Source code for wonambi.widgets.analysis

"""Dialogs for analyses, such as power spectra, PAC, event parameters
from logging import getLogger

from numpy import (abs, angle, asarray, ceil, diff, empty, floor, inf,
                   logical_and, logical_or, mean, ravel, stack, zeros)
from functools import partial
from csv import writer
from os.path import basename, splitext

    from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg \
        import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas
    from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg \
        import NavigationToolbar2QT as NavigationToolbar
    from matplotlib.figure import Figure
except ImportError:
    FigureCanvas = object
    Figure = None

    from tensorpac import Pac
    from tensorpac.pacstr import pacstr
except ImportError:
    Pac = pacstr = None

    from fooof import FOOOF
except ImportError:
    FOOOF = None

from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QAbstractItemView,

from .. import ChanFreq, __version__
from ..trans import (math, filter_, frequency, get_descriptives,
                     fetch, get_times)
from ..trans.analyze import (event_params, export_event_params,
                             export_freq, export_freq_band)
from .modal_widgets import ChannelDialog
from .utils import (FormStr, FormInt, FormFloat, FormBool, FormMenu, FormRadio,
                    FormSpin, freq_from_str, short_strings, STAGE_NAME, ICON)

lg = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class AnalysisDialog(ChannelDialog): """Dialog for specifying various types of analyses: per event, per epoch or per entire segments of signal. PSD, PAC, event metrics. Option to transform signal before analysis. Creates a pickle object. Attributes ---------- parent : instance of QMainWindow the main window nseg : int number of segments in current selection """ def __init__(self, parent): ChannelDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.setWindowTitle('Analysis console') self.filename = None self.event_types = None self.one_grp = None self.tab_freq = None self.tab_pac = None self.tab_evt = None self.nseg = 0 self.create_dialog()
[docs] def create_dialog(self): """Create the dialog.""" bbox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) self.idx_ok = bbox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Ok) self.idx_cancel = bbox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) """ ------ FILE LOCATION ------ """ box_file = QGroupBox('File location') filebutton = QPushButton('Choose') filebutton.clicked.connect(self.save_as) self.idx_filename = filebutton flayout = QFormLayout() box_file.setLayout(flayout) flayout.addRow('Filename', self.idx_filename) """ ------ N_SEG ------ """ box_nseg = QGroupBox('Info') self.show_nseg = QLabel('') form = QFormLayout(box_nseg) form.addRow(self.show_nseg) """ ------ LOCATION ------ """ box_loc = QGroupBox('Location') cghl = QHBoxLayout() cghl.addWidget(QLabel('Channel group')) cghl.addWidget(self.idx_group) cghl.addStretch(1) grid = QGridLayout(box_loc) grid.addLayout(cghl, 0, 0, 1, 3) grid.addWidget(QLabel('Channel(s)'), 1, 0) grid.addWidget(QLabel('Cycle(s)'), 1, 1) grid.addWidget(QLabel('Stage(s)'), 1, 2) grid.addWidget(self.idx_chan, 2, 0) grid.addWidget(self.idx_cycle, 2, 1) grid.addWidget(self.idx_stage, 2, 2) """ ------ CHUNKING ------ """ box_chunk = QGroupBox('Chunking') self.chunk = {} self.chunk['event'] = FormRadio('by e&vent') self.evt_chan_only = FormBool('Channel-specific') self.chunk['epoch'] = FormRadio('by e&poch') self.epoch_param = epop = {} self.lock_to_staging = FormBool('Lock to staging epochs') epop['dur_label'] = QLabel('Duration (sec)') epop['dur'] = FormFloat(30.) epop['overlap'] = FormRadio('Overlap (0-1)') epop['step'] = FormRadio('Step (sec)') epop['overlap_val'] = QDoubleSpinBox() epop['overlap_val'].setRange(0, 0.9) epop['overlap_val'].setSingleStep(0.1) epop['overlap_val'].setValue(0.) epop['step_val'] = FormFloat(30.) self.chunk['segment'] = FormRadio('by longest &run') evt_box = QListWidget() evt_box.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) self.idx_evt_type = evt_box chunk_grp = QButtonGroup(box_chunk) chunk_grp.addButton(self.chunk['event']) chunk_grp.addButton(self.chunk['epoch']) chunk_grp.addButton(self.chunk['segment']) epoch_grp = QButtonGroup(box_chunk) epoch_grp.addButton(epop['overlap']) epoch_grp.addButton(epop['step']) grid = QGridLayout(box_chunk) grid.addWidget(self.chunk['event'], 0, 0, 1, 3) grid.addWidget(QLabel(' '), 1, 0) grid.addWidget(self.evt_chan_only, 1, 1, 1, 2) grid.addWidget(self.idx_evt_type, 2, 1, 3, 2) grid.addWidget(self.chunk['epoch'], 0, 3, 1, 3) grid.addWidget(QLabel(' '), 1, 3) grid.addWidget(self.lock_to_staging, 1, 4, 1, 2) grid.addWidget(epop['dur_label'], 2, 4) grid.addWidget(epop['dur'], 2, 5) grid.addWidget(epop['overlap'], 3, 4) grid.addWidget(epop['overlap_val'], 3, 5) grid.addWidget(epop['step'], 4, 4) grid.addWidget(epop['step_val'], 4, 5) grid.addWidget(self.chunk['segment'], 0, 6) """ ------ REJECTION ------ """ box_r = QGroupBox('Rejection') self.min_dur = FormFloat(0.0) self.reject_epoch = FormBool('Exclude Poor signal epochs') self.reject_event = FormMenu(['none', 'channel-specific', 'from any channel']) flayout = QFormLayout() box_r.setLayout(flayout) flayout.addRow(self.reject_epoch) flayout.addRow('Exclude Artefact events', self.reject_event) flayout.addRow('Minimum duration (sec)', self.min_dur) """ ------ CONCATENATION ------ """ box_c = QGroupBox('Concatenation') = {}['chan'] = FormBool('Concatenate channels')['cycle'] = FormBool('Concatenate cycles')['stage'] = FormBool('Concatenate between stages')['discontinuous'] = FormBool('' 'Concatenate discontinuous signal')['evt_type'] = FormBool('Concatenate between event types') for box in box.setEnabled(False) flayout = QFormLayout() box_c.setLayout(flayout) flayout.addRow(['stage']) flayout.addRow(['cycle']) flayout.addRow(['evt_type']) flayout.addRow(['discontinuous']) flayout.addRow(['chan']) """ ------ PRE-PROCESSING ------ """ box_pp = QGroupBox('Pre-processing') self.trans = {} self.trans['diff'] = FormBool('Differentiate') ftypes = ['none', 'butter', 'cheby1', 'cheby2', 'ellip', 'bessel', 'diff'] self.trans['bp'] = tbp = {} self.trans['bandpass'] = FormMenu(ftypes) tbp['order'] = QLabel('Order'), FormSpin(3, 0, 8, 1) tbp['f1'] = QLabel('Lowcut (Hz)'), FormFloat() tbp['f2'] = QLabel('Highcut (Hz)'), FormFloat() self.trans['n1'] = tn1 = {} self.trans['notch1'] = FormMenu(ftypes) tn1['order'] = QLabel('Order'), FormSpin(3, 0, 8, 1) tn1['cf'] = QLabel('CF (Hz)'), FormFloat() tn1['bw'] = QLabel('BW (Hz)'), FormFloat() self.trans['n2'] = tn2 = {} self.trans['notch2'] = FormMenu(ftypes) tn2['order'] = QLabel('Order'), FormSpin(3, 0, 8, 1) tn2['cf'] = QLabel('CF (Hz)'), FormFloat() tn2['bw'] = QLabel('BW (Hz)'), FormFloat() form1 = QFormLayout() form1.addRow('Bandpass', self.trans['bandpass']) form1.addRow(*tbp['order']) form1.addRow(*tbp['f1']) form1.addRow(*tbp['f2']) form2 = QFormLayout() form2.addRow('Notch 