Source code for wonambi.dataset

"""Module has information about the datasets, not data.

from datetime import timedelta, datetime
from math import ceil
from logging import getLogger
from pathlib import Path

from numpy import arange, asarray, concatenate, empty, int64, zeros, ndarray

from .ioeeg import (Abf,
from .ioeeg.bci2000 import _read_header_length
from .datatype import ChanTime
from .utils import UnrecognizedFormat

lg = getLogger('wonambi')

def _convert_time_to_sample(abs_time, dataset):
    """Convert absolute time into samples.

    abs_time : dat
        if it's int or float, it's assumed it's s;
        if it's timedelta, it's assumed from the start of the recording;
        if it's datetime, it's assumed it's absolute time.
    dataset : instance of wonambi.Dataset
        dataset to get sampling frequency and start time

        sample (from the starting of the recording).
    if isinstance(abs_time, datetime):
        abs_time = abs_time - dataset.header['start_time']

    if not isinstance(abs_time, timedelta):
            abs_time = timedelta(seconds=float(abs_time))
        except TypeError as err:
            if isinstance(abs_time, int64):
                # timedelta and int64:
                abs_time = timedelta(seconds=int(abs_time))
                raise err

    sample = int(ceil(abs_time.total_seconds() * dataset.header['s_freq']))
    return sample

