_length is None: epoch_length = 30 elif source == 'sandman': if epoch_length is None: epoch_length = 30 if 'Epoch' in lines[0]: start_epoch = int(lines[1].split('\t')[0]) stage_start = rec_start + timedelta(seconds=(start_epoch*epoch_length)) idx_first_line = 1 first_second = int((stage_start - rec_start).total_seconds()) stage_key = SANDMAN_STAGE_KEY idx_stage = slice(-3, -1) else: idx_first_line = 14 # check length of YEAR is 2 or 4 digits if len(lines[4][12:].split(" ")[0].split('/')[2]) ==2: date_str = lines[4][12:].split(" ")[0] time_str = lines[idx_first_line].split('\t')[2].rstrip() # start from epoch, since 1st epoch is not always from 1 stage_start = datetime.strptime(date_str + " " + time_str, '%d/%m/%y %I:%M:%S %p') elif len(lines[4][12:].split(" ")[0].split('/')[2]) == 4: date_str = lines[4][12:].split(" ")[0] time_str = lines[idx_first_line].split('\t')[2].rstrip() stage_start = datetime.strptime(date_str + " " + time_str, '%d/%m/%Y %I:%M:%S %p') first_second = int((stage_start - rec_start).total_seconds()) stage_key = SANDMAN_STAGE_KEY idx_stage = slice(-14, -12) elif source in ['compumedics', 'grael', 'egi']: if staging_start is None: first_second = 0 else: first_second = int(( staging_start - rec_start).total_seconds()) idx_first_line = 0 stage_key = COMPUMEDICS_STAGE_KEY idx_stage = slice(0, 2) if epoch_length is None: epoch_length = 30 elif source == 'deltamed': if staging_start is None: first_second = 0 else: first_second = int(( staging_start - rec_start).total_seconds()) idx_first_line = 0 stage_key = DELTAMED_STAGE_KEY idx_stage = slice(-2, -1) if epoch_length is None: epoch_length = int(lines[0][:lines[0].index('\t')]) elif source == 'prana': stage_start = datetime.strptime(lines[5][:11], '%d %H:%M:%S') # best guess in absence of date dt = rec_start if stage_start.hour > 12 and rec_start.hour < 12: dt = rec_start - timedelta(days=1) elif stage_start.hour < 12 and rec_start.hour > 12: dt = rec_start + timedelta(days=1) stage_start = stage_start.replace(year=dt.year, month=dt.month, first_second = int((stage_start - rec_start).total_seconds()) idx_first_line = 5 stage_key = PRANA_STAGE_KEY spacer = next(i for i, j in enumerate(lines[5][30:]) \ if j.strip()) idx_stage = slice(30 + spacer, 30 + spacer + 1) if epoch_length is None: idx_epoch_length = None for i,j in enumerate(lines[3]): if j.isdigit(): idx_epoch_length = i, i + lines[3][i:].index(' ') epoch_length = int(lines[3][slice(*idx_epoch_length)]) break if idx_epoch_length is None: epoch_length = 30 elif source == 'phillips': if not isinstance(staging_start, datetime): dt = rec_start staging_start_str = lines[1].split(',')[1].lower() staging_start = datetime.strptime(staging_start_str, '%I:%M:%S %p') # best guess in absence of date if staging_start_str[-2:] == 'pm' and rec_start.hour < 12: dt = rec_start - timedelta(days=1) elif staging_start_str[-2:] == 'am' and rec_start.hour > 12: dt = rec_start + timedelta(days=1) staging_start = staging_start.replace(year=dt.year, month=dt.month, first_second = int((staging_start - rec_start).total_seconds()) idx_first_line = 0 stage_key = PHILLIPS_STAGE_KEY idx_stage = slice(0, 2) if epoch_length is None: epoch_length = 30 lines = [x.split(',')[2] for x in lines] else: raise ValueError('Unknown source program for staging file') offset = first_second % epoch_length'Time offset: ' + str(offset) + ' sec') if rater_name not in self.raters: self.add_rater(rater_name) self.get_rater(rater_name) stages = self.rater.find('stages') if as_qual: for i, one_line in enumerate(lines[idx_first_line:]): if one_line[idx_stage] in poor: epoch_beg = first_second + (i * epoch_length) try: self.set_stage_for_epoch(epoch_beg, 'Poor', attr='quality', save=False) except KeyError: return 1 else: # list is necessary so that it does not remove in place for s in list(stages): stages.remove(s) for i in arange(offset, first_second - epoch_length, epoch_length): epoch = SubElement(stages, 'epoch') start_time = SubElement(epoch, 'epoch_start') epoch_beg = i start_time.text = str(epoch_beg) end_time = SubElement(epoch, 'epoch_end') end_time.text = str(epoch_beg + epoch_length) epoch_stage = SubElement(epoch, 'stage') epoch_stage.text = 'Unknown' quality = SubElement(epoch, 'quality') quality.text = 'Good' idx_epoch = 0 for i, one_line in enumerate(lines[idx_first_line:]): if clue is not None: if clue not in one_line[idx_clue]: continue if redherring is not None: if redherring in one_line: continue epoch = SubElement(stages, 'epoch') start_time = SubElement(epoch, 'epoch_start') epoch_beg = first_second + (idx_epoch * epoch_length) start_time.text = str(epoch_beg) end_time = SubElement(epoch, 'epoch_end') end_time.text = str(epoch_beg + epoch_length) epoch_stage = SubElement(epoch, 'stage') try: key = one_line[idx_stage] one_stage = stage_key[key] except KeyError: one_stage = 'Unknown''Stage not recognized: ' + key) epoch_stage.text = one_stage quality = SubElement(epoch, 'quality') if one_stage in poor: quality.text = 'Poor' else: quality.text = 'Good' idx_epoch += 1
[docs] def add_bookmark(self, name, time, chan=''): """Add a new bookmark Parameters ---------- name : str name of the bookmark time : (float, float) float with start and end time in s Raises ------ IndexError When there is no selected rater """ try: bookmarks = self.rater.find('bookmarks') except AttributeError: raise IndexError('You need to have at least one rater') new_bookmark = SubElement(bookmarks, 'bookmark') bookmark_name = SubElement(new_bookmark, 'bookmark_name') bookmark_name.text = name bookmark_time = SubElement(new_bookmark, 'bookmark_start') bookmark_time.text = str(time[0]) bookmark_time = SubElement(new_bookmark, 'bookmark_end') bookmark_time.text = str(time[1]) if isinstance(chan, (tuple, list)): chan = ', '.join(chan) event_chan = SubElement(new_bookmark, 'bookmark_chan') event_chan.text = chan
