Source code for wonambi.ioeeg.abf

"""Class to import ABF2.
Adapted from in python-neo. Strongly simplified.
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from numpy import c_, empty, float64, NaN, memmap, dtype, newaxis, array
from os import SEEK_SET
from struct import unpack, calcsize

from .utils import DEFAULT_DATETIME


[docs]class Abf: """Class to read abf file. Only for ABF2, when the data has no gaps (no episodes). Parameters ---------- filename : path to file the name of the filename with extension .won """ def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename
[docs] def return_hdr(self): """Return the header for further use. Returns ------- subj_id : str subject identification code start_time : datetime start time of the dataset s_freq : float sampling frequency chan_name : list of str list of all the channels n_samples : int number of samples in the dataset orig : dict the full header """ with'br') as f: orig = _read_header(f) assert orig['protocol']['nOperationMode'] == 3, 'Only continuous no-gap recordings are supported' assert orig['sections']['SynchArraySection']['llNumEntries'] == 0 assert orig['sections']['SynchArraySection']['uBlockIndex'] == 0 # file format if orig['nDataFormat'] == 0: self.dtype = dtype('i2') elif orig['nDataFormat'] == 1: self.dtype = dtype('f4') chan_name = [] offset = [] gain = [] for ch in orig['listADCInfo']: chan_name.append(ch['ADCChNames'].decode('utf-8').strip()) # compute the gain and offset ch_gain = orig['protocol']['lADCResolution'] / orig['protocol']['fADCRange'] ch_gain *= (ch['fInstrumentScaleFactor'] * ch['fSignalGain'] * ch['fADCProgrammableGain']) if ch['nTelegraphEnable'] == 1: ch_gain *= ch['fTelegraphAdditGain'] gain.append(1 / ch_gain) offset.append(ch['fInstrumentOffset'] - ch['fSignalOffset']) self.offset = array(offset)[:, newaxis] self.gain = array(gain)[:, newaxis] self.head = orig['sections']['DataSection']['uBlockIndex'] * BLOCKSIZE self.n_chan = orig['sections']['ADCSection']['llNumEntries'] assert self.n_chan == len(chan_name) self.n_samples = int(orig['sections']['DataSection']['llNumEntries'] / self.n_chan) subj_id = self.filename.stem try: start_time = (datetime.strptime(str(orig['uFileStartDate']), '%Y%m%d') + timedelta(seconds=orig['uFileStartTimeMS'] / 1000)) except ValueError: # no time given, use placeholder start_time = DEFAULT_DATETIME s_freq = 1.e6 / orig['protocol']['fADCSequenceInterval'] return subj_id, start_time, s_freq, chan_name, self.n_samples, orig
[docs] def return_dat(self, chan, begsam, endsam): """Return the data as 2D numpy.ndarray. Parameters ---------- chan : int or list index (indices) of the channels to read begsam : int index of the first sample endsam : int index of the last sample Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A 2d matrix, with dimension chan X samples. To save memory, the data are memory-mapped, and you cannot change the values on disk. Notes ----- When asking for an interval outside the data boundaries, it returns NaN for those values. """ data = memmap(self.filename, dtype=self.dtype, mode='r', order='F', shape=(self.n_chan, self.n_samples), offset=self.head) dat = data[chan, max((begsam, 0)):min((endsam, self.n_samples))].astype(float64) dat = (dat + self.offset[chan, :]) * self.gain[chan, :] if begsam < 0: pad = empty((dat.shape[0], 0 - begsam)) pad.fill(NaN) dat = c_[pad, dat] if endsam >= self.n_samples: pad = empty((dat.shape[0], endsam - self.n_samples)) pad.fill(NaN) dat = c_[dat, pad] return dat