1', self.trans['notch1']) form2.addRow(*tn1['order']) form2.addRow(*tn1['cf']) form2.addRow(*tn1['bw']) form3 = QFormLayout() form3.addRow('Notch 2', self.trans['notch2']) form3.addRow(*tn2['order']) form3.addRow(*tn2['cf']) form3.addRow(*tn2['bw']) grid = QGridLayout(box_pp) grid.addWidget(self.trans['diff'], 0, 0, 1, 3) grid.addLayout(form1, 1, 0) grid.addLayout(form2, 1, 1) grid.addLayout(form3, 1, 2) """ ------ FREQUENCY ------ """ self.tab_freq = tab_freq = QWidget() self.frequency = freq = {} box_freq_main = QGroupBox('Options') #freq['freq_on'] = FormBool('Compute frequency domain') freq['export_full'] = FormBool('Full spectrum') freq['export_band'] = FormBool('Band-limited') freq['plot_on'] = FormBool('Plot mean spectrum') freq['fooof_on'] = FormBool('Parametrize') freq['prep'] = FormBool('Pre-process') form = QFormLayout(box_freq_main) form.addRow(freq['prep']) form.addRow(freq['export_full']) form.addRow(freq['export_band']) form.addRow(freq['plot_on']) form.addRow(freq['fooof_on']) freq['box_param'] = QGroupBox('Parameters') freq['scaling'] = FormMenu(['power', 'energy', 'fieldtrip', 'chronux']) freq['taper'] = FormMenu(['boxcar', 'hann', 'dpss', 'triang', 'blackman', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'flattop', 'parzen', 'bohman', 'blackmanharris', 'nuttall', 'barthann']) freq['detrend'] = FormMenu(['none', 'constant', 'linear']) freq['welch_on'] = FormBool("Time-averaged") freq['log_trans']= FormBool('Log-transform') form = QFormLayout(freq['box_param']) form.addRow('Scaling', freq['scaling']) form.addRow('Taper', freq['taper']) form.addRow('Detrend', freq['detrend']) form.addRow(freq['welch_on']) form.addRow(freq['log_trans']) freq['box_welch'] = QGroupBox("Time averaging") freq['duration'] = FormFloat(1) freq['overlap'] = FormRadio('Overlap (0-1)') freq['step'] = FormRadio('Step (sec)') freq['overlap_val'] = QDoubleSpinBox() freq['overlap_val'].setRange(0, 1) freq['overlap_val'].setSingleStep(0.1) freq['overlap_val'].setValue(0.5) freq['step_val'] = FormFloat(0.5) freq['centend'] = FormMenu(['mean', 'median']) grid = QGridLayout(freq['box_welch']) grid.addWidget(QLabel('Duration (sec)'), 0, 0) grid.addWidget(freq['duration'], 0, 1) grid.addWidget(freq['overlap'], 1, 0) grid.addWidget(freq['step'], 2, 0) grid.addWidget(freq['overlap_val'], 1, 1) grid.addWidget(freq['step_val'], 2, 1) grid.addWidget(QLabel('Central tendency'), 3, 0) grid.addWidget(freq['centend'], 3, 1) freq['box_mtap'] = QGroupBox('Multitaper method (DPSS) smoothing') freq['nhbw'] = FormBool('Normalized') freq['hbw'] = FormSpin(3, 0) freq['nhbw_val'] = FormSpin(min_val=0) grid = QGridLayout(freq['box_mtap']) grid.addWidget(QLabel('Half bandwidth (Hz)'), 0, 0) grid.addWidget(freq['nhbw'], 1, 0) grid.addWidget(freq['hbw'], 0, 1) grid.addWidget(freq['nhbw_val'], 1, 1) freq['box_output'] = QGroupBox('Output') freq['spectrald'] = FormRadio('Spectral density') freq['complex'] = FormRadio('Complex') freq['sides'] = FormSpin(min_val=1, max_val=2) grid = QGridLayout(freq['box_output']) grid.addWidget(freq['spectrald'], 0, 0, 1, 3) grid.addWidget(freq['complex'], 1, 0, 1, 3) #grid.addWidget(QLabel(' '), 2, 0) #grid.addWidget(QLabel('Side(s)'), 2, 1) #grid.addWidget(freq['sides'], 2, 2) freq['box_nfft'] = QGroupBox('FFT length') freq['nfft_seg'] = FormRadio('Same as segment') freq['nfft_fixed'] = FormRadio('Fixed:') freq['nfft_fixed_val'] = FormInt() freq['nfft_zeropad'] = FormRadio('Zero-pad to longest segment') grid = QGridLayout(freq['box_nfft']) grid.addWidget(freq['nfft_seg'], 0, 0, 1, 2) grid.addWidget(freq['nfft_fixed'], 1, 0) grid.addWidget(freq['nfft_fixed_val'], 1, 1) grid.addWidget(freq['nfft_zeropad'], 2, 0, 1, 2) freq['box_norm'] = QGroupBox('Normalization') freq['norm'] = FormMenu(['none', 'by integral of each segment', 'by mean of event type(s)', 'by mean of stage(s)']) evt_box = QListWidget() evt_box.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) freq['norm_evt_type'] = evt_box stage_box = QListWidget() stage_box.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) stage_box.addItems(STAGE_NAME) freq['norm_stage'] = stage_box freq['norm_concat'] = FormBool('Concatenate') grid = QGridLayout(freq['box_norm']) grid.addWidget(freq['norm'], 0, 0, 1, 2) grid.addWidget(QLabel('Event type(s)'), 1, 0) grid.addWidget(QLabel('Stage(s)'), 1, 1) grid.addWidget(freq['norm_evt_type'], 2, 0) grid.addWidget(freq['norm_stage'], 2, 1) grid.addWidget(freq['norm_concat'], 3, 0, 1, 2) freq['box_cross'] = QGroupBox('Cross-spectrum') freq['csd'] = FormBool('Cross-spectrum') freq['gainphase'] = FormBool('Gain and phase shift') #freq['phaseshift'] = FormBool('Phase shift') freq['coh'] = FormBool('Coherence') form = QFormLayout(freq['box_cross']) form.addRow(freq['csd']) form.addRow(freq['gainphase']) #form.addRow(freq['phaseshift']) form.addRow(freq['coh']) freq['box_fooof'] = QGroupBox('Parametrization') freq['fo_min_freq'] = FormFloat(2.) freq['fo_max_freq'] = FormFloat(30.) freq['fo_pk_thresh'] = FormFloat(2.) freq['fo_pk_width_min'] = FormFloat(.5) freq['fo_pk_width_max'] = FormFloat(12.) freq['fo_max_n_pk'] = FormInt() freq['fo_min_pk_amp'] = FormFloat(0) freq['fo_bg_mode'] = FormMenu(['fixed', 'knee']) freqhbox = QHBoxLayout() freqhbox.addWidget(QLabel('Frequencies:')) freqhbox.addWidget(freq['fo_min_freq']) freqhbox.addWidget(QLabel('-')) freqhbox.addWidget(freq['fo_max_freq']) freqhbox.addWidget(QLabel('Hz')) widhbox = QHBoxLayout() widhbox.addWidget(QLabel('Peak width:')) widhbox.addWidget(freq['fo_pk_width_min']) widhbox.addWidget(QLabel('-')) widhbox.addWidget(freq['fo_pk_width_max']) widhbox.addWidget(QLabel('Hz')) form = QFormLayout(freq['box_fooof']) form.addRow(freqhbox) form.addRow(widhbox) form.addRow('Peak threshold (SD)', freq['fo_pk_thresh']) form.addRow('Max. number of peaks', freq['fo_max_n_pk']) form.addRow('Min. peak amplitude', freq['fo_min_pk_amp']) form.addRow('Background fitting mode', freq['fo_bg_mode']) freq['box_band'] = QGroupBox('Define bands') freq['band'] = FormStr() freq['band_help'] = QPushButton(QIcon(ICON['help-about']), '', self) hlayout = QHBoxLayout() hlayout.addWidget(freq['band']) hlayout.addWidget(freq['band_help']) vlayout = QVBoxLayout(freq['box_band']) vlayout.addLayout(hlayout) vlayout1 = QVBoxLayout() vlayout1.addWidget(box_freq_main) vlayout1.addWidget(freq['box_param']) vlayout1.addWidget(freq['box_welch']) vlayout1.addWidget(freq['box_nfft']) vlayout1.addWidget(freq['box_mtap']) vlayout1.addWidget(freq['box_output']) vlayout1.addStretch(1) vlayout2 = QVBoxLayout() vlayout2.addWidget(freq['box_band']) vlayout2.addWidget(freq['box_norm']) vlayout2.addWidget(freq['box_cross']) vlayout2.addWidget(freq['box_fooof']) vlayout2.addStretch(1) hlayout = QHBoxLayout() hlayout.addLayout(vlayout1) hlayout.addLayout(vlayout2) vlayout = QVBoxLayout(tab_freq) vlayout.addLayout(hlayout) """ ------ PAC ------ """ if Pac is not None: self.tab_pac = tab_pac = QWidget() pac_metrics = [pacstr((x, 0, 0))[0] for x in range(1,6)] pac_metrics = [x[:x.index('(') - 1] for x in pac_metrics] pac_metrics[1] = 