"""Module to read open-ephys .continuous files
It assumes that the lenght of a block (i.e. record) is 1024 data points but this
might change in the future.
from datetime import datetime
from logging import getLogger
import locale
from struct import unpack, calcsize
from math import ceil
from re import search, match
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from numpy import array, empty, NaN, fromfile, unique, where, arange, hstack, vstack, concatenate
lg = getLogger(__name__)
HDR_LENGTH = 1024 # this is fixed
BLK_LENGTH = 1024 # this is currently fixed but might change in the future
BEG_BLK = '<qHH' # time information and indices
DAT_FMT = '>' + BLK_LENGTH * 'h' # actual data, big-endian
END_BLK = 10 * 'B' # control values
BEG_BLK_SIZE = calcsize(BEG_BLK)
DAT_FMT_SIZE = calcsize(DAT_FMT)
3: 'TTL Event',
5: 'Network Event',
'Network Event',
[docs]class OpenEphys:
"""Provide class OpenEphys, which can be used to read the folder
containing Open-Ephys .continuous files
filename : Path
Full path for the OpenEphys folder
session : int
session number (starting at 1, based on open-ephys convention)
channels : list of dict
list of filenames referring to channels which are actually on disk
blocks : 1D array
length of each block, in samples (currently 1024)
gain : 1D array
gain to convert digital to microvolts (one value per channel)
def __init__(self, filename, session=1):
if session == 1:
self.session = ''
self.session = f'_{session:d}'
self.filename = filename.resolve()
self.openephys_file = filename / f'Continuous_Data{self.session}.openephys'
self.settings_xml = filename / f'settings{self.session}.xml'
self.messages_file = filename / f'messages{self.session}.events'
self.events_file = filename / f'all_channels{self.session}.events'
[docs] def return_hdr(self):
"""Return the header for further use.
subj_id : str
subject identification code
start_time : datetime
start time of the dataset
s_freq : float
sampling frequency
chan_name : list of str
list of all the channels
n_samples : int
number of samples in the dataset
orig : dict
currently empty for open-ephys
subj_id = self.filename.stem # use directory name as subject name
start_time = _read_date(self.settings_xml)
self.recordings = _read_openephys(self.openephys_file)
self.s_freq = self.recordings[0]['s_freq']
channels = self.recordings[0]['channels']
self.segments, self.messages, self.offset = _read_messages_events(self.messages_file)
# only use channels that are actually in the folder
chan_name = []
self.channels = []
gain = []
for chan in channels:
channel_filename = (self.filename / chan['filename'])
if channel_filename.exists():
ch_gain = _check_header(channel_filename, self.s_freq, self.offset)
lg.warning(f'could not find {chan["filename"]} in {self.filename}')
self.gain = array(gain)
# read data structure (recordings can have multiple segments)
data_offset = [int(x['channels'][0]['position']) for x in self.recordings]
for i in range(len(self.segments) - 1):
self.segments[i]['length'] = int((data_offset[i + 1] - data_offset[i]) / BLK_SIZE * BLK_LENGTH)
self.segments[i]['data_offset'] = data_offset[i]
self.segments[-1]['data_offset'] = data_offset[-1]
file_length = channel_filename.stat().st_size
self.segments[-1]['length'] = int((file_length - data_offset[-1]) / BLK_SIZE * BLK_LENGTH)
for seg in self.segments:
seg['end'] = seg['start'] + seg['length']
n_samples = self.segments[-1]['end']
self.blocks_dat, self.blocks_offset = _prepare_blocks(self.segments)
orig = {}
return subj_id, start_time, self.s_freq, chan_name, n_samples, orig
[docs] def return_dat(self, chan, begsam, endsam):
"""Read the data for some/all of the channels
chan : list of int
indices of the channels to read
begsam : int
start sample to read
endsam : int
end sample to read (exclusive)
2D array
chan X samples recordings
data_length = endsam - begsam
dat = empty((len(chan), data_length))
all_blocks = _select_blocks(self.blocks_dat, begsam, endsam)
for i_chan, sel_chan in enumerate(chan):
with self.channels[sel_chan].open('rb') as f:
for i_block in all_blocks:
i_dat = self.blocks_dat[i_block, :] - begsam
i_disk = self.blocks_offset[i_block].item()
# read only data (no timestamp or record marker)
x = array(unpack(DAT_FMT, f.read(DAT_FMT_SIZE)))
beg_dat = max(i_dat[0], 0)
end_dat = min(i_dat[1], data_length)
beg_x = max(0, - i_dat[0])
segment_length = min(i_dat[1], data_length) - i_dat[0]
end_x = min(len(x), segment_length)
dat[i_chan, beg_dat:end_dat] = x[beg_x:end_x]
return dat * self.gain[chan, None]
[docs] def return_markers(self):
"""Read the markers from the .events file
all_markers = (
+ _segments_to_markers(self.segments, self.offset)
+ _read_all_channels_events(self.events_file, self.s_freq, self.offset)
return sorted(all_markers, key=lambda x: x['start'])
def _read_openephys(openephys_file):
"""Read the channel labels and their respective files from the
'Continuous_Data.openephys' file
openephys_file : Path
path to Continuous_Data.openephys inside the open-ephys folder
sampling frequency
list of dict
list of channels containing the label, the filename and the gain
Check that all the recordings have the same channels and frequency
root = ElementTree.parse(openephys_file).getroot()
recordings = []
for recording in root:
's_freq': float(recording.attrib['samplerate']),
'number': int(recording.attrib['number']),
'channels': [],
channels = []
for processor in recording:
for channel in processor:
recordings[-1]['channels'] = channels
return recordings
def _read_date(settings_file):
"""Get the data from the settings.xml file
settings_file : Path
path to settings.xml inside open-ephys folder
start time of the recordings
The start time is present in the header of each file. This might be useful
if 'settings.xml' is not present.
