Source code for wonambi.ioeeg.text

"""Class to import straight text records.
from logging import getLogger
from numpy import empty, float64, floor
from os import listdir
from os.path import splitext
from pathlib import Path

from .utils import DEFAULT_DATETIME

lg = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Text: """Class to read text format records. The record consists of a directory containing txt files. Each file is a channel. The first line of each file is the sampling rate, and the following lines are single data points, in scientific notation. Only supports a single sampling rate for all channels. Parameters ---------- rec_dir : path to record directory the folder containing the record Notes ----- Text is a very slow format for reading data. It is best to use this class to import the record, then to export is as a Wonambi (.won) file, and use that for reading. """ def __init__(self, rec_dir):'Reading ' + str(rec_dir)) self.filename = rec_dir self.hdr = self.return_hdr() # range data are absent self.dig_min = -0.000512 # estimated from min values self.dig_max = 0.000512 # estimated from max values self.phys_min = -800 # estimate self.phys_max = 800 # estimate
[docs] def return_hdr(self): """Return the header for further use. Returns ------- subj_id : str subject identification code start_time : datetime start time of the dataset s_freq : float sampling frequency chan_name : list of str list of all the channels n_samples : int number of samples in the dataset orig : dict the full header """ foldername = Path(self.filename) chan_files = self.chan_files = [] hdr = {} hdr['chan_name'] = [] hdr['start_time'] = DEFAULT_DATETIME for file in listdir(self.filename): base, suffix = splitext(file) if suffix == '.txt': if base[-3:] == 'hyp': self.hypno_file = file else: chan_files.append(foldername / file) chan_name = base[base.index('_') + 1:] hdr['chan_name'].append(chan_name) hdr['subj_id'] = base[:base.index('_')] if not chan_files: raise FileNotFoundError('No channel found.') return with open(chan_files[0], 'rt') as f: line0 = f.readline() hdr['s_freq'] = int( line0[line0.index('Rate:') + 5:line0.index('Hz')]) for i, _ in enumerate(f): pass hdr['n_samples'] = i output = (hdr['subj_id'], hdr['start_time'], hdr['s_freq'], hdr['chan_name'], hdr['n_samples'], hdr) return output
[docs] def return_dat(self, chan, begsam, endsam): """Return the data as 2D numpy.ndarray. Parameters ---------- chan : list of int index (indices) of the channels to read begsam : int index of the first sample (inclusively) endsam : int index of the last sample (exclusively) Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A 2d matrix, with dimension chan X samples. """ #n_sam = self.hdr[4] interval = endsam - begsam dat = empty((len(chan), interval)) #beg_block = floor((begsam / n_sam) * n_block) #end_block = floor((endsam / n_sam) * n_block) for i, chan in enumerate(chan): k = 0 with open(self.chan_files[chan], 'rt') as f: f.readline() for j, datum in enumerate(f): if begsam <= j + 1 < endsam: dat[i, k] = float64(datum) k += 1 if k == interval: break # calibration phys_range = self.phys_max - self.phys_min dig_range = self.dig_max - self.dig_min gain = phys_range / dig_range dat *= gain return dat
[docs] def return_markers(self): """There are no markers in this format. """ return []
#============================================================================== # def split_file(filepath, lines_per_file=100): # """splits file at `filepath` into sub-files of length `lines_per_file` # """ # lpf = lines_per_file # path, filename = split(filepath) # with open(filepath, 'r') as r: # name, ext = splitext(filename) # try: # w = open(join(path, '{}_{}{}'.format(name, 0, ext)), 'w') # for i, line in enumerate(r): # if not i % lpf: # #possible enhancement: don't check modulo lpf on each pass # #keep a counter variable, and reset on each checkpoint lpf. # w.close() # filename = join(path, # name, # '{}{}'.format(i, ext)) # w = open(filename, 'w') # w.write(line) # finally: # w.close() #==============================================================================