'Kullback-Leibler Distance' # corrected typo pac_surro = [pacstr((1, x, 0))[1] for x in range(5)] pac_norm = [pacstr((1, 0, x))[2] for x in range(5)] self.pac = pac = {} pac['box_complex'] = QGroupBox('Complex definition') pac['hilbert_on'] = FormRadio('Hilbert transform') pac['hilbert'] = hilb = {} hilb['filt'] = QLabel('Filter'), FormMenu(['fir1', 'butter', 'bessel']) hilb['cycle_pha'] = QLabel('Cycles, phase'), FormInt(default=3) hilb['cycle_amp'] = QLabel('Cycles, amp'), FormInt(default=6) hilb['order'] = QLabel('Order'), FormInt(default=3) pac['wavelet_on'] = FormRadio('Wavelet convolution') pac['wav_width'] = QLabel('Width'), FormInt(default=7) grid = QGridLayout(pac['box_complex']) grid.addWidget(pac['hilbert_on'], 0, 0, 1, 2) grid.addWidget(hilb['filt'][0], 1, 0) grid.addWidget(hilb['filt'][1], 1, 1) grid.addWidget(hilb['cycle_pha'][0], 2, 0) grid.addWidget(hilb['cycle_pha'][1], 2, 1) grid.addWidget(hilb['cycle_amp'][0], 3, 0) grid.addWidget(hilb['cycle_amp'][1], 3, 1) grid.addWidget(hilb['order'][0], 4, 0) grid.addWidget(hilb['order'][1], 4, 1) grid.addWidget(pac['wavelet_on'], 0, 3, 1, 2) grid.addWidget(pac['wav_width'][0], 1, 3) grid.addWidget(pac['wav_width'][1], 1, 4) pac['box_metric'] = QGroupBox('PAC metric') pac['pac_on'] = FormBool('Compute PAC') pac['prep'] = FormBool('Pre-process') pac['metric'] = FormMenu(pac_metrics) pac['fpha'] = FormStr() pac['famp'] = FormStr() pac['band_help_p'] = QPushButton(QIcon(ICON['help-about']), '', self) pac['band_help_a'] = QPushButton(QIcon(ICON['help-about']), '', self) pac['nbin'] = QLabel('Number of bins'), FormInt(default=18) hlayoutp = QHBoxLayout() hlayoutp.addWidget(pac['fpha']) hlayoutp.addWidget(pac['band_help_p']) hlayouta = QHBoxLayout() hlayouta.addWidget(pac['famp']) hlayouta.addWidget(pac['band_help_a']) flayout = QFormLayout(pac['box_metric']) flayout.addRow(pac['pac_on']) flayout.addRow('PAC metric', pac['metric']) flayout.addRow('Phase frequencies (Hz)', hlayoutp) flayout.addRow('Amplitude frequencies (Hz)', hlayouta) flayout.addRow(*pac['nbin']) pac['box_surro'] = QGroupBox('Surrogate data') pac['surro_method'] = FormMenu(pac_surro) pac['surro_norm'] = FormMenu(pac_norm) pac['surro'] = sur = {} sur['nperm'] = QLabel('Number of surrogates'), FormInt(default=200) sur['nblocks'] = (QLabel('Number of amplitude blocks'), FormInt(default=2)) sur['pval'] = FormBool('Get p-values'), None sur['save_surro'] = FormBool('Save surrogate data'), None flayout = QFormLayout(pac['box_surro']) flayout.addRow(pac['surro_method']) flayout.addRow(pac['surro_norm']) flayout.addRow(*sur['nperm']) flayout.addRow(*sur['nblocks']) flayout.addRow(sur['pval'][0]) flayout.addRow(sur['save_surro'][0]) pac['box_opts'] = QGroupBox('Options') pac['optimize'] = FormMenu(['True', 'False', 'greedy', 'optimal']) pac['njobs'] = FormInt(default=-1) flayout = QFormLayout(pac['box_opts']) flayout.addRow('Optimize einsum', pac['optimize']) flayout.addRow('Number of jobs', pac['njobs']) hlayout = QHBoxLayout() hlayout.addWidget(pac['pac_on']) hlayout.addWidget(pac['prep']) vlayout = QVBoxLayout(tab_pac) vlayout.addLayout(hlayout) #vlayout.addWidget(QLabel('')) vlayout.addWidget(pac['box_metric']) vlayout.addWidget(pac['box_complex']) vlayout.addWidget(pac['box_surro']) vlayout.addWidget(pac['box_opts']) vlayout.addStretch(1) """ ------ EVENTS ------ """ self.tab_evt = tab_evt = QWidget() self.event = ev = {} ev['global'] = eg = {} eg['count'] = FormBool('Count') eg['density'] = FormBool('Density, per (sec)') eg['density_per'] = FormFloat(30.0) eg['all_local'] = FormBool('All') eg['all_local_prep'] = FormBool('') ev['local'] = el = {} el['dur'] = FormBool('Duration (sec)'), FormBool('') el['minamp'] = FormBool('Min. amplitude (uV)'), FormBool('') el['maxamp'] = FormBool('Max. amplitude (uV)'), FormBool('') el['ptp'] = FormBool('Peak-to-peak amplitude (uV)'), FormBool('') el['rms'] = FormBool('RMS (uV)'), FormBool('') el['power'] = FormBool('Power (uV^2)'), FormBool('') el['energy'] = FormBool('Energy (uV^2s)'), FormBool('') el['peakpf'] = FormBool('Peak power frequency (Hz)'), FormBool('') el['peakef'] = FormBool('Peak energy frequency (Hz)'), FormBool('') ev['f1'] = FormFloat() ev['f2'] = FormFloat() ev['sw'] = {} ev['sw']['invert'] = FormBool('Inverted (down-then-up)') ev['sw']['prep'] = FormBool('Pre-process') ev['sw']['avg_slope'] = FormBool('Average slopes (uV/s)') ev['sw']['max_slope'] = FormBool('Max. slopes (uV/s^2)') box_global = QGroupBox('Global') grid1 = QGridLayout(box_global) grid1.addWidget(eg['count'], 0, 0) grid1.addWidget(eg['density'], 1, 0) grid1.addWidget(eg['density_per'], 1, 1) box_local = QGroupBox('Local') grid2 = QGridLayout(box_local) grid2.addWidget(QLabel('Parameter'), 0, 0) grid2.addWidget(QLabel(' '), 0, 1) grid2.addWidget(QLabel('Pre-process'), 0, 2) grid2.addWidget(eg['all_local'], 1, 0) grid2.addWidget(eg['all_local_prep'], 1, 2) grid2.addWidget(el['dur'][0], 2, 0) grid2.addWidget(el['minamp'][0], 3, 0) grid2.addWidget(el['minamp'][1], 3, 2) grid2.addWidget(el['maxamp'][0], 4, 0) grid2.addWidget(el['maxamp'][1], 4, 2) grid2.addWidget(el['ptp'][0], 5, 0) grid2.addWidget(el['ptp'][1], 5, 2) grid2.addWidget(el['rms'][0], 6, 0) grid2.addWidget(el['rms'][1], 6, 2) grid2.addWidget(el['power'][0], 7, 0) grid2.addWidget(el['power'][1], 7, 2) grid2.addWidget(el['energy'][0], 8, 0) grid2.addWidget(el['energy'][1], 8, 2) grid2.addWidget(el['peakpf'][0], 9, 0) grid2.addWidget(el['peakpf'][1], 9, 2) grid2.addWidget(el['peakef'][0], 10, 0) grid2.addWidget(el['peakef'][1], 10, 2) ev['band_box'] = QGroupBox('Band of interest') form = QFormLayout(ev['band_box']) form.addRow('Lowcut (Hz)', ev['f1']) form.addRow('Highcut (Hz)', ev['f2']) box_sw = QGroupBox('Slow wave') form = QFormLayout(box_sw) form.addRow(ev['sw']['avg_slope']) form.addRow(ev['sw']['max_slope']) form.addRow(ev['sw']['prep']) form.addRow(ev['sw']['invert']) grid = QGridLayout() grid.addWidget(box_global, 0, 0) grid.addWidget(ev['band_box'], 0, 1) grid.addWidget(box_local, 1, 0, 1, 2) grid.addWidget(box_sw, 2, 0, 1, 2) vlayout = QVBoxLayout(tab_evt) vlayout.addLayout(grid) vlayout.addStretch(1) """ ------ TRIGGERS ------ """ for button in self.chunk.values(): button.toggled.connect(self.toggle_buttons) button.toggled.connect(self.toggle_freq) for lw in [self.idx_chan, self.idx_cycle, self.idx_stage, self.idx_evt_type]: lw.