Source code for wonambi.attr.chan

"""Module to work with channels.

It provides a general class to work with channels. Channels is the general term
that refers to the points where signal comes from, it's an abstract concept.
Electrodes, magnetometer, axiometers and gradiometers are the actual recording
devices measuring the signal. For example, in the case of EEG, you need two
electrodes to have one signal, where one signal is the difference between the
two electrodes.

In other words, the channel is where you want to plot the signal.
from logging import getLogger
from pathlib import Path
from numpy import asarray, ndindex, zeros
from numpy.linalg import norm
from re import match

from ..utils import UnrecognizedFormat, MissingDependency

    from nibabel import load as nload
    from nibabel.affines import apply_affine
except ImportError as err:
    nload = apply_affine = MissingDependency(err)

lg = getLogger(__name__)


def _convert_unit(unit):
    """Convert different names into SI units.

    unit : str
        unit to convert to SI

        unit in SI format.

    SI unit such as mV (milliVolt, mVolt), μV (microVolt, muV).

    if unit is None:
        return ''

    prefix = None
    suffix = None
    if unit[:5].lower() == 'milli':
        prefix = 'm'
        unit = unit[5:]
    elif unit[:5].lower() == 'micro':
        prefix = mu
        unit = unit[5:]
    elif unit[:2].lower() == 'mu':
        prefix = mu
        unit = unit[2:]

    if unit[-4:].lower() == 'volt':
        suffix = 'V'
        unit = unit[:-4]

    if prefix is None and suffix is None:
        unit = unit
    elif prefix is None and suffix is not None:
        unit = unit + suffix
    elif prefix is not None and suffix is None:
        unit = prefix + unit
        unit = prefix + suffix

    return unit

def _read_separated_values(elec_file, sep):

    add documentation to _read_separated_values
    elec_file = Path(elec_file)

    chan_label = []
    with as f:
        num_lines = sum(1 for line in f)
    chan_pos = zeros((num_lines, 3))

    with'r') as f:
        for i, l in enumerate(f):
            a, b, c, d = [t(s) for t, s in zip((str, float, float, float),
            chan_pos[i, :] = [b, c, d]