[docs] def return_markers(self): """I don't know if the ABF contains markers at all. """ return []
def _read_header(fid): """Based on neo/rawio/, but I only kept of data with no-gaps and in one segment. """, SEEK_SET) fFileSignature = assert fFileSignature == b'ABF2', 'only format ABF2 is currently supported' header = {} for key, offset, fmt in headerDescriptionV2: + offset, SEEK_SET) val = unpack(fmt, if len(val) == 1: header[key] = val[0] else: header[key] = val # sections sections = {} for s, sectionName in enumerate(sectionNames): + s * 16) uBlockIndex, uBytes, llNumEntries = unpack('IIl','IIl'))) sections[sectionName] = {} sections[sectionName]['uBlockIndex'] = uBlockIndex sections[sectionName]['uBytes'] = uBytes sections[sectionName]['llNumEntries'] = llNumEntries header['sections'] = sections # strings sections # hack for reading channels names and units['StringsSection']['uBlockIndex'] * BLOCKSIZE) big_string =['StringsSection']['uBytes']) goodstart = -1 for key in [b'AXENGN', b'clampex', b'Clampex', b'CLAMPEX', b'axoscope', b'Clampfit']: goodstart = big_string.find(key) if goodstart != -1: break assert goodstart != -1, 'This file does not contain clampex, axoscope or clampfit in the header' big_string = big_string[goodstart:] strings = big_string.split(b'\x00') # ADC sections header['listADCInfo'] = [] for i in range(sections['ADCSection']['llNumEntries']): # read ADCInfo['ADCSection']['uBlockIndex'] * BLOCKSIZE + sections['ADCSection']['uBytes'] * i) ADCInfo = _read_info_as_dict(fid, ADCInfoDescription) ADCInfo['ADCChNames'] = strings[ADCInfo['lADCChannelNameIndex'] - 1] ADCInfo['ADCChUnits'] = strings[ADCInfo['lADCUnitsIndex'] - 1] header['listADCInfo'].append(ADCInfo) # protocol sections['ProtocolSection']['uBlockIndex'] * BLOCKSIZE) header['protocol'] = _read_info_as_dict(fid, protocolInfoDescription) header['sProtocolPath'] = strings[header['uProtocolPathIndex'] - 1] # DAC sections header['listDACInfo'] = [] for i in range(sections['DACSection']['llNumEntries']): # read DACInfo['DACSection']['uBlockIndex'] * BLOCKSIZE + sections['DACSection']['uBytes'] * i) DACInfo = _read_info_as_dict(fid, DACInfoDescription) DACInfo['DACChNames'] = strings[DACInfo['lDACChannelNameIndex'] - 1] DACInfo['DACChUnits'] = strings[ DACInfo['lDACChannelUnitsIndex'] - 1] header['listDACInfo'].append(DACInfo) """ Not present in test file. No tests, no code. # tags listTag = [] for i in range(sections['TagSection']['llNumEntries']):['TagSection']['uBlockIndex'] * BLOCKSIZE + sections['TagSection']['uBytes'] * i) tag = _read_info_as_dict(fid, TagInfoDescription) listTag.append(tag) header['listTag'] = listTag # EpochPerDAC sections # header['dictEpochInfoPerDAC'] is dict of dicts: # - the first index is the DAC number # - the second index