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self.toggle_concatenate) for button in [x[0] for x in self.event['local'].values()]: button.connect(self.toggle_buttons) self.chunk['epoch'].toggled.connect(self.toggle_concatenate) self.chunk['event'].toggled.connect(self.toggle_concatenate) self.idx_group.activated.connect(self.update_channels) self.lock_to_staging.connect(self.toggle_buttons) self.lock_to_staging.connect(self.toggle_concatenate)['discontinuous'].connect(self.toggle_concatenate) self.evt_chan_only.connect(self.update_nseg) epop['dur'].editingFinished.connect(self.update_nseg) epop['overlap_val'].valueChanged.connect(self.update_nseg) epop['step_val'].editingFinished.connect(self.update_nseg) epop['overlap'].connect(self.update_nseg) epop['overlap'].connect(self.toggle_buttons) self.min_dur.textChanged.connect(self.update_nseg) self.reject_epoch.connect(self.update_nseg) self.reject_event.connect(self.update_nseg) for box in box.connect(self.update_nseg) self.trans['bandpass'].connect(self.toggle_buttons) self.trans['notch1'].connect(self.toggle_buttons) self.trans['notch2'].connect(self.toggle_buttons) freq['export_full'].connect(self.toggle_freq) freq['export_band'].connect(self.toggle_freq) freq['plot_on'].connect(self.toggle_freq) freq['fooof_on'].connect(self.toggle_freq) freq['taper'].connect(self.toggle_freq) freq['welch_on'].connect(self.toggle_freq) freq['complex'].clicked.connect(self.toggle_freq) freq['overlap'].connect(self.toggle_freq) freq['nhbw'].connect(self.toggle_freq) freq['norm'].activated.connect(self.toggle_freq) freq['nfft_fixed'].connect(self.toggle_freq) freq['nfft_zeropad'].connect(self.toggle_freq) freq['csd'].connect(self.toggle_freq) freq['gainphase'].connect(self.toggle_freq) #freq['phaseshift'].connect(self.toggle_freq) freq['coh'].connect(self.toggle_freq) freq['band_help'].clicked.connect(self.band_help) if Pac is not None: pac['pac_on'].connect(self.toggle_pac) pac['hilbert_on'].toggled.connect(self.toggle_pac) pac['wavelet_on'].toggled.connect(self.toggle_pac) pac['metric'].connect(self.toggle_pac) pac['surro_method'].connect(self.toggle_pac) pac['surro_norm'].connect(self.toggle_pac) pac['band_help_p'].clicked.connect(self.band_help) pac['band_help_a'].clicked.connect(partial(self.band_help, 'amp')) eg['density'].connect(self.toggle_buttons) eg['all_local'].clicked.connect(self.check_all_local) eg['all_local_prep'].clicked.connect(self.check_all_local_prep) for button in el.values(): button[0].clicked.connect(self.uncheck_all_local) button[1].clicked.connect(self.uncheck_all_local) #ev['sw']['all_slope'].connect(self.check_all_slopes) ev['sw']['avg_slope'].connect(self.toggle_buttons) ev['sw']['max_slope'].connect(self.toggle_buttons) bbox.clicked.connect(self.button_clicked) """ ------ SET DEFAULTS ------ """ self.evt_chan_only.setChecked(True) self.lock_to_staging.setChecked(True) self.chunk['epoch'].setChecked(True) self.reject_epoch.setChecked(True) epop['overlap'].setChecked(True) freq['prep'].setEnabled(False) freq['plot_on'].setEnabled(False) freq['box_param'].setEnabled(False) freq['box_welch'].setEnabled(False) freq['box_nfft'].setEnabled(False) freq['box_mtap'].setEnabled(False) freq['box_output'].setEnabled(False) freq['box_norm'].setEnabled(False) freq['box_cross'].setEnabled(False) freq['box_fooof'].setEnabled(False) freq['welch_on'].set_value(True) freq['nfft_seg'].setChecked(True) freq['spectrald'].setChecked(True) freq['detrend'].set_value('linear') freq['overlap'].setChecked(True) if Pac is not None: pac['prep'].setEnabled(False) pac['hilbert_on'].setChecked(True) pac['hilbert']['filt'][1].set_value('butter') pac['metric'].set_value('Kullback-Leibler Distance') pac['optimize'].set_value('False') pac['box_metric'].setEnabled(False) pac['box_complex'].setEnabled(False) pac['box_surro'].setEnabled(False) pac['box_opts'].setEnabled(False) el['dur'][1].set_value(False) """ ------ LAYOUT MASTER ------ """ box3 = QTabWidget() box3.addTab(tab_freq, 'Frequency') if Pac is not None: box3.addTab(tab_pac, 'PAC') box3.addTab(tab_evt, 'Events') btnlayout = QHBoxLayout() btnlayout.addStretch(1) btnlayout.addWidget(bbox) hlayout1 = QHBoxLayout() hlayout1.addWidget(box_file) hlayout1.addWidget(box_nseg) hlayout2 = QHBoxLayout() hlayout2.addWidget(box_r) hlayout2.addWidget(box_c) vlayout1 = QVBoxLayout() vlayout1.addLayout(hlayout1) vlayout1.addWidget(box_loc) vlayout1.addWidget(box_chunk) vlayout1.addLayout(hlayout2) vlayout1.addWidget(box_pp) vlayout1.addStretch(1) vlayout2 = QVBoxLayout() vlayout2.addWidget(box3) vlayout2.addLayout(btnlayout) mhlayout = QHBoxLayout() mhlayout.addLayout(vlayout1) mhlayout.addLayout(vlayout2) mhlayout.addStretch(1) self.setLayout(mhlayout)
[docs] def update_evt_types(self): """Update the event types list when dialog is opened.""" self.event_types = self.parent.notes.annot.event_types self.idx_evt_type.clear() self.frequency['norm_evt_type'].clear() for ev in self.event_types: self.idx_evt_type.addItem(ev) self.frequency['norm_evt_type'].addItem(ev)
[docs] def toggle_buttons(self): """Enable and disable buttons, according to options selected.""" event_on = self.chunk['event'].isChecked() epoch_on = self.chunk['epoch'].isChecked() #segment_on = self.chunk['segment'].isChecked() self.lock_to_staging.setEnabled(epoch_on) lock_on = self.lock_to_staging.get_value() lock_enabled = self.lock_to_staging.isEnabled() self.evt_chan_only.setEnabled(event_on) self.idx_evt_type.setEnabled(event_on) self.reject_epoch.setEnabled(not event_on) self.reject_event.setEnabled(logical_or((lock_enabled and not lock_on), not lock_enabled))['evt_type'].setEnabled(event_on) epop = self.epoch_param for wgt in epop.values(): wgt.setEnabled(epoch_on and not lock_on) if epoch_on and not lock_on: overlap_on = epop['overlap'].isChecked() epop['overlap_val'].setEnabled(overlap_on) epop['step_val'].setEnabled(not overlap_on) if Pac is not None: surro = self.pac['surro_method'] surro.model().item(1).setEnabled(epoch_on) if surro.get_value() == 'Swap phase/amplitude across trials': surro.set_value('No surrogates') # "Swap phase/amplitude across trials" only available if using epochs # because trials need to be of equal length if event_on: self.reject_epoch.setChecked(False) elif['evt_type'].get_value():['evt_type'].setChecked(False) if epoch_on and not lock_on: self.reject_event.set_value('none') for i in i.setChecked(False) i.setEnabled(False)['discontinuous'].setEnabled(not epoch_on) bandpass_on = self.trans['bandpass'].get_value() != 'none' for w in self.trans['bp'].values(): w[0].setEnabled(bandpass_on) w[1].setEnabled(bandpass_on) notch1_on = self.trans['notch1'].get_value() != 'none' for w in self.trans['n1'].values(): w[0].setEnabled(notch1_on) w[1].setEnabled(notch1_on) notch2_on = self.trans['notch2'].get_value() != 'none' for w in self.trans['n2'].values(): w[0].setEnabled(notch2_on) w[1].setEnabled(notch2_on) density_on = self.event['global']['density'].isChecked() self.event['global']['density_per'].setEnabled(density_on) for buttons in self.event['local'].values(): checked = buttons[0].isChecked() buttons[1].setEnabled(checked) if not checked: buttons[1].setChecked(False) el = self.event['local'] ev_psd_on = asarray([x.get_value() for x in [el['power'][0], el['energy'][0], el['peakpf'][0], el['peakef'][0]]]).any() self.event['band_box'].setEnabled(ev_psd_on) sw = self.event['sw'] slope_on = sw['avg_slope'].get_value() or sw['max_slope'].get_value() sw['prep'].setEnabled(slope_on) sw['invert'].setEnabled(slope_on) self.update_nseg()