    return chan_label, chan_pos

[docs]def detect_format(filename): """Detect file format of the channels based on extension. Parameters ---------- filename : Path name of the filename Returns ------- str file format """ filename = Path(filename) if filename.suffix == '.csv': recformat = 'csv' elif filename.suffix == '.sfp': recformat = 'sfp' else: recformat = 'unknown' return recformat
[docs]class Chan(): """Provide class Chan, for individual channels. Parameters ---------- label : str name of the channel xyz : numpy.ndarray or list or tuple 1d vector of 3 elements chtype : str, optional channel type (can be any string) unit : str, optional units, using SI attr : dict dictionary where you can store additional information per channel. Use chan.attr.update({'new_key': new_value}) """ def __init__(self, label, xyz=None, unit=None, attr=None): self.label = label = asarray(xyz) self.unit = _convert_unit(unit) if attr is None: self.attr = {} else: self.attr = attr
[docs]class Channels(): """Provide class Chan, generic class for channel location. You can read from a file, and then you pass only one argument. Or you can directly assign the chan names and the coordinates. Parameters ---------- chan : list of instance of Chan list of channels (which are instances of Chan) Parameters ---------- chan_input : various formats information about the channels Parameters ---------- labels : list of str the name of the channel coords : numpy.ndarray location in 3D, with shape (n_chan, 3) Attributes ---------- chan : list of instance of wonambi.attr.chan.Chan list of channels Raises ------ UnrecognizedFormat If the format is not recognized Notes ----- chan_input can be a csv file without header and with format: label, x-pos, y-pos, z-pos or an sfp file without header and with format: label x-pos y-pos z-pos """ def __init__(self, *args): if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], list): self.chan = args[0] else: self.chan = [] labels = None xyz = None if len(args) == 1: format_ = detect_format(args[0]) if format_ == 'csv': labels, xyz = _read_separated_values(args[0], ',') elif format_ == 'sfp': labels, xyz = _read_separated_values(args[0], ' ') else: raise UnrecognizedFormat('Unrecognized format ("' + format_ + '")') elif len(args) == 2: labels = args[0] if args[1].shape[1] == 3: xyz = args[1] else: raise ValueError('Incorrect shape: the second dimension ' 'should be 3, not ' + str(args[1].shape[1])) for idx, one_label in enumerate(labels): self.chan.append(Chan(one_label, xyz[idx, :])) def __call__(self, func=None): """Return a new instance of Channels, with a subset of channels. Parameters ---------- func : function function to execute on each instance of Chan, should return True or False (include the channel or not). Returns ------- new instance of Channels new instance of Channels, but instances of Chan are not deep-copied """ chans = [] for one_chan in self.chan: if func(one_chan): chans.append(one_chan) return Channels(chans)
[docs] def return_label(self): """Returns the labels for all the channels. Returns ------- list of str list of the channel labels. """ return [x.label for x in self.chan]
[docs] def return_xy(self, labels=None): """Returns the location in xy for some channels. Parameters ---------- labels : list of str, optional the names of the channels. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray a 2xn vector with the position of a channel. Notes ----- Simplest implementation. We should at least use project onto a 2D plane """ xyz = self.return_xyz(labels=labels) xy = asarray(xyz)[:, 1:] return xy
[docs] def return_xyz(self, labels=None): """Returns the location in xy for some channels. Parameters ---------- labels : list of str, optional the names of the channels. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray a 3xn vector with the position of a channel. """ all_labels = self.return_label() if labels is None: labels = all_labels xyz = [] for one_label in labels: idx = all_labels.index(one_label) xyz.append(self.chan[idx].xyz) return asarray(xyz)
[docs] def return_attr(self, attr, labels=None): """return the attributes for each channels. Parameters ---------- attr : str attribute specified in Chan.attr.keys() """ all_labels = self.return_label() if labels is None: labels = all_labels all_attr = [] for one_label in labels: idx = all_labels.index(one_label) try: all_attr.append(self.chan[idx].attr[attr]) except KeyError: possible_attr = ', '.join(self.chan[idx].attr.keys()) lg.debug('key "{}" not found, '.format(attr) + 'possible keys are {}'.format(possible_attr)) all_attr.append(None) return all_attr
@property def n_chan(self): """Returns the number of channels.""" return len(self.chan)
[docs] def export(self, elec_file): """Export channel name and location to file. Parameters ---------- elec_file : Path or str path to file where to save csv """ elec_file = Path(elec_file) if elec_file.suffix == '.csv': sep = ', ' elif elec_file.suffix == '.sfp': sep = ' ' with'w') as f: for one_chan in self.chan: values = ([one_chan.label, ] + ['{:.3f}'.format(x) for x in]) line = sep.join(values) + '\n' f.write(line)
[docs]def assign_region_to_channels(channels, anat, parc_type='aparc', max_approx=3, exclude_regions=None): """Assign a brain region based on the channel location. Parameters ---------- channels : instance of wonambi.attr.chan.Channels channels to assign regions to anat : instance of wonambi.attr.anat.Freesurfer anatomical information taken from freesurfer. parc_type : str 'aparc', 'aparc.a2009s', 'BA', 'BA.thresh', or 'aparc.DKTatlas40' 'aparc.DKTatlas40' is only for recent freesurfer versions max_approx : int, optional approximation to define position of the electrode. exclude_regions : list of str or empty list do not report regions if they contain these substrings. None means that it does not exclude any region. For example, to exclude white matter regions and unknown regions you can use exclude_regions=('White', 'WM', 'Unknown') Returns ------- instance of wonambi.attr.chan.Channels same instance as before, now Chan have attr 'region' """ for one_chan in channels.chan: one_region, approx = anat.find_brain_region(, parc_type, max_approx, exclude_regions) one_chan.attr.update({'region': one_region, 'approx': approx}) return channels
[docs]def find_chan_in_region(channels, anat, region_name): """Find which channels are in a specific region. Parameters ---------- channels : instance of wonambi.attr.chan.Channels channels, that have locations anat : instance of wonambi.attr.anat.Freesurfer anatomical information taken from freesurfer. region_name : str the name of the region, according to FreeSurferColorLUT.txt Returns ------- chan_in_region : list of str list of the channels that are in one region. """ if 'region' not in channels.chan[0].attr.keys():'Computing region for each channel.') channels = assign_region_to_channels(channels, anat) chan_in_region = [] for one_chan in channels.chan: if region_name in one_chan.attr['region']: chan_in_region.append(one_chan.label) return chan_in_region
[docs]def find_channel_groups(chan): """Channels are often organized in groups (different grids / strips or channels in different brain locations), so we use a simple heuristic to get these channel groups. Parameters ---------- chan : instance of Channels channels to group Returns ------- groups : dict channel groups: key is the common string, and the item is a list of labels """ labels = chan.return_label() group_names = {match('([A-Za-z ]+)\d+', label).group(1) for label in labels} groups = {} for group_name in group_names: groups[group_name] = [label for label in labels if label.startswith(group_name)] return groups
[docs]def create_sphere_around_elec(xyz, template_mri, distance=8, freesurfer=None): """Create an MRI mask around an electrode location, Parameters ---------- xyz : ndarray 3x0 array template_mri : path or str (as path) or nibabel.Nifti (path to) MRI to be used as template distance : float distance in mm between electrode and selected voxels freesurfer : instance of Freesurfer to adjust RAS coordinates, see Notes Returns ------- 3d bool ndarray mask where True voxels are within selected distance to the electrode Notes ----- Freesurfer uses two coordinate systems: one for volumes ("RAS") and one for surfaces ("tkReg", "tkRAS", and "Surface RAS"), so the electrodes might be stored in one of the two systems. If the electrodes are in surface coordinates (f.e. if you can plot surface and electrodes in the same space), then you need to convert the coordinate system. This is done by passing an instance of Freesurfer. """ if freesurfer is None: shift = 0 else: shift = freesurfer.surface_ras_shift if isinstance(template_mri, str) or isinstance(template_mri, Path): template_mri = nload(str(template_mri)) mask = zeros(template_mri.shape, dtype='bool') for vox in ndindex(template_mri.shape): vox_ras = apply_affine(template_mri.affine, vox) - shift if norm(xyz - vox_ras) <= distance: mask[vox] = True return mask