[docs] def remove_bookmark(self, name=None, time=None, chan=None): """if you call it without arguments, it removes ALL the bookmarks.""" bookmarks = self.rater.find('bookmarks') for m in bookmarks: bookmark_name = m.find('bookmark_name').text bookmark_start = float(m.find('bookmark_start').text) bookmark_end = float(m.find('bookmark_end').text) bookmark_chan = m.find('bookmark_chan').text if bookmark_chan is None: # xml doesn't store empty string bookmark_chan = '' if name is None: name_cond = True else: name_cond = bookmark_name == name if time is None: time_cond = True else: time_cond = (time[0] <= bookmark_end and time[1] >= bookmark_start) if chan is None: chan_cond = True else: chan_cond = bookmark_chan == chan if name_cond and time_cond and chan_cond: bookmarks.remove(m)
[docs] def get_bookmarks(self, time=None, chan=None): """ Raises ------ IndexError When there is no selected rater """ # get bookmarks inside window try: bookmarks = self.rater.find('bookmarks') except AttributeError: raise IndexError('You need to have at least one rater') mrks = [] for m in bookmarks: bookmark_start = float(m.find('bookmark_start').text) bookmark_end = float(m.find('bookmark_end').text) bookmark_chan = m.find('bookmark_chan').text if bookmark_chan is None: # xml doesn't store empty string bookmark_chan = '' if time is None: time_cond = True else: time_cond = (time[0] <= bookmark_end and time[1] >= bookmark_start) if chan is None: chan_cond = True else: chan_cond = bookmark_chan == chan if time_cond and chan_cond: one_mrk = {'name': m.find('bookmark_name').text, 'start': bookmark_start, 'end': bookmark_end, 'chan': bookmark_chan.split(', '), # always a list } mrks.append(one_mrk) return mrks
@property def event_types(self): """ Raises ------ IndexError When there is no selected rater """ try: events = self.rater.find('events') except AttributeError: raise IndexError('You need to have at least one rater') return [x.get('type') for x in events]
[docs] def add_event_type(self, name): """ Raises ------ IndexError When there is no selected rater """ if name in self.event_types:'Event type ' + name + ' exists already.') return events = self.rater.find('events') new_event_type = SubElement(events, 'event_type') new_event_type.set('type', name)
[docs] def remove_event_type(self, name): """Remove event type based on name.""" if name not in self.event_types:'Event type ' + name + ' was not found.') events = self.rater.find('events') # list is necessary so that it does not remove in place for e in list(events): if e.get('type') == name: events.remove(e)
[docs] def rename_event_type(self, name, new_name): """Rename event type.""" if name not in self.event_types:'Event type ' + name + ' was not found.') events = self.rater.find('events') for e in list(events): if e.get('type') == name: e.set('type', new_name)
[docs] def add_event(self, name, time, chan=''): """Add event to annotations file. Parameters ---------- name : str Event type name. time : tuple/list of float Start and end times of event, in seconds from recording start. chan : str or list of str, optional Channel or channels associated with event. Raises ------ IndexError When there is no rater / epochs at all """ if name not in self.event_types: self.add_event_type(name) events = self.rater.find('events') pattern = "event_type[@type='" + name + "']" event_type = events.find(pattern) new_event = SubElement(event_type, 'event') event_start = SubElement(new_event, 'event_start') event_start.text = str(time[0]) event_end = SubElement(new_event, 'event_end') event_end.text = str(time[1]) if isinstance(chan, (tuple, list)): chan = ', '.join(chan) event_chan = SubElement(new_event, 'event_chan') event_chan.text = chan event_qual = SubElement(new_event, 'event_qual') event_qual.text = 'Good'
[docs] def add_events(self, event_list, name=None, chan=None, parent=None): """Add series of events. Faster than calling add_event in a loop. Parameters ---------- event_list : list of dict each dict is an event with 'start' and 'end' times name : str, optional save events to this event type. chan : str or list of str, optional save events to this or these channel(s). If None, channel will be read from the event list dict under 'chan' """ if name is not None: evt_name = name if name not in self.event_types: self.add_event_type(name) events = self.rater.find('events') if parent is not None: progress = QProgressDialog('Saving events', 'Abort', 0, len(events) - 1, parent) progress.setWindowModality(Qt.ApplicationModal) for i, evt in enumerate(event_list): if name is None: evt_name = evt['name'] if evt_name not in self.event_types: self.add_event_type(evt_name) pattern = "event_type[@type='" + evt_name + "']" event_type = events.find(pattern) new_event = SubElement(event_type, 'event') event_start = SubElement(new_event, 'event_start') event_start.text = str(evt['start']) event_end = SubElement(new_event, 'event_end') event_end.text = str(evt['end']) one_chan = chan if chan is None: one_chan = evt['chan'] if isinstance(one_chan, (tuple, list)): one_chan = ', '.join(one_chan) event_chan = SubElement(new_event, 'event_chan') event_chan.text = one_chan event_qual = SubElement(new_event, 'event_qual') event_qual.text = 'Good' if parent is not None: progress.setValue(i) if progress.wasCanceled(): return if parent is not None: progress.close()
[docs] def remove_event(self, name=None, time=None, chan=None): """get events inside window.""" events = self.rater.find('events') if name is not None: pattern = "event_type[@type='" + name + "']" else: pattern = "event_type" if chan is not None: if isinstance(chan, (tuple, list)): chan = ', '.join(chan) for e_type in list(events.iterfind(pattern)): for e in e_type: event_start = float(e.find('event_start').text) event_end = float(e.find('event_end').text) event_chan = e.find('event_chan').text if time is None: time_cond = True else: time_cond = allclose(time[0], event_start) and allclose( time[1], event_end) if chan is None: chan_cond = True else: chan_cond = event_chan == chan if time_cond and chan_cond: e_type.remove(e)