[docs] def toggle_concatenate(self): """Enable and disable concatenation options.""" if not (self.chunk['epoch'].isChecked() and self.lock_to_staging.get_value()): for i,j in zip([self.idx_chan, self.idx_cycle, self.idx_stage, self.idx_evt_type], [['chan'],['cycle'],['stage'],['evt_type']]): if len(i.selectedItems()) > 1: j.setEnabled(True) else: j.setEnabled(False) j.setChecked(False) if not self.chunk['event'].isChecked():['evt_type'].setEnabled(False) if not['discontinuous'].get_value():['chan'].setEnabled(False)['chan'].setChecked(False) self.update_nseg()
[docs] def toggle_freq(self): """Enable and disable frequency domain options.""" freq = self.frequency export_full_on = freq['export_full'].get_value() export_band_on = freq['export_band'].get_value() freq_on = asarray([export_full_on, export_band_on, freq['plot_on'].get_value(), freq['fooof_on'].get_value()]).any() freq['box_param'].setEnabled(freq_on) freq['box_output'].setEnabled(freq_on) freq['box_nfft'].setEnabled(freq_on) freq['box_band'].setEnabled(export_band_on) welch_on = freq['welch_on'].get_value() and freq_on freq['box_welch'].setEnabled(welch_on) if welch_on: overlap_on = freq['overlap'].isChecked() freq['overlap_val'].setEnabled(overlap_on) freq['step_val'].setEnabled(not overlap_on) freq['box_output'].setEnabled(not welch_on) freq['box_nfft'].setEnabled(not welch_on) freq['spectrald'].setChecked(True) nfft_fixed_on = freq['nfft_fixed'].isChecked() zeropad_on = freq['nfft_zeropad'].isChecked() freq['nfft_fixed_val'].setEnabled(nfft_fixed_on) epoch_on = self.chunk['epoch'].isChecked() rectangular = welch_on or epoch_on or zeropad_on or nfft_fixed_on or \ (self.nseg == 1) freq['prep'].setEnabled(freq_on) if not freq_on: freq['prep'].set_value(False) freq['export_full'].setEnabled(rectangular) freq['plot_on'].setEnabled(rectangular) freq['fooof_on'].setEnabled(rectangular) freq['box_norm'].setEnabled(freq_on and \ ((welch_on or nfft_fixed_on or zeropad_on) or \ (export_band_on and not export_full_on))) if not freq['plot_on'].isEnabled(): freq['plot_on'].set_value(False) if not freq['box_norm'].isEnabled(): freq['norm'].set_value('none') dpss_on = freq['taper'].get_value() == 'dpss' freq['box_mtap'].setEnabled(dpss_on) if dpss_on: nhbw_on = freq['nhbw'].get_value() freq['nhbw_val'].setEnabled(nhbw_on) complex_on = freq['complex'].isChecked() freq['sides'].setEnabled(complex_on) if complex_on: freq['welch_on'].setEnabled(False) freq['welch_on'].set_value(False) else: freq['welch_on'].setEnabled(True) norm_evt = freq['norm'].get_value() == 'by mean of event type(s)' norm_stage = freq['norm'].get_value() == 'by mean of stage(s)' freq['norm_evt_type'].setEnabled(norm_evt) freq['norm_stage'].setEnabled(norm_stage) freq['norm_concat'].setEnabled(norm_evt or norm_stage) nchan = len(self.idx_chan.selectedItems()) #s2 = (self.nseg == 1 and nchan == 2) or (self.nseg == 2 and nchan == 1) freq['box_cross'].setEnabled(nchan == 2 and freq_on) if not nchan == 2: freq['csd'].set_value(False) freq['gainphase'].set_value(False) #freq['phaseshift'].set_value(False) freq['coh'].set_value(False) if True in [freq[x].get_value() for x in ['csd', 'gainphase', 'coh']]: freq['spectrald'].setChecked(True) freq['box_output'].setEnabled(False) #freq['norm'].set_value('none') #freq['box_norm'].setEnabled(False) fooof_on = freq['fooof_on'].get_value() freq['box_fooof'].setEnabled(fooof_on)
[docs] def toggle_pac(self): """Enable and disable PAC options.""" if Pac is not None: pac_on = self.pac['pac_on'].get_value() self.pac['prep'].setEnabled(pac_on) self.pac['box_metric'].setEnabled(pac_on) self.pac['box_complex'].setEnabled(pac_on) self.pac['box_surro'].setEnabled(pac_on) self.pac['box_opts'].setEnabled(pac_on) if not pac_on: self.pac['prep'].set_value(False) if Pac is not None and pac_on: pac = self.pac hilb_on = pac['hilbert_on'].isChecked() wav_on = pac['wavelet_on'].isChecked() for button in pac['hilbert'].values(): button[0].setEnabled(hilb_on) if button[1] is not None: button[1].setEnabled(hilb_on) pac['wav_width'][0].setEnabled(wav_on) pac['wav_width'][1].setEnabled(wav_on) if pac['metric'].get_value() in [ 'Kullback-Leibler Distance', 'Heights ratio']: pac['nbin'][0].setEnabled(True) pac['nbin'][1].setEnabled(True) else: pac['nbin'][0].setEnabled(False) pac['nbin'][1].setEnabled(False) if pac['metric'] == 'ndPac': for button in pac['surro'].values(): button[0].setEnabled(False) if button[1] is not None: button[1].setEnabled(False) pac['surro']['pval'][0].setEnabled(True) ndpac_on = pac['metric'].get_value() == 'ndPac' surro_on = logical_and(pac['surro_method'].get_value() != '' 'No surrogates', not ndpac_on) norm_on = pac['surro_norm'].get_value() != 'No normalization' blocks_on = 'across time' in pac['surro_method'].get_value() pac['surro_method'].setEnabled(not ndpac_on) for button in pac['surro'].values(): button[0].setEnabled(surro_on and norm_on) if button[1] is not None: button[1].setEnabled(surro_on and norm_on) pac['surro']['nblocks'][0].setEnabled(blocks_on) pac['surro']['nblocks'][1].setEnabled(blocks_on) if ndpac_on: pac['surro_method'].set_value('No surrogates') pac['surro']['pval'][0].setEnabled(True)
[docs] def band_help(self, opt=None): msg1 = ('Use the following format: [[f1-f2],[f3-f4],[f5-f6]] \n\n' 'Band limits follow Python convention: lower-bound inclusive ' 'and upper-bound exclusive. \n\n') msg2 = ('For example, for delta (0.5-4 Hz), theta (4-8 Hz) and sigma ' '(10-16 Hz), write: [[0.5-4],[4-8],[10-16]] \n' 'In this example, frequencies around 4 Hz belong to the ' 'theta band.') msg3 = ('For example, for low gamma (30-60 Hz) and high gamma ' '(60-120 Hz), write: [[30-60],[60-120]]') msg4 = ('\n\nAlternatively, you may use dynamic notation in this ' 'format: (start, stop, width, step).\n\n' 'For example, to get the range of amplitude bands between ' '30 Hz and 130 Hz in non-overlapping 20-Hz bands, write: ' '(40,140,20,20).') if 'amp' == opt: msg = msg1 + msg3 + msg4 else: msg = msg1 + msg2 + msg4 QMessageBox.about(self, 'Entering frequency bands', msg)
[docs] def update_nseg(self): """Update the number of segments, displayed in the dialog.""" self.nseg = 0 if self.one_grp: segments = self.get_segments() if segments is not None: self.nseg = len(segments) self.show_nseg.setText('Number of segments: ' + str(self.nseg)) times = [t for seg in segments for t in seg['times']] self.parent.overview.mark_poi(times) else: self.show_nseg.setText('No valid segments') self.toggle_freq()
[docs] def check_all_local(self): """Check or uncheck all local event parameters.""" all_local_chk = self.event['global']['all_local'].isChecked() for buttons in self.event['local'].values(): buttons[0].setChecked(all_local_chk) buttons[1].setEnabled(buttons[0].isChecked())
[docs] def check_all_local_prep(self): """Check or uncheck all enabled event pre-processing.""" all_local_pp_chk = self.event['global']['all_local_prep'].isChecked() for buttons in self.event['local'].values(): if buttons[1].isEnabled(): buttons[1].setChecked(all_local_pp_chk)
[docs] def uncheck_all_local(self): """Uncheck 'all local' box when a local event is unchecked.""" for buttons in self.event['local'].values(): if not buttons[0].get_value(): self.event['global']['all_local'].setChecked(False) if buttons[1].isEnabled() and not buttons[1].get_value(): self.event['global']['all_local_prep'].setChecked(False)
