Source code for wonambi.bids.utils

from numpy import genfromtxt, empty
from re import search
from json import load

from .find import walk

[docs]def get_json(path, values, ending): # read keys starting from the higher directory to the lowest directory d = {} for filename in reversed(walk(path, values, ending)): with as f: d.update(load(f)) return d
[docs]def get_tsv(path, values, ending): filenames = walk(path, values, ending) if len(filenames) > 0: return read_tsv(filenames[0]) return empty(0)
[docs]def read_tsv(filename): tsv = genfromtxt( fname=filename, delimiter='\t', names=True, dtype=None, # forces it to read strings deletechars='', encoding='utf-8') return tsv
def _match(filename, pattern): m = search(pattern, if m is None: return m else: return