[docs] def get_events(self, name=None, time=None, chan=None, stage=None, qual=None, cycle=None): """Get list of events in the file. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional name of the event of interest time : tuple of two float, optional start and end time of the period of interest chan : tuple of str, optional list of channels of interests stage : tuple of str, optional list of stages of interest qual : str, optional epoch signal qualifier (Good or Poor) cycle : list of int, optional list of cycles of interest, numbered starting at 1 Returns ------- list of dict where each dict has 'name' (name of the event), 'start' (start time), 'end' (end time), 'chan' (channels of interest, can be empty), 'stage', 'quality' (signal quality), 'cycle' (sleep period) Raises ------ IndexError When there is no rater / epochs at all """ # get events inside window events = self.rater.find('events') if name is not None: pattern = "event_type[@type='" + name + "']" else: pattern = "event_type" if chan is not None: if isinstance(chan, (tuple, list)): if chan[0] is not None: chan = ', '.join(chan) else: chan = None if stage or qual: ep_starts = [x['start'] for x in self.epochs] if stage: ep_stages = [x['stage'] for x in self.epochs] if qual: ep_quality = [x['quality'] for x in self.epochs] if cycle: cycles = self.get_cycles() ev = [] for e_type in events.iterfind(pattern): event_name = e_type.get('type') for e in e_type: event_start = float(e.find('event_start').text) event_end = float(e.find('event_end').text) event_chan = e.find('event_chan').text event_qual = e.find('event_qual').text if event_chan is None: # xml doesn't store empty string event_chan = '' if stage or qual: pos = bisect_left(ep_starts, event_start) if pos == len(ep_starts): pos -= 1 elif event_start != ep_starts[pos]: pos -= 1 if stage is None: stage_cond = True else: ev_stage = ep_stages[pos] stage_cond = ev_stage in stage if qual is None: qual_cond = True else: ev_qual = ep_quality[pos] qual_cond = ev_qual == qual if cycle is None: cycle_cond = True else: ev_cycle = None for cyc in cycles: cyc_start, cyc_end, cyc_number = cyc if cyc_start <= event_start < cyc_end: ev_cycle = cyc_number break cycle_cond = ev_cycle in cycle if time is None: time_cond = True else: time_cond = time[0] <= event_end and time[1] >= event_start if chan is None: chan_cond = True else: chan_cond = event_chan == chan if (time_cond and chan_cond and stage_cond and qual_cond and cycle_cond): one_ev = {'name': event_name, 'start': event_start, 'end': event_end, 'chan': event_chan.split(', '), # always a list 'stage': '', 'quality': event_qual, 'cycle': '', } if stage is not None: one_ev['stage'] = ev_stage if cycle is not None: one_ev['cycle'] = ev_cycle ev.append(one_ev) return ev
[docs] def create_epochs(self, epoch_length=30, first_second=None): """Create epochs in annotation file. Parameters ---------- epoch_length : int duration in seconds of each epoch first_second : int, optional Time, in seconds from record start, at which the epochs begin """'creating epochs of length ' + str(epoch_length)) if first_second is None: first_second = self.first_second last_sec = ceil((self.last_second - first_second) / epoch_length) * epoch_length stages = self.rater.find('stages') for epoch_beg in range(first_second, last_sec, epoch_length): epoch = SubElement(stages, 'epoch') start_time = SubElement(epoch, 'epoch_start') start_time.text = str(epoch_beg) end_time = SubElement(epoch, 'epoch_end') end_time.text = str(epoch_beg + epoch_length) stage = SubElement(epoch, 'stage') stage.text = 'Unknown' quality = SubElement(epoch, 'quality') quality.text = 'Good'
@property def epochs(self): """Get epochs as generator Returns ------- list of dict each epoch is defined by start_time and end_time (in s in reference to the start of the recordings) and a string of the sleep stage, and a string of the signal quality. If you specify stages_of_interest, only epochs belonging to those stages will be included (can be an empty list). Raises ------ IndexError When there is no rater / epochs at all """ if self.rater is None: raise IndexError('You need to have at least one rater') for one_epoch in self.rater.iterfind('stages/epoch'): epoch = {'start': int(one_epoch.find('epoch_start').text), 'end': int(one_epoch.find('epoch_end').text), 'stage': one_epoch.find('stage').text, 'quality': one_epoch.find('quality').text } yield epoch
[docs] def get_epochs(self, time=None, stage=None, qual=None, chan=None, name=None): """Get list of events in the file. Parameters ---------- time : tuple of two float, optional start and end time of the period of interest stage : tuple of str, optional list of stages of interest qual : str, optional epoch signal qualifier (Good or Poor) chan : None placeholder, to maintain format similar to get_events name : None placeholder, to maintain format similar to get_events Returns ------- list of dict where each dict has 'start' (start time), 'end' (end time), 'stage', 'qual' (signal quality) """ time_cond = True stage_cond = True qual_cond = True valid = [] for ep in self.epochs: if stage: stage_cond = ep['stage'] in stage if qual: qual_cond = ep['quality'] == qual if time: time_cond = time[0] <= ep['start'] and time[1] >= ep['end'] if stage_cond and qual_cond and time_cond: valid.append(ep) return valid
[docs] def get_epoch_start(self, window_start): """ Get the position (seconds) of the nearest epoch. Parameters ---------- window_start : float Position of the current window (seconds) Returns ------- float Position (seconds) of the nearest epoch. """ epoch_starts = [x['start'] for x in self.epochs] idx = asarray([abs(window_start - x) for x in epoch_starts]).argmin() return epoch_starts[idx]