[docs] def button_clicked(self, button): """Action when button was clicked. Parameters ---------- button : instance of QPushButton which button was pressed """ if button is self.idx_ok: # File location if not self.filename: msg = 'Select location for data export file.' error_dialog = QErrorMessage(self) error_dialog.setWindowTitle('File path error') error_dialog.showMessage(msg) return # Check for signal self.update_nseg if self.nseg <= 0: msg = 'No valid signal found.' error_dialog = QErrorMessage(self) error_dialog.setWindowTitle('Error fetching data') error_dialog.showMessage(msg) return # Which analyses? freq = self.frequency freq_full = freq['export_full'].get_value() freq_band = freq['export_band'].get_value() freq_plot = freq['plot_on'].get_value() freq_fooof = freq['fooof_on'].get_value() freq_prep = freq['prep'].get_value() freq_on = freq_full or freq_band or freq_plot or freq_fooof if Pac is not None: pac_on = self.pac['pac_on'].get_value() pac_prep = self.pac['prep'].get_value() else: pac_on = False pac_prep = False ev = self.event glob = asarray( [v.get_value() for v in ev['global'].values()]).any() loc = asarray( [v[0].get_value() for v in ev['local'].values()]).any() avg_sl = ev['sw']['avg_slope'].get_value() max_sl = ev['sw']['max_slope'].get_value() loc_prep = asarray( [v[1].get_value() for v in ev['local'].values()]).any() slope_prep = ev['sw']['prep'].get_value() if not (freq_on or pac_on or glob or loc or avg_sl or max_sl): return if freq['export_band'].get_value(): bands = freq_from_str(freq['band'].get_value()) if bands is None: msg = ('Invalid input for Define bands. Click the ' "'i' button for instructions.") error_dialog = QErrorMessage(self) error_dialog.setWindowTitle('Error reading bands') error_dialog.showMessage(msg) return if (freq['norm'].get_value() == 'by mean of event type(s)' and not freq['norm_evt_type'].selectedItems()): msg = 'Select event type(s) for normalization.' error_dialog = QErrorMessage(self) error_dialog.setWindowTitle('Error fetching data') error_dialog.showMessage(msg) return if (freq['norm'].get_value() == 'by mean of stage(s)' and not freq['norm_stage'].selectedItems()): msg = 'Select stage(s) for normalization.' error_dialog = QErrorMessage(self) error_dialog.setWindowTitle('Error fetching data') error_dialog.showMessage(msg) return # Fetch signal eco = self.evt_chan_only chan = [] if (eco.get_value() and eco.isEnabled()) else self.chan concat_chan =['chan'].get_value() = self.get_segments() if not msg = 'No valid signal found.' error_dialog = QErrorMessage(self) error_dialog.setWindowTitle('Error fetching data') error_dialog.showMessage(msg) return ding =, ref_chan=self.one_grp['ref_chan'], grp_name=self.one_grp['name'], concat_chan=concat_chan, max_s_freq=self.parent.value('max_s_freq'), parent=self) if not ding: self.parent.statusBar().showMessage('Process interrupted.') return # Transform signal if freq_prep or pac_prep or loc_prep or slope_prep:'Pre-processing data') = self.transform_data( """ ------ FREQUENCY ------ """ if freq_on: csd_on = freq['csd'].get_value() gainphase_on = freq['gainphase'].get_value() coh_on = freq['coh'].get_value() # don't need autospectrum if all we want is CSD if not (csd_on and not (gainphase_on or coh_on)): asd = self.compute_freq() # autospectral density if not asd: return if csd_on or gainphase_on or coh_on: csd = self.compute_freq(csd=True) # cross-spectral density chancombo = str(csd[0]['data'].axis['chan'][0][0]) freq_out = [] if csd_on: freq_out.append((csd, 'csd', ('Cross-spectral density, ' + chancombo + ', '), None, 'semilogy')) if gainphase_on: xg, yg, ph = self.compute_freq_cross(csd, asd, output='gainphase') xchancombo = str(xg[0]['data'].axis['chan'][0][0]) ychancombo = str(yg[0]['data'].axis['chan'][0][0]) freq_out.append((xg, 'xgain', ('Gain, ' + xchancombo + ', '), 'Gain', 'linear')) freq_out.append((yg, 'ygain', ('Gain, ' + ychancombo + ', '), 'Gain', 'linear')) freq_out.append((ph, 'phase', ('Phase shift, ' + xchancombo + ', '), 'Phase shift (degrees)', 'linear')) if coh_on: coh, = self.compute_freq_cross(csd, asd, output='coherence') freq_out.append((coh, 'coh', ('Coherence, ' + chancombo + ', '), 'Coherence', 'linear')) else: freq_out = [(asd, 'freq', '', None, 'semilogy')] for one_xf, suffix, prefix, ylabel, scale in freq_out: if freq_band: filename = (splitext(self.filename)[0] + '_' + suffix + '_band.csv') export_freq_band(one_xf, bands, filename) if freq_full or freq_plot or freq_fooof: n_freq_bins = [x['data']()[0].shape for x in one_xf] if all(x == n_freq_bins[0] for x in n_freq_bins): x = list(one_xf[0]['data'].axis['freq'][0]) if len(one_xf) == 1: desc = None y = abs(one_xf[0]['data'].data[0][0]) else: as_matrix = asarray( [y for x in one_xf for y in x['data']()[0]]) desc = get_descriptives(as_matrix) y = desc['mean'] if freq_full: filename = (splitext(self.filename)[0] + '_' + suffix + '_full.csv') export_freq(one_xf, filename, desc=desc) if freq_plot: self.plot_freq(x, y, title=(prefix + self.title), ylabel=ylabel, scale=scale) if freq_fooof: self.report_fooof(asarray(x), y, suffix) """ ------ PAC ------ """ if pac_on: pac_output = self.compute_pac() if pac_output is not None: xpac, fpha, famp = pac_output else: return as_matrix = asarray( [ravel(chan['data'][x,:,:]) for chan in xpac.values() \ for x in range(chan['data'].shape[0])]) desc = get_descriptives(as_matrix) self.export_pac(xpac, fpha, famp, desc) """ ------ EVENTS ------ """ evt_dat, count, density = self.compute_evt_params() if (evt_dat or count or density): fn = splitext(self.filename)[0] + '_params.csv' export_event_params(fn, evt_dat, count=count, density=density) self.parent.overview.mark_poi() # remove poi self.accept() if button is self.idx_cancel: self.parent.overview.mark_poi() # remove poi self.reject()
[docs] def get_segments(self): """Get segments for analysis. Creates instance of trans.Segments.""" # Chunking chunk = {k: v.isChecked() for k, v in self.chunk.items()} lock_to_staging = self.lock_to_staging.get_value() epoch_dur = self.epoch_param['dur'].get_value() epoch_overlap = self.epoch_param['overlap_val'].value() epoch_step = None epoch = None if chunk['epoch']: if lock_to_staging: epoch = 'locked' else: epoch = 'unlocked' if self.epoch_param['step'].isChecked(): epoch_step = self.epoch_param['step_val'].get_value() if epoch_step <= 0: epoch_step = 0.1 # Which channel(s) self.chan = self.get_channels() # chan name without group if not self.chan: return # Which event type(s) chan_full = None evt_type = None if chunk['event']: if self.evt_chan_only.get_value(): chan_full = [i + ' (' + self.idx_group.currentText() + '' ')' for i in self.chan] evt_type = self.idx_evt_type.selectedItems() if not evt_type: return else: evt_type = [x.text() for x in evt_type] # Which cycle(s) cycle = self.cycle = self.get_cycles() # Which stage(s) stage = self.idx_stage.selectedItems() if not stage: stage = self.stage = None else: stage = self.stage = [ x.text() for x in self.idx_stage.selectedItems()] # Concatenation cat = {k: v.get_value() for k, v in} cat = (int(cat['cycle']), int(cat['stage']), int(cat['discontinuous']), int(cat['evt_type'])) # Artefact event rejection reject_event = self.reject_event.get_value() if reject_event == 'channel-specific': chan_full = [i + ' (' + self.idx_group.currentText() + '' ')' for i in self.chan] reject_artf = True elif reject_event == 'from any channel': reject_artf = True else: reject_artf = False # Other options min_dur = self.min_dur.get_value() reject_epoch = self.reject_epoch.get_value() # Generate title for summary plot self.title = self.make_title(chan_full, cycle, stage, evt_type) segments = fetch(, self.parent.notes.annot, cat=cat, evt_type=evt_type, stage=stage, cycle=cycle, chan_full=chan_full, epoch=epoch, epoch_dur=epoch_dur, epoch_overlap=epoch_overlap, epoch_step=epoch_step, reject_epoch=reject_epoch, reject_artf=reject_artf, min_dur=min_dur) return segments