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, 'en_US.utf-8')
root = ElementTree.parse(settings_file).getroot()
for e0 in root:
if e0.tag == 'INFO':
for e1 in e0:
if e1.tag == 'DATE':
return datetime.strptime(e1.text, '%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S')
def _read_header(filename):
"""Read the text header for each file
channel_file : Path
path to single filename with the header
the timestamp of the first sample in the data. It's like an offset for
the data. It's necessary to align with the clock time and the markers.
with filename.open('rb') as f:
h = f.read(HDR_LENGTH).decode()
header = {}
for line in h.split('\n'):
if '=' in line:
key, value = line.split(' = ')
key = key.strip()[7:]
value = value.strip()[:-1]
header[key] = value
first_timestamp = unpack('q', f.read(8))[0]
return header, first_timestamp
def _check_header(channel_file, s_freq, offset):
"""For each file, make sure that the header is consistent with the
information in the text file.
channel_file : Path
path to single filename with the header
s_freq : int
sampling frequency
offset : int
offset of the first timestamp
gain from digital to microvolts (the same information is stored in
the Continuous_Data.openephys but I trust the header for each file more.
the timestamp of the first sample in the data. It's like an offset for
the data. It's necessary to align with the clock time and the markers.
hdr, first_timestamp = _read_header(channel_file)
assert int(hdr['header_bytes']) == HDR_LENGTH
assert int(hdr['blockLength']) == BLK_LENGTH
assert int(hdr['sampleRate']) == s_freq
assert first_timestamp == offset
return float(hdr['bitVolts'])
def _segments_to_markers(segments, first_timestamp):
mrk = []
for i, seg in enumerate(segments):
'name': f'START RECORDING #{i}',
'chan': None,
'start': seg['start'] / seg['s_freq'],
'end': seg['start'] / seg['s_freq'],
'name': f'END RECORDING #{i}',
'chan': None,
'start': seg['end'] / seg['s_freq'],
'end': seg['end'] / seg['s_freq'],
return mrk
def _read_messages_events(messages_file):
messages = []
segments = []
header = True
with messages_file.open() as f:
for l in f:
m_time = search(r'\d+ Software time: (\d+)@\d+Hz', l)
m_start = search(r'start time: (\d+)@(\d+)Hz', l)
m_event = match(r'(\d+) (.+)', l)
if m_time:
# ignore Software time
elif m_start:
if header:
offset = int(m_start.group(1))
s_freq = int(m_start.group(2))
header = False
'start': int(m_start.group(1)) - offset,
's_freq': int(m_start.group(2)),
elif m_event:
time = int(m_event.group(1))
'name': m_event.group(2),
'start': (time - offset) / s_freq,
'end': (time - offset) / s_freq,
'chan': None,
return segments, messages, offset
def _read_all_channels_events(events_file, s_freq, offset):
file_read = [
('timestamps', '<i8'),
('sampleNum', '<i2'),
('eventType', '<u1'),
('nodeId', '<u1'),
('eventId', '<u1'),
('channel', '<u1'),
('recordingNumber', '<u2'),
with events_file.open('rb') as f:
evt = fromfile(f, file_read)
mrk = []
for evt_type in unique(evt['eventType']):
timestamps = evt[evt['eventType'] == evt_type]['timestamps']
onsets = timestamps[::2]
offsets = timestamps[1::2]
for i_on, i_off in zip(onsets, offsets):
'name': EVENT_TYPES[evt_type],
'start': (i_on - offset) / s_freq,
'end': (i_off - offset) / s_freq,
'chan': None,
# skip some events (like Network Events) which are not very useful
mrk = [evt for evt in mrk if not evt['name'] in IGNORE_EVENTS]
return mrk
def _prepare_blocks(segments):
blocks_dat = []
blocks_offset = []
for seg in segments:
n_blocks = ceil(seg['length'] / BLK_LENGTH)
arange(n_blocks) * BLK_LENGTH + seg['start'],
arange(n_blocks) * BLK_LENGTH + BLK_LENGTH + seg['start'],
arange(n_blocks) * BLK_SIZE + seg['data_offset'] + BEG_BLK_SIZE)
blocks_dat = hstack(blocks_dat).T
blocks_offset = concatenate(blocks_offset)
return blocks_dat, blocks_offset
def _select_blocks(blocks_dat, begsam, endsam):
all_blocks = ((blocks_dat[:, 1] - begsam) > 0) & ((endsam - blocks_dat[:, 0]) > 0)
return where(all_blocks)[0]