[docs] def get_stage_for_epoch(self, epoch_start, window_length=None, attr='stage'): """Return stage for one specific epoch. Parameters ---------- id_epoch : str index of the epoch attr : str, optional 'stage' or 'quality' Returns ------- stage : str description of the stage. """ for epoch in self.epochs: if epoch['start'] == epoch_start: return epoch[attr] if window_length is not None: epoch_length = epoch['end'] - epoch['start'] if logical_and(window_length < epoch_length, 0 <= \ (epoch_start - epoch['start']) < epoch_length): return epoch[attr]
[docs] def time_in_stage(self, name, attr='stage'): """Return time (in seconds) in the selected stage. Parameters ---------- name : str one of the sleep stages, or qualifiers attr : str, optional either 'stage' or 'quality' Returns ------- int time spent in one stage/qualifier, in seconds. """ return sum(x['end'] - x['start'] for x in self.epochs if x[attr] == name)
[docs] def set_stage_for_epoch(self, epoch_start, name, attr='stage', save=True): """Change the stage for one specific epoch. Parameters ---------- epoch_start : int start time of the epoch, in seconds name : str description of the stage or qualifier. attr : str, optional either 'stage' or 'quality' save : bool whether to save every time one epoch is scored Raises ------ KeyError When the epoch_start is not in the list of epochs. IndexError When there is no rater / epochs at all Notes ----- In the GUI, you want to save as often as possible, even if it slows down the program, but it's the safer option. But if you're converting a dataset, you want to save at the end. Do not forget to save! """ if self.rater is None: raise IndexError('You need to have at least one rater') for one_epoch in self.rater.iterfind('stages/epoch'): if int(one_epoch.find('epoch_start').text) == epoch_start: one_epoch.find(attr).text = name if save: return raise KeyError('epoch starting at ' + str(epoch_start) + ' not found')
[docs] def set_cycle_mrkr(self, epoch_start, end=False): """Mark epoch start as cycle start or end. Parameters ---------- epoch_start: int start time of the epoch, in seconds end : bool If True, marked as cycle end; otherwise, marks cycle start """ if self.rater is None: raise IndexError('You need to have at least one rater') bound = 'start' if end: bound = 'end' for one_epoch in self.rater.iterfind('stages/epoch'): if int(one_epoch.find('epoch_start').text) == epoch_start: cycles = self.rater.find('cycles') name = 'cyc_' + bound new_bound = SubElement(cycles, name) new_bound.text = str(int(epoch_start)) return raise KeyError('epoch starting at ' + str(epoch_start) + ' not found')
[docs] def remove_cycle_mrkr(self, epoch_start): """Remove cycle marker at epoch_start. Parameters ---------- epoch_start: int start time of epoch, in seconds """ if self.rater is None: raise IndexError('You need to have at least one rater') cycles = self.rater.find('cycles') for one_mrkr in cycles.iterfind('cyc_start'): if int(one_mrkr.text) == epoch_start: cycles.remove(one_mrkr) return for one_mrkr in cycles.iterfind('cyc_end'): if int(one_mrkr.text) == epoch_start: cycles.remove(one_mrkr) return raise KeyError('cycle marker at ' + str(epoch_start) + ' not found')
[docs] def clear_cycles(self): """Remove all cycle markers in current rater.""" if self.rater is None: raise IndexError('You need to have at least one rater') cycles = self.rater.find('cycles') for cyc in list(cycles): cycles.remove(cyc)
[docs] def get_cycles(self): """Return the cycle start and end times. Returns ------- list of tuple of float start and end times for each cycle, in seconds from recording start and the cycle index starting at 1 """ cycles = self.rater.find('cycles') if not cycles: return None starts = sorted( [float(mrkr.text) for mrkr in cycles.findall('cyc_start')]) ends = sorted( [float(mrkr.text) for mrkr in cycles.findall('cyc_end')]) cyc_list = [] if not starts or not ends: return None if all(i < starts[0] for i in ends): raise ValueError('First cycle has no start.') for (this_start, next_start) in zip(starts, starts[1:] + [inf]): # if an end is smaller than the next start, make it the end # otherwise, the next_start is the end end_between_starts = [end for end in ends \ if this_start < end <= next_start] if len(end_between_starts) > 1: raise ValueError('Found more than one cycle end for same ' 'cycle') if end_between_starts: one_cycle = (this_start, end_between_starts[0]) else: one_cycle = (this_start, next_start) if one_cycle[1] == inf: raise ValueError('Last cycle has no end.') cyc_list.append(one_cycle) output = [] for i, j in enumerate(cyc_list): cyc = j[0], j[1], i + 1 output.append(cyc) return output
[docs] def switch(self, time=None): """Obtain switch parameter, ie number of times the stage shifts.""" stag_to_int = {'NREM1': 1, 'NREM2': 2, 'NREM3': 3, 'REM': 5, 'Wake': 0} hypno = [stag_to_int[x['stage']] for x in self.get_epochs(time=time) \ if x['stage'] in stag_to_int.keys()] return sum(asarray(diff(hypno), dtype=bool))
[docs] def slp_frag(self, time=None): """Obtain sleep fragmentation parameter, ie number of stage shifts to a lighter stage.""" epochs = self.get_epochs(time=time) stage_int = {'Wake': 0, 'NREM1': 1, 'NREM2': 2, 'NREM3': 3, 'REM': 2} hypno_str = [x['stage'] for x in epochs \ if x['stage'] in stage_int.keys()] hypno_int = [stage_int[x] for x in hypno_str] frag = sum(asarray(clip(diff(hypno_int), a_min=None, a_max=0), dtype=bool)) # N3 to REM doesn't count n3_to_rem = 0 for i, j in enumerate(hypno_str[:-1]): if j == 'NREM3': if hypno_str[i + 1] == 'REM': n3_to_rem += 1 return frag - n3_to_rem