[docs] def transform_data(self, data): """Apply pre-processing transformation to data, and add it to data dict. Parameters --------- data : instance of Segments segments including 'data' (ChanTime) Returns ------- instance of Segments same object with transformed data as 'trans_data' (ChanTime) """ trans = self.trans differ = trans['diff'].get_value() bandpass = trans['bandpass'].get_value() notch1 = trans['notch1'].get_value() notch2 = trans['notch2'].get_value() for seg in data: dat = seg['data'] if differ: dat = math(dat, operator=diff, axis='time') if bandpass != 'none': order = trans['bp']['order'][1].get_value() f1 = trans['bp']['f1'][1].get_value() f2 = trans['bp']['f2'][1].get_value() if f1 == '': f1 = None if f2 == '': f2 = None dat = filter_(dat, low_cut=f1, high_cut=f2, order=order, ftype=bandpass) if notch1 != 'none': order = trans['n1']['order'][1].get_value() cf = trans['n1']['cf'][1].get_value() hbw = trans['n1']['bw'][1].get_value() / 2.0 lo_pass = cf - hbw hi_pass = cf + hbw dat = filter_(dat, low_cut=hi_pass, order=order, ftype=notch1) dat = filter_(dat, high_cut=lo_pass, order=order, ftype=notch1) if notch2 != 'none': order = trans['n2']['order'][1].get_value() cf = trans['n2']['cf'][1].get_value() hbw = trans['n2']['bw'][1].get_value() / 2.0 lo_pass = cf - hbw hi_pass = cf + hbw dat = filter_(dat, low_cut=hi_pass, order=order, ftype=notch1) dat = filter_(dat, high_cut=lo_pass, order=order, ftype=notch1) seg['trans_data'] = dat return data
[docs] def save_as(self): """Dialog for getting name, location of data export file.""" filename = splitext( self.parent.notes.annot.xml_file)[0] + '_data' filename, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, 'Export analysis data', filename, 'CSV (*.csv)') if filename == '': return self.filename = filename short_filename = short_strings(basename(self.filename)) self.idx_filename.setText(short_filename)
[docs] def compute_freq(self, csd=False): """Compute frequency domain analysis. Returns ------- list of dict each item is a dict where 'data' is an instance of ChanFreq for a single segment of signal, 'name' is the event type, if applicable, 'times' is a tuple of the start and end times in sec, 'duration' is the actual duration of the segment, in seconds (can be dissociated from 'times' if the signal was concatenated) and with 'chan' (str), 'stage' (str) and 'cycle' (int) """ progress = QProgressDialog('Computing frequency', 'Abort', 0, len( - 1, self) progress.setWindowModality(Qt.ApplicationModal) freq = self.frequency prep = freq['prep'].get_value() scaling = freq['scaling'].get_value() log_trans = freq['log_trans'].get_value() #sides = freq['sides'].get_value() taper = freq['taper'].get_value() halfbandwidth = freq['hbw'].get_value() NW = freq['nhbw_val'].get_value() duration = freq['duration'].get_value() overlap = freq['overlap_val'].value() step = freq['step_val'].get_value() centend = freq['centend'].get_value() detrend = freq['detrend'].get_value() norm = freq['norm'].get_value() norm_concat = freq['norm_concat'].get_value() if csd: output = 'csd' elif freq['spectrald'].isChecked(): output = 'spectraldensity' else: output = 'complex' sides = 'one' #if sides == 1: # sides = 'one' #elif sides == 2: # sides = 'two' if freq['overlap'].isChecked(): step = None else: overlap = None if NW == 0 or not freq['nhbw'].get_value(): NW = None if duration == 0 or not freq['welch_on'].get_value(): duration = None if step == 0: step = None if detrend == 'none': detrend = None if freq['nfft_fixed'].isChecked(): n_fft = int(freq['nfft_fixed_val'].get_value()) elif freq['nfft_zeropad'].isChecked(): n_fft = max([x['data'].number_of('time')[0] for x in])'n_fft is zero-padded to: ' + str(n_fft)) elif freq['nfft_seg'].isChecked(): n_fft = None # Normalization data preparation if norm not in ['none', 'by integral of each segment']: norm_evt_type = None norm_stage = None norm_chan = None ncat = (0, 0, 0, 0) if norm == 'by mean of event type(s)': norm_chan = [x + ' (' + self.idx_group.currentText() + '' ')'for x in self.one_grp['chan_to_plot']] norm_evt_type = [x.text() for x in \ freq['norm_evt_type'].selectedItems()] if norm == 'by mean of stage(s)': norm_stage = [x.text() for x in \ freq['norm_stage'].selectedItems()] if norm_concat: ncat = (1, 1, 1, 1)' '.join(['Getting segments for norm. cat: ', str(ncat), 'evt_type', str(norm_evt_type), 'stage', str(norm_stage), 'chan', str(norm_chan)])) norm_seg = fetch(, self.parent.notes.annot, ncat, evt_type=norm_evt_type, stage=norm_stage, chan_full=norm_chan) if not norm_seg.segments: msg = 'No valid normalization signal found.' error_dialog = QErrorMessage(self) error_dialog.setWindowTitle('Error fetching data') error_dialog.showMessage(msg) progress.cancel() return norm_seg.read_data(self.chan, ref_chan=self.one_grp['ref_chan'], grp_name=self.one_grp['name'], parent=None) if prep: norm_seg = self.transform_data(norm_seg) all_Sxx = [] for seg in norm_seg: dat = seg['data'] if prep: dat = seg['trans_data'] try: Sxx = frequency(dat, output=output, scaling=scaling, sides=sides, taper=taper, halfbandwidth=halfbandwidth, NW=NW, duration=duration, overlap=overlap, step=step, detrend=detrend, n_fft=n_fft, log_trans=log_trans, centend=centend) except ValueError: msg = ('Value error encountered in frequency ' 'transformation for normalization reference data.' '\nIf using time-averaging, make sure the ' 'normalization data segments are at least as long ' 'as the time window.') error_dialog = QErrorMessage(self) error_dialog.setWindowTitle('Error transforming data') error_dialog.showMessage(msg) progress.cancel() return all_Sxx.append(Sxx) nSxx = ChanFreq() nSxx.s_freq = Sxx.s_freq nSxx.axis['freq'] = Sxx.axis['freq'] nSxx.axis['chan'] = Sxx.axis['chan'] = empty(1, dtype='O')[0] = empty((Sxx.number_of('chan')[0], Sxx.number_of('freq')[0]), dtype='f')[0] = mean( stack([x()[0] for x in all_Sxx], axis=2), axis=2) # end of normalization data prep' '.join(['Freq settings:', output, scaling, 'sides:', str(sides), taper, 'hbw:', str(halfbandwidth), 