from logging import getLogger
from numpy import (asarray, diff, empty, isinf, nan, nanargmax, nanargmin,
negative, ones, sign, where)
from scipy.signal import fftconvolve
lg = getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def peaks(data, method='max', axis='time', limits=None):
"""Return the values of an index where the data is at max or min
method : str, optional
'max' or 'min'
axis : str, optional
the axis where you want to detect the peaks
limits : tuple of two values, optional
the lowest and highest limits where to search for the peaks
data : instance of Data
one of the datatypes
instance of Data
with one dimension less that the input data. The actual values in
the data can be not-numberic, for example, if you look for the
max value across electrodes
This function is useful when you want to find the frequency value at which
the power is the largest, or to find the time point at which the signal is
largest, or the channel at which the activity is largest.
idx_axis = data.index_of(axis)
output = data._copy()
for trl in range(data.number_of('trial')):
values = data.axis[axis][trl]
dat = data(trial=trl)
if limits is not None:
limits = (values < limits[0]) | (values > limits[1])
idx = [slice(None)] * len(data.list_of_axes)
idx[idx_axis] = limits
dat[idx] = nan
if method == 'max':
peak_val = nanargmax(dat, axis=idx_axis)
elif method == 'min':
peak_val = nanargmin(dat, axis=idx_axis)[trl] = values[peak_val]
return output
[docs]def get_slopes(data, s_freq, level='all', smooth=0.05):
"""Get the slopes (average and/or maximum) for each quadrant of a slow
wave, as well as the combination of quadrants 2 and 3.
data : ndarray
raw data as vector
s_freq : int
sampling frequency
level : str
if 'average', returns average slopes (uV / s). if 'maximum', returns
the maximum of the slope derivative (uV / s**2). if 'all', returns all.
smooth : float or None
if not None, signal will be smoothed by moving average, with a window
of this duration
tuple of ndarray
each array is len 5, with q1, q2, q3, q4 and q23. First array is
average slopes and second is maximum slopes.
This function is made to take automatically detected start and end
times AS WELL AS manually delimited ones. In the latter case, the first
and last zero has to be detected within this function.
data = negative(data) # legacy code
nan_array = empty((5,))
nan_array[:] = nan
idx_trough = data.argmin()
idx_peak = data.argmax()
if idx_trough >= idx_peak:
return nan_array, nan_array
zero_crossings_0 = where(diff(sign(data[:idx_trough])))[0]
zero_crossings_1 = where(diff(sign(data[idx_trough:idx_peak])))[0]
zero_crossings_2 = where(diff(sign(data[idx_peak:])))[0]
if zero_crossings_1.any():
idx_zero_1 = idx_trough + zero_crossings_1[0]
return nan_array, nan_array
if zero_crossings_0.any():
idx_zero_0 = zero_crossings_0[-1]
idx_zero_0 = 0
if zero_crossings_2.any():
idx_zero_2 = idx_peak + zero_crossings_2[0]
idx_zero_2 = len(data) - 1
avgsl = nan_array
if level in ['average', 'all']:
q1 = data[idx_trough] / ((idx_trough - idx_zero_0) / s_freq)
q2 = data[idx_trough] / ((idx_zero_1 - idx_trough) / s_freq)
q3 = data[idx_peak] / ((idx_peak - idx_zero_1) / s_freq)
q4 = data[idx_peak] / ((idx_zero_2 - idx_peak) / s_freq)
q23 = (data[idx_peak] - data[idx_trough]) \
/ ((idx_peak - idx_trough) / s_freq)
avgsl = asarray([q1, q2, q3, q4, q23])
avgsl[isinf(avgsl)] = nan
maxsl = nan_array
if level in ['maximum', 'all']:
if smooth is not None:
win = int(smooth * s_freq)
flat = ones(win)
data = fftconvolve(data, flat / sum(flat), mode='same')
if idx_trough - idx_zero_0 >= win:
maxsl[0] = min(diff(data[idx_zero_0:idx_trough]))
if idx_zero_1 - idx_trough >= win:
maxsl[1] = max(diff(data[idx_trough:idx_zero_1]))
if idx_peak - idx_zero_1 >= win:
maxsl[2] = max(diff(data[idx_zero_1:idx_peak]))
if idx_zero_2 - idx_peak >= win:
maxsl[3] = min(diff(data[idx_peak:idx_zero_2]))
if idx_peak - idx_trough >= win:
maxsl[4] = max(diff(data[idx_trough:idx_peak]))
maxsl[isinf(maxsl)] = nan
return avgsl, maxsl