[docs] def latency_to_consolidated(self, lights_off, duration=5, stage=['NREM2', 'NREM3']): """Find latency to the first period of uninterrupted 'stage'. Parameters ---------- lights_off : float lights off time, in seconds form recording start duration : float duration of uninterrupted period, in minutes stage : list of str target stage(s) Returns ------- float latency to the start of the consolidated period, in minutes """ epochs = self.get_epochs() if len(stage) > 1: for ep in epochs: if ep['stage'] in stage: ep['stage'] = 'target' stage = ['target'] hypno = [x['stage'] for x in epochs] groups = groupby(hypno) runs = [(stag, sum(1 for _ in group)) for stag, group in groups] idx_start = 0 for one_stage, n in runs: if (one_stage in stage) and n >= duration * 60 / self.epoch_length: break idx_start += n if idx_start < len(hypno): latency = (epochs[idx_start]['start'] - lights_off) / 60 else: latency = nan return latency
[docs] def export(self, file_to_export, xformat='csv'): """Export epochwise annotations to csv file. Parameters ---------- file_to_export : path to file file to write to """ if 'csv' == xformat: with open(file_to_export, 'w', newline='') as f: csv_file = writer(f) csv_file.writerow(['Wonambi v{}'.format(__version__)]) csv_file.writerow(('clock start time', 'start', 'end', 'stage')) for epoch in self.epochs: epoch_time = (self.start_time + timedelta(seconds=epoch['start'])) csv_file.writerow((epoch_time.strftime('%H:%M:%S'), epoch['start'], epoch['end'], epoch['stage'])) if 'remlogic' in xformat: columns = 'Time [hh:mm:ss]\tEvent\tDuration[s]\n' if 'remlogic_fr' == xformat: columns = 'Heure [hh:mm:ss]\tEvénement\tDurée[s]\n' patient_id = splitext(basename(self.dataset))[0] rec_date = self.start_time.strftime('%d/%m/%Y') stkey = {v:k for k, v in REMLOGIC_STAGE_KEY.items()} stkey['Artefact'] = 'SLEEP-UNSCORED' stkey['Unknown'] = 'SLEEP-UNSCORED' stkey['Movement'] = 'SLEEP-UNSCORED' with open(file_to_export, 'w') as f: f.write('RemLogic Event Export\n') f.write('Patient:\t' + patient_id + '\n') f.write('Patient ID:\t' + patient_id + '\n') f.write('Recording Date:\t' + rec_date + '\n') f.write('\n') f.write('Events Included:\n') for i in sorted(set([stkey[x['stage']] for x in self.epochs])): f.write(i + '\n') f.write('\n') f.write(columns) for epoch in self.epochs: epoch_time = (self.start_time + timedelta(seconds=epoch['start'])) f.write((epoch_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000000') + '\t' + stkey[epoch['stage']] + '\t' + str(self.epoch_length) + '\n'))
[docs] def export_sleep_stats(self, filename, lights_off, lights_on): """Create CSV with sleep statistics. Parameters ---------- filename: str Filename for csv export lights_off: float Initial time when sleeper turns off the light (or their phone) to go to sleep, in seconds from recording start lights_on: float Final time when sleeper rises from bed after sleep, in seconds from recording start Returns ------- float or None If there are no epochs scored as sleep, returns None. Otherwise, returns the sleep onset latency, for testing purposes. Note ---- Total dark time and sleep efficiency does NOT subtract epochs marked as Undefined or Unknown. """ epochs = self.get_epochs() ep_starts = [i['start'] for i in epochs] hypno = [i['stage'] for i in epochs] n_ep_per_min = 60 / self.epoch_length first = {} latency = {} for stage in ['NREM1', 'NREM2', 'NREM3', 'REM']: first[stage] = next(((i, j) for i, j in enumerate(epochs) if \ j['stage'] == stage), None) if first[stage] is not None: latency[stage] = (first[stage][1]['start'] - lights_off) / 60 else: first[stage] = nan latency[stage] = nan idx_loff = asarray([abs(x - lights_off) for x in ep_starts]).argmin() idx_lon = asarray([abs(x - lights_on) for x in ep_starts]).argmin() duration = {} for stage in ['NREM1', 'NREM2', 'NREM3', 'REM', 'Wake', 'Movement', 'Artefact']: duration[stage] = hypno[idx_loff:idx_lon].count( stage) / n_ep_per_min slp_onset = sorted(first.values(), key=lambda x: x[1]['start'] if x is not nan else inf)[0] wake_up = next((len(epochs) - i, j) for i, j in enumerate( epochs[::-1]) if j['stage'] in ['NREM1', 'NREM2', 'NREM3', 'REM']) total_dark_time = (lights_on - lights_off) / 60 #slp_period_time = (wake_up[1]['start'] - slp_onset[1]['start']) / 60 slp_onset_lat = (slp_onset[1]['start'] - lights_off) / 60 waso = hypno[slp_onset[0]:wake_up[0]].count('Wake') / n_ep_per_min wake_mor = (lights_on - wake_up[1]['start']) / 60 #APwake = waso + slp_onset_lat waso_total = sum((waso, wake_mor)) total_slp_period = sum((waso, duration['NREM1'], duration['NREM2'], duration['NREM3'], duration['REM'])) total_slp_time = total_slp_period - waso slp_eff = total_slp_time / total_dark_time switch = self.switch() slp_frag = self.slp_frag() dt_format = '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S' loff_str = (self.start_time + timedelta(seconds=lights_off)).strftime( dt_format) lon_str = (self.start_time + timedelta(seconds=lights_on)).strftime( dt_format) slp_onset_str = (self.start_time + timedelta( seconds=slp_onset[1]['start'])).strftime(dt_format) wake_up_str = (self.start_time + timedelta( seconds=wake_up[1]['start'])).strftime(dt_format) slcnrem5 = self.latency_to_consolidated(lights_off, duration=5, stage=['NREM2', 'NREM3']) slcnrem10 = self.latency_to_consolidated(lights_off, duration=10, stage=['NREM2', 'NREM3']) slcn35 = self.latency_to_consolidated(lights_off, duration=5, stage=['NREM3']) slcn310 = self.latency_to_consolidated(lights_off, duration=10, stage=['NREM3']) cycles = self.get_cycles() if self.get_cycles() else [] cyc_stats = [] for i, cyc in enumerate(cycles): one_cyc = {} cyc_hypno = [x['stage'] for x in self.get_epochs(time=cyc)] one_cyc['duration'] = {} for stage in ['NREM1', 'NREM2', 'NREM3', 'REM', 'Wake', 'Movement', 'Artefact']: one_cyc['duration'][stage] = cyc_hypno.count(stage) # in epochs one_cyc['tst'] = sum([one_cyc['duration'][stage] for stage in [ 'NREM1', 'NREM2', 'NREM3', 'REM']]) one_cyc['tsp'] = one_cyc['tst'] + one_cyc['duration']['Wake'] one_cyc['slp_eff'] = one_cyc['tst'] / one_cyc['tsp'] one_cyc['switch'] = self.switch(time=cyc) one_cyc['slp_frag'] = self.slp_frag(time=cyc) cyc_stats.append(one_cyc) with