[docs]def detect_format(filename): """Detect file format. Parameters ---------- filename : str or Path name of the filename or directory. Returns ------- class used to read the data. list : indices of sessions """ sessions = [1, ] # start counting from 1 filename = Path(filename) if filename.is_dir(): if list(filename.glob('*.stc')) and list(filename.glob('*.erd')): return Ktlx, sessions elif (filename / '').exists(): return Moberg, sessions elif (filename / 'info.xml').exists(): return EgiMff, sessions elif list(filename.glob('*.openephys')): sessions = _count_openephys_sessions(filename) return OpenEphys, sessions elif list(filename.glob('*.txt')): return Text, sessions else: raise UnrecognizedFormat('Unrecognized format for directory ' + str(filename)) else: if filename.suffix == '.won': return Wonambi, sessions if filename.suffix.lower() == '.trc': return Micromed, sessions if filename.suffix == '.set': return EEGLAB, sessions if filename.suffix in ['.edf', '.rec']: return Edf, sessions if filename.suffix == '.abf': return Abf, sessions if filename.suffix == '.vhdr' or filename.suffix == '.eeg': return BrainVision, sessions if filename.suffix == '.dat': # very general try: _read_header_length(filename) except (AttributeError, ValueError): # there is no HeaderLen pass else: return BCI2000, sessions with'rb') as f: file_header = if file_header in (b'NEURALCD', b'NEURALSG', b'NEURALEV'): return BlackRock, sessions elif file_header[:6] == b'MATLAB': # we might need to read more return FieldTrip, sessions if filename.suffix.lower() == '.txt': with'rt') as f: first_line = f.readline() if '.rr' in first_line[-4:]: return LyonRRI, sessions else: raise UnrecognizedFormat('Unrecognized format for file ' + str(filename))
[docs]class Dataset: """Contain specific information and methods, associated with a dataset. Parameters ---------- filename : str or Path name of the file IOClass : class one of the classes of wonambi.ioeeg bids : bool whether you give precedence to the information stored in the accompanying files which are in the BIDS format Attributes ---------- filename : str name of the file IOClass : class format of the file header : dict - subj_id : str subject identification code - start_time : datetime start time of the dataset. If it cannot get the start time from the header, wonambi reads it from the timestamp of the file - s_freq : float sampling frequency - chan_name : list of str list of all the channels - n_samples : int number of samples in the dataset - orig : dict additional information taken directly from the header dataset : instance of a class which depends on format, this requires at least three attributes: - filename - return_hdr - return_dat Notes ----- There is a difference between Dataset.filename and Dataset.dataset.filename because the former is where the file that you want to read (the argument), while the latter is the file that you really read. There might be differences, for example, if the argument points to a file within a directory, or if the file is mapped to memory. """ def __init__(self, filename, IOClass=None, session=None, bids=False): self.filename = Path(filename) if bids: IOClass = BIDS if IOClass is not None: self.IOClass = IOClass else: self.IOClass, sessions = detect_format(filename) if self.IOClass in (OpenEphys, ): if session is None: session = 1 if len(sessions) > 1: lg.warning(f'Multiple sessions in the dataset, selecting the first one. You can specify the session with "session="') lg.debug(f'Reading session {session}') self.dataset = self.IOClass(self.filename, session=session) else: self.dataset = self.IOClass(self.filename) output = self.dataset.return_hdr() hdr = {} hdr['subj_id'] = output[0] hdr['start_time'] = output[1] if hdr['start_time'] is None: hdr['start_time'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.filename.stat().st_mtime) hdr['s_freq'] = output[2] hdr['chan_name'] = output[3] hdr['n_samples'] = output[4] hdr['orig'] = output[5] self.header = hdr
[docs] def read_markers(self, **kwargs): """Return the markers. You can add optional arguments that will be passed to the method specific for each datafile. """ return self.dataset.return_markers(**kwargs)
[docs] def read_videos(self, begtime=None, endtime=None): """Return list of videos with start and end times for a period. Parameters ---------- begtime : int or timedelta or datetime or list start of the data to read; if it's int, it's assumed it's s; if it's timedelta, it's assumed from the start of the recording; if it's datetime, it's assumed it's absolute time. It can also be a list of any of the above type. endtime : int or timedelta or datetime end of the data to read; if it's int, it's assumed it's s; if it's timedelta, it's assumed from the start of the recording; if it's datetime, it's assumed it's absolute time. It can also be a list of any of the above type. Returns ------- list of path list of absolute paths (as str) to the movie files float time in s from the beginning of the first movie when the part of interest starts float time in s from the beginning of the last movie when the part of interest ends Raises ------ OSError when there are no video files at all IndexError when there are video files, but the interval of interest is not in the list of files. """ if isinstance(begtime, datetime): begtime = begtime - self.header['start_time'] if isinstance(begtime, timedelta): begtime = begtime.total_seconds() if isinstance(endtime, datetime): endtime = endtime - self.header['start_time'] if isinstance(endtime, timedelta): endtime = endtime.total_seconds() videos = self.dataset.return_videos(begtime, endtime) """ try except AttributeError: lg.debug('This format does not have video') videos = None """ return videos
[docs] def read_data(self, chan=None, begtime=None, endtime=None, begsam=None, endsam=None, events=None, pre=1, post=1, s_freq=None): """Read the data and creates a ChanTime instance Parameters ---------- chan : list of strings names of the channels to read begtime : int or timedelta or datetime or list start of the data to read; if it's int or float, it's assumed it's s; if it's timedelta, it's assumed from the start of the recording; if it's datetime, it's assumed it's absolute time. It can also be a list of any of the above type. endtime : int or timedelta or datetime end of the data to read; if it's int or float, it's assumed it's s; if it's timedelta, it's assumed from the start of the recording; if it's datetime, it's assumed it's absolute time. It can also be a list of any of the above type. begsam : int first sample (this sample will be included) endsam : int last sample (this sample will NOT be included) events : list of int or of timedelta or of datetime list of the onset time of the events of interest. This option is useful if you want to run a trial-based analysis. pre : float only when "events" is specified, the amount of data before each event to be included (in s). Use a positive number to indicate the time before the event. post : float only when "events" is specified, the amount of data after each event to be included (in s). s_freq : int sampling frequency of the data Returns ------- An instance of ChanTime Notes ----- begsam and endsam follow Python convention, which starts at zero, includes begsam but DOES NOT include endsam. If begtime and endtime are a list, the two lists should have the same length and the data will be stored in trials. If neither begtime or begsam are specified, it starts from the first sample. If neither endtime or endsam are specified, it reads until the end. The time axis will indicate the time in seconds from data.start_time, unless you specify "events". In that case, time will run from -"pre" to +"post". """ data = ChanTime() data.start_time = self.header['start_time'] data.s_freq = s_freq = s_freq if s_freq else self.header['s_freq'] if chan is None: chan = self.header['chan_name'] if not (isinstance(chan, list) or isinstance(chan, tuple) or isinstance(chan, ndarray)): raise TypeError('Parameter "chan" should be a list') else: chan = list(chan) # make sure it's a list add_ref = False if '_REF' in chan: add_ref = True chan[:] = [x for x in chan if x != '_REF'] idx_chan = [self.header['chan_name'].index(x) for x in chan] if begtime is None and begsam is None: begsam = 0 if endtime is None and endsam is None: endsam = self.header['n_samples'] if events is not None: eventssam = self._convert_to_list_with_samples(events) presam = int(pre * s_freq) postsam = int(post * s_freq) begsam = [event - presam for event in eventssam] endsam = [event + postsam for event in eventssam] event_t = arange(-presam, postsam) / s_freq begsam = self._convert_to_list_with_samples(begtime, begsam) endsam = self._convert_to_list_with_samples(endtime, endsam) if len(begsam) != len(endsam): raise ValueError('There should be the same number of start and ' + 'end point') n_trl = len(begsam) data.axis['chan'] = empty(n_trl, dtype='O') data.axis['time'] = empty(n_trl, dtype='O') = empty(n_trl, dtype='O') for i, one_begsam, one_endsam in zip(range(n_trl), begsam, endsam): dataset = self.dataset lg.debug('begsam {0: 6}, endsam {1: 6}'.format(one_begsam, one_endsam)) dat = dataset.return_dat(idx_chan, one_begsam, one_endsam) chan_in_dat = chan if add_ref: zero_ref = zeros((1, one_endsam - one_begsam)) dat = concatenate((dat, zero_ref), axis=0) chan_in_dat.append('_REF')[i] = dat data.axis['chan'][i] = asarray(chan_in_dat, dtype='U') if events is not None: data.axis['time'][i] = event_t else: data.axis['time'][i] = arange(one_begsam, one_endsam) / s_freq return data
def _convert_to_list_with_samples(self, times=None, samples=None): """Convenience function to convert the input into a list of samples""" if times is not None: if not isinstance(times, list): times = [times] samples = [] for one_time in times: samples.append(_convert_time_to_sample(one_time, self)) if not isinstance(samples, list): samples = [samples] return samples
def _count_openephys_sessions(filename): """Open-ephys can have multiple sessions. We count how many files are in the format: - Continuous_Data.openephys - Continuous_Data_2.openephys - Continuous_Data_3.openephys """ sessions = [] for f in filename.glob('*.openephys'): session_number = f.stem[16:] if session_number == '': sessions.append(1) else: sessions.append(int(session_number)) return sorted(sessions)