is the epoch number # It has to be done like that because data may not exist # and may not be in sorted order header['dictEpochInfoPerDAC'] = {} for i in range(sections['EpochPerDACSection']['llNumEntries']): # read DACInfo['EpochPerDACSection']['uBlockIndex'] * BLOCKSIZE + sections['EpochPerDACSection']['uBytes'] * i) EpochInfoPerDAC = _read_info_as_dict(fid, EpochInfoPerDACDescription) DACNum = EpochInfoPerDAC['nDACNum'] EpochNum = EpochInfoPerDAC['nEpochNum'] # Checking if the key exists, if not, the value is empty # so we have to create empty dict to populate if DACNum not in header['dictEpochInfoPerDAC']: header['dictEpochInfoPerDAC'][DACNum] = {} header['dictEpochInfoPerDAC'][DACNum][EpochNum] =\ EpochInfoPerDAC """ return header def _read_info_as_dict(fid, values): """Convenience function to read info in axon data to a nicely organized dict. """ output = {} for key, fmt in values: val = unpack(fmt, if len(val) == 1: output[key] = val[0] else: output[key] = val return output headerDescriptionV2 = [ ('fFileSignature', 0, '4s'), ('fFileVersionNumber', 4, '4b'), ('uFileInfoSize', 8, 'I'), ('lActualEpisodes', 12, 'I'), ('uFileStartDate', 16, 'I'), ('uFileStartTimeMS', 20, 'I'), ('uStopwatchTime', 24, 'I'), ('nFileType', 28, 'H'), ('nDataFormat', 30, 'H'), ('nSimultaneousScan', 32, 'H'), ('nCRCEnable', 34, 'H'), ('uFileCRC', 36, 'I'), ('FileGUID', 40, 'I'), ('uCreatorVersion', 56, 'I'), ('uCreatorNameIndex', 60, 'I'), ('uModifierVersion', 64, 'I'), ('uModifierNameIndex', 68, 'I'), ('uProtocolPathIndex', 72, 'I'), ] sectionNames = [ 'ProtocolSection', 'ADCSection', 'DACSection', 'EpochSection', 'ADCPerDACSection', 'EpochPerDACSection', 'UserListSection', 'StatsRegionSection', 'MathSection', 'StringsSection', 'DataSection', 'TagSection', 'ScopeSection', 'DeltaSection', 'VoiceTagSection', 'SynchArraySection', 'AnnotationSection', 'StatsSection', ] protocolInfoDescription = [ ('nOperationMode', 'h'), ('fADCSequenceInterval', 'f'), ('bEnableFileCompression', 'b'), ('sUnused1', '3s'), ('uFileCompressionRatio', 'I'), ('fSynchTimeUnit', 'f'), ('fSecondsPerRun', 'f'), ('lNumSamplesPerEpisode', 'i'), ('lPreTriggerSamples', 'i'), ('lEpisodesPerRun', 'i'), ('lRunsPerTrial', 'i'), ('lNumberOfTrials', 'i'), ('nAveragingMode', 'h'), ('nUndoRunCount', 'h'), ('nFirstEpisodeInRun', 'h'), ('fTriggerThreshold', 'f'), ('nTriggerSource', 'h'), ('nTriggerAction', 'h'), ('nTriggerPolarity', 'h'), ('fScopeOutputInterval', 'f'), ('fEpisodeStartToStart', 'f'), ('fRunStartToStart', 'f'), ('lAverageCount', 'i'), ('fTrialStartToStart', 'f'), ('nAutoTriggerStrategy', 'h'), ('fFirstRunDelayS', 'f'), ('nChannelStatsStrategy', 'h'), ('lSamplesPerTrace', 'i'), ('lStartDisplayNum', 'i'), ('lFinishDisplayNum', 'i'), ('nShowPNRawData', 'h'), ('fStatisticsPeriod', 'f'), ('lStatisticsMeasurements', 'i'), ('nStatisticsSaveStrategy', 'h'), ('fADCRange', 'f'), ('fDACRange', 'f'), ('lADCResolution', 'i'), ('lDACResolution', 'i'), ('nExperimentType', 'h'), ('nManualInfoStrategy', 'h'), ('nCommentsEnable', 'h'), ('lFileCommentIndex', 'i'), ('nAutoAnalyseEnable', 'h'), ('nSignalType', 'h'), ('nDigitalEnable', 'h'), ('nActiveDACChannel', 