open(filename, 'w', newline='') as f:'Writing to ' + str(filename)) cf = writer(f) cf.writerow(['Wonambi v{}'.format(__version__)]) cf.writerow(['Variable', 'Acronym', 'Unit 1', 'Value 1', 'Unit 2', 'Value 2', 'Formula']) cf.writerow(['Lights off', 'LOFF', 'dd/mm/yyyy HH:MM:SS', loff_str, 'seconds from recording start', lights_off, 'marker']) cf.writerow(['Lights on', 'LON', 'dd/mm/yyyy HH:MM:SS', lon_str, 'seconds from recording start', lights_on, 'marker']) cf.writerow(['Sleep onset', 'SO', 'dd/mm/yyyy HH:MM:SS', slp_onset_str, 'seconds from recording start', slp_onset[1]['start'], 'first sleep epoch (N1 or N2) - LOFF']) cf.writerow(['Time of last awakening', '', 'dd/mm/yyyy HH:MM:SS', wake_up_str, 'seconds from recording start', wake_up[1]['start'], 'end time of last epoch of N1, N2, N3 or REM']) cf.writerow(['Total dark time (Time in bed)', 'TDT (TIB)', 'Epochs', total_dark_time * n_ep_per_min, 'Minutes', total_dark_time, 'LON - LOFF']) cf.writerow(['Wake duration', 'W', 'Epochs', duration['Wake'] * n_ep_per_min, 'Minutes', duration['Wake'], 'total Wake duration between LOFF and LON']) cf.writerow(['Sleep latency', 'SL', 'Epochs', slp_onset_lat * n_ep_per_min, 'Minutes', slp_onset_lat, 'LON - SO']) cf.writerow(['Wake after sleep onset', 'WASO', 'Epochs', waso * n_ep_per_min, 'Minutes', waso, 'W - SL']) cf.writerow(['Wake, morning', 'Wmor', 'Epochs', wake_mor * n_ep_per_min, 'Minutes', wake_mor, 'total W-SL-WASO']) cf.writerow(['WASO total', 'WASOT', 'Epochs', waso_total * n_ep_per_min, 'Minutes', waso_total, 'WASO + Wmor']) cf.writerow(['N1 duration', '', 'Epochs', duration['NREM1'] * n_ep_per_min, 'Minutes', duration['NREM1'], 'total N1 duration between LOFF and LON']) cf.writerow(['N2 duration', '', 'Epochs', duration['NREM2'] * n_ep_per_min, 'Minutes', duration['NREM2'], 'total N2 duration between LOFF and LON']) cf.writerow(['N3 duration', '', 'Epochs', duration['NREM3'] * n_ep_per_min, 'Minutes', duration['NREM3'], 'total N3 duration between LOFF and LON']) cf.writerow(['REM duration', '', 'Epochs', duration['REM'] * n_ep_per_min, 'Minutes', duration['REM'], 'total REM duration between LOFF and LON']) cf.writerow(['Artefact duration', '', 'Epochs', duration['Artefact'] * n_ep_per_min, 'Minutes', duration['Artefact'], 'total Artefact duration between LOFF and LON']) cf.writerow(['Movement duration', '', 'Epochs', duration['Movement'] * n_ep_per_min, 'Minutes', duration['Movement'], 'total Movement duration between LOFF and LON']) cf.writerow(['Total sleep period', 'TSP', 'Epochs', total_slp_period * n_ep_per_min, 'Minutes', total_slp_period, 'WASO + N1 + N2 + N3 + REM']) cf.writerow(['Total sleep time', 'TST', 'Epochs', total_slp_time * n_ep_per_min, 'Minutes', total_slp_time, 'N1 + N2 + N3 + REM']) cf.writerow(['Sleep efficiency', 'SE', '%', slp_eff * 100, '', '', 'TST / TDT * 100']) cf.writerow(['W % TiB', '', '%', duration['Wake'] * 100 / total_dark_time, '', '', 'W / TDT * 100']) cf.writerow(['N1 % TiB', '', '%', duration['NREM1'] * 100 / total_dark_time, '', '', 'N1 / TDT * 100']) cf.writerow(['N2 % TiB', '', '%', duration['NREM2'] * 100 / total_dark_time, '', '', 'N2 / TDT * 100']) cf.writerow(['N3 % TiB', '', '%', duration['NREM3'] * 100 / total_dark_time, '', '', 'N3 / TDT * 100']) cf.writerow(['REM % TiB', '', '%', duration['REM'] * 100 / total_dark_time, '', '', 'REM / TDT * 100']) cf.writerow(['W % TSP', '', '%', waso * 100 / total_slp_period, '', '', 'WASO / TSP * 100']) cf.writerow(['N1 % TSP', '', '%', duration['NREM1'] * 100 / total_slp_period, '', '', 'N1 / TSP * 100']) cf.writerow(['N2 % TSP', '', '%', duration['NREM2'] * 100 / total_slp_period, '', '', 'N2 / TSP * 100']) cf.writerow(['N3 % TSP', '', '%', duration['NREM3'] * 100 / total_slp_period, '', '', 'N3 / TSP * 100']) cf.writerow(['REM % TSP', '', '%', duration['REM'] * 100 / total_slp_period, '', '', 'REM / TSP * 100']) cf.writerow(['N1 % TST', '', '%', duration['NREM1'] * 100 / total_slp_time, '', '', 'N1 / TST * 100']) cf.writerow(['N2 % TST', '', '%', duration['NREM2'] * 100 / total_slp_time, '', '', 'N2 / TST * 100']) cf.writerow(['N3 % TST', '', '%', duration['NREM3'] * 100 / total_slp_time, '', '', 'N3 / TST * 100']) cf.writerow(['REM % TST', '', '%', duration['REM'] * 100 / total_slp_time, '', '', 'REM / TST * 100']) cf.writerow(['Switch', '', 'N', switch, '', '', 'number of stage shifts']) cf.writerow(['Switch index', '', 'N per epoch', switch / total_slp_period / n_ep_per_min, 'N per minute', switch / total_slp_period, 'switch / TSP']) cf.writerow(['Switch index H', '', 'N per hour', switch / (total_slp_period / 60), '','', 'switch / (TSP / 60)']) cf.writerow(['Sleep fragmentation', '', 'N', slp_frag, '', '', ('number of shifts to a lighter stage ' '(W > N1 > N2 > N3; W > N1 > REM)')]) cf.writerow(['Sleep fragmentation index', 'SFI', 'N per epoch', slp_frag / total_slp_time / n_ep_per_min, 'N per minute', slp_frag / total_slp_time, 'sleep fragmentation / TST']) cf.writerow(['Sleep fragmentation index H', 'SFI H', 'N per hour', slp_frag / (total_slp_time / 60), '', '', 'sleep fragmentation / TST / 60']) cf.writerow(['Sleep latency to N1', 'SLN1', 'Epochs', latency['NREM1'] * n_ep_per_min, 'Minutes', latency['NREM1'], 'first N1 epoch - LOFF']) cf.writerow(['Sleep latency to N2', 'SLN2', 'Epochs', latency['NREM2'] * n_ep_per_min, 'Minutes', latency['NREM2'], 'first N2 epoch - LOFF']) cf.writerow(['Sleep latency to N3', 'SLN3', 'Epochs', latency['NREM3'] * n_ep_per_min, 'Minutes', latency['NREM3'], 'first N3 epoch - LOFF']) cf.writerow(['Sleep latency to REM', 'SLREM', 'Epochs', latency['REM'] * n_ep_per_min, 'Minutes', latency['REM'], 'first REM epoch - LOFF']) cf.writerow(['Sleep latency to consolidated NREM, 5 min', 'SLCNREM5', 'Epochs', slcnrem5 * n_ep_per_min, 'Minutes', slcnrem5, ('start of first uninterrupted 5-minute period of ' 'N2 and/or N3 - LOFF')]) cf.writerow(['Sleep latency to consolidated NREM, 10 min', 'SLCNREM10', 'Epochs', slcnrem10 * n_ep_per_min, 'Minutes', slcnrem10, ('start of first uninterrupted 10-minute period of ' 'N2 and/or N3 - LOFF')]) cf.writerow(['Sleep latency to consolidated N3, 5 min', 'SLCN35', 'Epochs', slcn35 * n_ep_per_min, 'Minutes', slcn35, ('start of first uninterrupted 5-minute period of ' 'N3 - LOFF')]) cf.writerow(['Sleep latency to consolidated N3, 10 min', 'SLCN310', 'Epochs', slcn310 * n_ep_per_min, 'Minutes', slcn310, ('start of first uninterrupted 10-minute period of ' 'N3 - LOFF')]) for i in range(len(cycles)): one_cyc = cyc_stats[i] cf.writerow(['']) cf.writerow([f'Cycle {i + 1}']) cf.writerow(['Cycle % duration', '', '%', (one_cyc['tsp'] * 100 / total_slp_period / n_ep_per_min), '', '', 'cycle TSP / night TSP']) for stage in ['Wake', 'NREM1', 'NREM2', 'NREM3', 'REM', 'Artefact', 'Movement']: cf.writerow([f'{stage} (c{i + 1})', '', 'Epochs', one_cyc['duration'][stage], 'Minutes', one_cyc['duration'][stage] / n_ep_per_min, f'total {stage} duration in cycle {i + 1}']) cf.writerow([f'Total sleep period (c{i + 1})', f'TSP (c{i + 1})', 'Epochs', one_cyc['tsp'], 'Minutes', one_cyc['tsp'] / n_ep_per_min, f'Wake + N1 + N2 + N3 + REM in cycle {i + 1}']) cf.writerow([f'Total sleep time (c{i + 1})', f'TST (c{i + 1})', 'Epochs', one_cyc['tst'], 'Minutes', one_cyc['tst'] / n_ep_per_min, f'N1 + N2 + N3 + REM in cycle {i + 1}']) cf.writerow([f'Sleep efficiency (c{i + 1})', f'SE (c{i + 1})', '%', one_cyc['slp_eff'] * 100, '', '', f'TST / TSP in cycle {i + 1}']) for denom in ['TSP', 'TST']: for stage in ['Wake', 'NREM1', 'NREM2', 'NREM3', 'REM']: cf.writerow([f'{stage} % {denom} (c{i + 1})', '', '%', (one_cyc['duration'][stage] / one_cyc[denom.lower()]) * 100, '', '', f'{stage} / {denom} in cycle {i + 1}']) cf.writerow([f'Switch (c{i + 1})', '', 'N', one_cyc['switch'], '', '', f'number of stage shifts in cycle {i + 1}']) cf.writerow([f'Switch % (c{i + 1})', '', '% epochs', (one_cyc['switch'] / one_cyc['tsp']), '% minutes', (one_cyc['switch'] * n_ep_per_min / one_cyc['tsp']), f'switch / TSP in cycle {i + 1}']) cf.writerow([f'Sleep fragmentation (c{i + 1})', '', 'N', one_cyc['slp_frag'], '', '', 'number of shifts to a lighter stage in cycle ' f'{i + 1}']) cf.writerow([f'Sleep fragmentation index (c{i + 1})', f'SFI (c{i + 1})', '% epochs', (one_cyc['slp_frag'] / one_cyc['tsp']), '% minutes', (one_cyc['slp_frag'] * n_ep_per_min / one_cyc['tsp']), f'sleep fragmentation / TSP in cycle {i + 1}']) return slp_onset_lat, waso, total_slp_time # for testing
[docs] def export_events(self, filename, evt_type=None, chan=None, stage=None, cycle=None): """Export events to CSV Parameters ---------- filename : str path of export file evt_type : list of str, optional event types to export chan : tuple of str, optional list of channels of interests stage : tuple of str, optional list of stages of interest cycle : list of int, optional list of cycles of interest, numbered starting at 1 """ filename = splitext(filename)[0] + '.csv' headings_row = ['Index', 'Start time', 'End time', 'Stitches', 'Stage', 'Cycle', 'Event type', 'Channel'] events = [] if evt_type is None: evt_type = self.event_types for et in evt_type: events.extend(self.get_events(name=et, chan=chan, stage=stage, cycle=cycle)) events = sorted(events, key=lambda evt: evt['start']) if events is None:'No events found.') return with open(filename, 'w', newline='') as f:'Writing to ' + str(filename)) csv_file = writer(f) csv_file.writerow(['Wonambi v{}'.format(__version__)]) csv_file.writerow(headings_row) for i, ev in enumerate(events): csv_file.writerow([i + 1, ev['start'], ev['end'], 0, ev['stage'], ev['cycle'], ev['name'], ', '.join(ev['chan']), ])
[docs] def import_events(self, filename, source='wonambi', rec_start=None, chan_dict=None, chan_grp_name='eeg', parent=None): """Import events from Wonambi CSV event export and write to annot. Parameters ---------- filename : str path to file source : str source program: 'wonambi' or 'remlogic' rec_start : datetime Date and time (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) of recording start. Year is ignored (New Year's Eve celebratory recordings unsupported.) Only required for remlogic. chan_dict : dict for prana. keys are channels as they appear in the prana input file, and values are channels as they appear in the Wonambi GUI (with reference and channel group). chan_grp_name : str for prana. name of the channel group in which to store events. parent : QWidget for GUI progress bar """ events = [] if 'wonambi' == source: with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile: csv_reader = reader(csvfile, delimiter=',') for row in csv_reader: try: int(row[0]) one_ev = {'name': row[6], 'start': float(row[1]), 'end': float(row[2]), 'chan': row[7].split(', '), # always a list 'stage': row[4], 'quality': 'Good' } events.append(one_ev) except ValueError: continue elif 'remlogic' == source: with open(filename, 'r', encoding='ISO-8859-1') as f: lines = f.readlines() time_hdrs = ('Time [hh:mm:ss', 'Heure [hh:mm:ss') idx_header = lines.index(next( l for l in lines if any(hdr in l for hdr in time_hdrs))) header = lines[idx_header].split('\t') header = [s.strip() for s in header] # remove trailing newline idx_time = [i for i, s in enumerate(header) if any( x in s for x in time_hdrs)][0] idx_evt = [i for i, s in enumerate(header) if any( x in s for x in ( 'Event', 'vènement', 'vénement', 'venement') )][0] idx_dur = [i for i, s in enumerate(header) if any( x in s for x in ('Duration', 'Durée') )][0] # French files are in 24-hour time hour24 = 'Heure' in header[idx_time] # Find staging start date date_line = lines[3].strip() stage_start_date = _try_parse_datetime( date_line[date_line.index(':') + 2:], ('%Y/%m/%d', '%d/%m/%Y', '%Y.%m.%d', '%d.%m.%Y')) # Events loop for l in lines[idx_header + 1:]: cells = l.split('\t') one_evttype = cells[idx_evt] # skip epoch staging if 'SLEEP-' in one_evttype: continue clock_start = _remlogic_time(cells[idx_time], stage_start_date, hour24=hour24) start = float((clock_start - rec_start).total_seconds()) one_ev = {'name': one_evttype, 'start': start, 'end': start + float(cells[idx_dur]), 'chan': '', 'stage': '', 'quality': 'Good' } events.append(one_ev) elif 'prana' == source: with open(filename, 'r', encoding='ISO-8859-1') as f: lines = f.readlines() header = lines[0].split('\t') header = [s.strip() for s in header] # remove trailing newline idx_time = header.index('Start') idx_evt = header.index('Type') idx_dur = header.index('Duration') idx_chan = header.index('Channel') stage_start_date = for l in lines[1:]: cells = l.split('\t') one_evttype = cells[idx_evt] clock_start = _prana_time(cells[idx_time], stage_start_date) start = float((clock_start - rec_start).total_seconds()) chan_label_prana = cells[idx_chan].strip() if chan_label_prana == 'All channels': chan = '' elif chan_dict: chan = chan_dict[chan_label_prana] else: # ignores reference active_chan = chan_label_prana[4:6] chan = f'{active_chan} ({chan_grp_name})' one_ev = {'name': one_evttype, 'start': start, 'end': start + float(cells[idx_dur]), 'chan': chan, 'stage': '', 'quality': 'Good' } events.append(one_ev) else: raise ValueError('Unknown source program for events file') self.add_events(events, parent=parent)
[docs] def to_bids(self, tsv_file=None, json_file=None): if tsv_file is None: tsv_file = (splitext(basename(self.xml_file))[0] + '_annotations.tsv') if json_file is None: json_file = (splitext(basename(self.xml_file))[0] + '_annotations.json') header = { 'Description': ("Annotations as marked by visual and/or " "automatic inspection of the data using " "Wonambi open source software."), 'IntendedFor': self.dataset, 'Sources': self.dataset, 'Author': self.current_rater, 'LabelDescription': {'sleep_wake': 'Wakefulness', 'sleep_N1': 'Sleep stage N1', 'sleep_N2': 'Sleep stage N2', 'sleep_N3': 'Sleep stage N3', 'sleep_REM': 'Sleep stage REM', 'artifact': 'Artifact (unspecified)', 'artifact_motion': ('Artifact due to ' 'movement'), 'cycle_start': 'Sleep cycle start', 'cycle_end': 'Sleep cycle end', }, 'RecordingStartTime': _abs_time_str(0, self.start_time), 'EpochDuration': int(self.epoch_length), } epochs = self.get_epochs() events = self.get_events() cycles = self.rater.find('cycles') abst = self.start_time starts = sorted( [float(mrkr.text) for mrkr in cycles.findall('cyc_start')]) ends = sorted( [float(mrkr.text) for mrkr in cycles.findall('cyc_end')]) with open(json_file, 'w') as f: dump(header, f, indent=' ') with open(tsv_file, 'w') as f: f.write('onset\tduration\tlabel\tchannels\tabsolute_time\t' 'quality\n') for e in epochs: f.write('\t'.join([str(e['start']), str(e['end'] - e['start']), BIDS_STAGE_KEY[e['stage']], 'n/a', _abs_time_str(e['start'], abst), e['quality']]) + '\n') for e in events: f.write('\t'.join([str(e['start']), str(e['end'] - e['start']), e['name'], str(e['chan']), _abs_time_str(e['start'], abst), e['quality']]) + '\n') if cycles is not None: starts = sorted( [mrkr.text for mrkr in cycles.findall('cyc_start')]) ends = sorted( [mrkr.text for mrkr in cycles.findall('cyc_end')]) for s in starts: f.write('\t'.join([s, '0', 'cycle_start', 'n/a', _abs_time_str(s, abst), 'n/a']) + '\n') for e in ends: f.write('\t'.join([e, '0', 'cycle_end', 'n/a', _abs_time_str(e, abst), 'n/a']) + '\n')
[docs]def update_annotation_version(xml_file): """Update the fields that have changed over different versions. Parameters ---------- xml_file : path to file xml file with the sleep scoring Notes ----- new in version 4: use 'marker_name' instead of simply 'name' etc new in version 5: use 'bookmark' instead of 'marker' """ with open(xml_file, 'r') as f: s = m = search('<annotations version="([0-9]*)">', s) current = int(m.groups()[0]) if current < 4: s = sub('<marker><name>(.*?)</name><time>(.*?)</time></marker>', '<marker><marker_name>\g<1></marker_name><marker_start>\g<2></marker_start><marker_end>\g<2></marker_end><marker_chan/></marker>', s) if current < 5: s = s.replace('marker', 'bookmark') # note indentation s = sub('<annotations version="[0-9]*">', '<annotations version="5">', s) with open(xml_file, 'w') as f: f.write(s)
def _abs_time_str(delay, abs_start, time_str='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'): return (abs_start + timedelta(seconds=float(delay))).strftime(time_str) def _try_parse_datetime(text, fmts): for fmt in fmts: try: return datetime.strptime(text, fmt) except ValueError: pass raise ValueError('No valid date found.') def _remlogic_time(time_cell, date, hour24): """Reads RemLogic time string to datetime Parameters ---------- time_cell : str entire time cell from text file date : datetime start date from text file hour24 : bool if True, time will be read on 24-hour clock instead of 12-hour clock Returns ------- datetime date and time """ time_str = time_cell[time_cell.index(':') - 2:] if hour24: stage_start_time = _try_parse_datetime(time_str, ('%H:%M:%S', '%H:%M:%S.%f')) start = datetime.combine(, stage_start_time.time()) else: stage_start_time = _try_parse_datetime(time_str, ('%I:%M:%S', '%I:%M:%S.%f')) start = datetime.combine(, stage_start_time.time()) if time_cell[1] == 'U': start = start + timedelta(hours=12) elif time_cell[-8:-10] == '12': start = start + timedelta(hours=12) else: start = start + timedelta(hours=24) return start def _prana_time(time_cell, date): """Reads RemLogic time string to datetime Parameters ---------- time_cell : str entire time cell from text file date : date start date from text file Returns ------- datetime date and time """ stage_start_time = datetime.strptime(time_cell[3:], '%H:%M:%S.%f') start = datetime.combine(date, stage_start_time.time()) if time_cell[1] == '2': start = start + timedelta(hours=24) return start