'h'), ('nDigitalHolding', 'h'), ('nDigitalInterEpisode', 'h'), ('nDigitalDACChannel', 'h'), ('nDigitalTrainActiveLogic', 'h'), ('nStatsEnable', 'h'), ('nStatisticsClearStrategy', 'h'), ('nLevelHysteresis', 'h'), ('lTimeHysteresis', 'i'), ('nAllowExternalTags', 'h'), ('nAverageAlgorithm', 'h'), ('fAverageWeighting', 'f'), ('nUndoPromptStrategy', 'h'), ('nTrialTriggerSource', 'h'), ('nStatisticsDisplayStrategy', 'h'), ('nExternalTagType', 'h'), ('nScopeTriggerOut', 'h'), ('nLTPType', 'h'), ('nAlternateDACOutputState', 'h'), ('nAlternateDigitalOutputState', 'h'), ('fCellID', '3f'), ('nDigitizerADCs', 'h'), ('nDigitizerDACs', 'h'), ('nDigitizerTotalDigitalOuts', 'h'), ('nDigitizerSynchDigitalOuts', 'h'), ('nDigitizerType', 'h'), ] ADCInfoDescription = [ ('nADCNum', 'h'), ('nTelegraphEnable', 'h'), ('nTelegraphInstrument', 'h'), ('fTelegraphAdditGain', 'f'), ('fTelegraphFilter', 'f'), ('fTelegraphMembraneCap', 'f'), ('nTelegraphMode', 'h'), ('fTelegraphAccessResistance', 'f'), ('nADCPtoLChannelMap', 'h'), ('nADCSamplingSeq', 'h'), ('fADCProgrammableGain', 'f'), ('fADCDisplayAmplification', 'f'), ('fADCDisplayOffset', 'f'), ('fInstrumentScaleFactor', 'f'), ('fInstrumentOffset', 'f'), ('fSignalGain', 'f'), ('fSignalOffset', 'f'), ('fSignalLowpassFilter', 'f'), ('fSignalHighpassFilter', 'f'), ('nLowpassFilterType', 'b'), ('nHighpassFilterType', 'b'), ('fPostProcessLowpassFilter', 'f'), ('nPostProcessLowpassFilterType', 'c'), ('bEnabledDuringPN', 'b'), ('nStatsChannelPolarity', 'h'), ('lADCChannelNameIndex', 'i'), ('lADCUnitsIndex', 'i'), ] TagInfoDescription = [ ('lTagTime', 'i'), ('sComment', '56s'), ('nTagType', 'h'), ('nVoiceTagNumber_or_AnnotationIndex', 'h'), ] DACInfoDescription = [ ('nDACNum', 'h'), ('nTelegraphDACScaleFactorEnable', 'h'), ('fInstrumentHoldingLevel', 'f'), ('fDACScaleFactor', 'f'), ('fDACHoldingLevel', 'f'), ('fDACCalibrationFactor', 'f'), ('fDACCalibrationOffset', 'f'), ('lDACChannelNameIndex', 'i'), ('lDACChannelUnitsIndex', 'i'), ('lDACFilePtr', 'i'), ('lDACFileNumEpisodes', 'i'), ('nWaveformEnable', 'h'), ('nWaveformSource', 'h'), ('nInterEpisodeLevel', 'h'), ('fDACFileScale', 'f'), ('fDACFileOffset', 'f'), ('lDACFileEpisodeNum', 'i'), ('nDACFileADCNum', 'h'), ('nConditEnable', 'h'), ('lConditNumPulses', 'i'), ('fBaselineDuration', 'f'), ('fBaselineLevel', 'f'), ('fStepDuration', 'f'), ('fStepLevel', 'f'), ('fPostTrainPeriod', 'f'), ('fPostTrainLevel', 'f'), ('nMembTestEnable', 'h'), ('nLeakSubtractType', 'h'), ('nPNPolarity', 'h'), ('fPNHoldingLevel', 'f'), ('nPNNumADCChannels', 'h'), ('nPNPosition', 'h'), ('nPNNumPulses', 'h'), ('fPNSettlingTime', 'f'), ('fPNInterpulse', 'f'), ('nLTPUsageOfDAC', 'h'), ('nLTPPresynapticPulses', 'h'), ('lDACFilePathIndex', 'i'), ('fMembTestPreSettlingTimeMS', 'f'), ('fMembTestPostSettlingTimeMS', 'f'), ('nLeakSubtractADCIndex', 'h'), ('sUnused', '124s'), ] EpochInfoPerDACDescription = [ ('nEpochNum', 'h'), ('nDACNum', 'h'), ('nEpochType', 'h'), ('fEpochInitLevel', 'f'), ('fEpochLevelInc', 'f'), ('lEpochInitDuration', 'i'), ('lEpochDurationInc', 'i'), ('lEpochPulsePeriod', 'i'), ('lEpochPulseWidth', 'i'), ('sUnused', '18s'), ]