'NW:', str(NW), 'dur:', str(duration), 'overlap:', str(overlap), 'step:', str(step), 'detrend:', str(detrend), 'n_fft:', str(n_fft), 'norm', str(norm), 'log:', str(log_trans), 'central tendency', str(centend)])) # Main frequency analysis xfreq = [] for i, seg in enumerate( new_seg = dict(seg) data = seg['data'] if prep: data = seg['trans_data'] timeline = seg['data'].axis['time'][0] new_seg['start'] = timeline[0] new_seg['end'] = timeline[-1] new_seg['duration'] = len(timeline) / data.s_freq try: Sxx = frequency(data, output=output, scaling=scaling, sides=sides, taper=taper, halfbandwidth=halfbandwidth, NW=NW, duration=duration, overlap=overlap, step=step, detrend=detrend, n_fft=n_fft, log_trans=log_trans, centend=centend) except SyntaxError: msg = 'Value error encountered in frequency transformation.' error_dialog = QErrorMessage(self) error_dialog.setWindowTitle('Error transforming data') error_dialog.showMessage(msg) progress.cancel() return if norm != 'none': for j, chan in enumerate(Sxx.axis['chan'][0]): dat =[0][j,:] sf = Sxx.axis['freq'][0] f_res = sf[1] - sf[0] # frequency resolution if norm == 'by integral of each segment': norm_dat = sum(dat) * f_res # integral by midpoint rule else: norm_dat = nSxx(chan=chan)[0][0][j,:] = dat / norm_dat new_seg['data'] = Sxx xfreq.append(new_seg) progress.setValue(i) if progress.wasCanceled(): msg = 'Analysis canceled by user.' self.parent.statusBar().showMessage(msg) return progress.close() return xfreq
[docs] def compute_freq_cross(self, csd, asd, output='coherence'): """Compute cross-spectrum, gain, phase shift and/or coherence. Parameters ---------- csd : list of dict with 'data' key as instance of ChanFreq cross-spectral density, one channel asd : list of dict with 'data' key as instance of ChanFreq autospectral density, two channels output : str 'coherence' or 'gainphase' Returns ------- tuple of list of dict with 'data' key as instance of ChanFreq if coherence, tuple contains one dict if gainphase, tuple contains: xgain, ygain, phase where xgain is gain with x as input and y as output """ if output == 'coherence': coh_list = [] for i in range(len(csd)): dat = ChanFreq() = empty(1, dtype='O')[0] = empty((1, csd[i]['data'].number_of('freq')[0]), dtype='f') dat.axis['freq'] = empty(1, dtype='O') dat.axis['freq'][0] = csd[i]['data'].axis['freq'][0] dat.axis['chan'] = csd[i]['data'].axis['chan'] newdict = dict(csd[i]) newdict['data'] = dat Pxy = csd[i]['data'].data[0][0] Pxx = asd[i]['data'].data[0][0] Pyy = asd[i]['data'].data[0][1] Cxy = abs(Pxy)**2 / Pxx / Pyy # ms coherence[0][0, :] = Cxy coh_list.append(newdict) out = (coh_list,) elif output == 'gainphase': xg_list = [] yg_list = [] ph_list = [] for i in range(len(csd)): xgain = ChanFreq() = empty(1, dtype='O')[0] = empty((1, csd[i]['data'].number_of('freq')[0]), dtype='f') xgain.axis['freq'] = empty(1, dtype='O') xgain.axis['freq'][0] = csd[i]['data'].axis['freq'][0] xgain.axis['chan'] = empty(1, dtype='O') ygain = ChanFreq() = empty(1, dtype='O')[0] = empty((1, csd[i]['data'].number_of('freq')[0]), dtype='f') ygain.axis['freq'] = empty(1, dtype='O') ygain.axis['freq'][0] = csd[i]['data'].axis['freq'][0] ygain.axis['chan'] = empty(1, dtype='O') phase = ChanFreq() = empty(1, dtype='O')[0] = empty((1, csd[i]['data'].number_of('freq')[0]), dtype='f') phase.axis['freq'] = empty(1, dtype='O') phase.axis['freq'][0] = csd[i]['data'].axis['freq'][0] phase.axis['chan'] = empty(1, dtype='O') xchan = asd[i]['data'].axis['chan'][0][0] ychan = asd[i]['data'].axis['chan'][0][1] xgain.axis['chan'][0] = asarray(['-->'.join((xchan, ychan))], dtype='U') ygain.axis['chan'][0] = asarray(['-->'.join((ychan, xchan))], dtype='U') phase.axis['chan'][0] = asarray(['-->'.join((xchan, ychan))], dtype='U') Pxy = csd[i]['data'].data[0][0] Pxx = asd[i]['data'].data[0][0] Pyy = asd[i]['data'].data[0][1] Hx = Pxy / Pxx Hy = Pxy / Pyy[0][0, :] = abs(Hx)[0][0, :] = abs(Hy)[0][0, :] = angle(Hx, deg=True) # phase is same in both directions, since Pxx and Pyy are real xg_dict = dict(csd[i]) xg_dict['data'] = xgain xg_list.append(xg_dict) yg_dict = dict(csd[i]) yg_dict['data'] = ygain yg_list.append(yg_dict) ph_dict = dict(csd[i]) ph_dict['data'] = phase ph_list.append(ph_dict) out = (xg_list, yg_list, ph_list) return out
[docs] def plot_freq(self, x, y, title='', ylabel=None, scale='semilogy'): """Plot mean frequency spectrum and display in dialog. Parameters ---------- x : list vector with frequencies y : ndarray vector with amplitudes title : str plot title ylabel : str plot y label scale : str semilogy, loglog or linear """ freq = self.frequency scaling = freq['scaling'].get_value() if ylabel is None: if freq['complex'].get_value(): ylabel = 'Amplitude (uV)' elif 'power' == scaling: ylabel = 'Power spectral density (uV ** 2 / Hz)' elif 'energy' == scaling: ylabel = 'Energy spectral density (uV ** 2)' self.parent.plot_dialog = PlotDialog(self.parent) self.parent.plot_dialog.canvas.plot(x, y, title, ylabel, scale=scale) self.parent.show_plot_dialog()
[docs] def report_fooof(self, x, y, suffix): """Create FOOOF (fitting oscillations and 1/f) report. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray vector with frequencies y : ndarray vector with amplitudes """ filename = splitext(self.filename)[0] + '_' + suffix + '_fooof.csv' freq = self.frequency freq_range = [freq['fo_min_freq'].get_value(), freq['fo_max_freq'].get_value()] pk_thresh = freq['fo_pk_thresh'].get_value() pk_width = [freq['fo_pk_width_min'].get_value(), freq['fo_pk_width_max'].get_value()] max_n_pk = freq['fo_max_n_pk'].get_value() min_pk_amp = freq['fo_min_pk_amp'].get_value() bg_mode = freq['fo_bg_mode'].get_value() if max_n_pk == 0: max_n_pk = inf if FOOOF is None: lg.warning('"fooof" package is required for this function, run "pip install fooof"') return fm = FOOOF(peak_width_limits=pk_width, max_n_peaks=max_n_pk, min_peak_height=min_pk_amp, peak_threshold=pk_thresh, aperiodic_mode=bg_mode), y, freq_range) with open(filename, 'w', newline='') as f:'Writing to ' + str(filename)) csv_file = writer(f) csv_file.writerow(['Wonambi v{}'.format(__version__)]) csv_file.writerow(['FOOOF - POWER SPECTRUM MODEL']) csv_file.writerow('') csv_file.writerow(['The model was run on the frequency range ' '{} - {} Hz'.format(int(floor(fm.freq_range[0])), int(ceil(fm.freq_range[1])))]) csv_file.writerow(['Frequency Resolution is {:1.2f} Hz'.format( fm.freq_res)]) csv_file.writerow('') csv_file.writerow(['Aperiodic Parameters (offset, ' + \ ('knee, ' if fm.aperiodic_mode == 'knee' else '') + \ 'slope): ' + ', '.join(['{:2.4f}'] * \ len(fm.aperiodic_params_)).format( *fm.aperiodic_params_)]) csv_file.writerow('') csv_file.writerow(['{} peaks were found:'.format( len(fm.peak_params_))]) csv_file.writerow('') csv_file.writerow(['Index', 'CF', 'PW', 'BW']) for i, op in enumerate(fm.peak_params_): csv_file.writerow([i, op[0], op[1], op[2]]) csv_file.writerow('') csv_file.writerow(['Goodness of fit metrics:']) csv_file.writerow(['R^2 of model fit is {:5.4f}'.format( fm.r_squared_)]) csv_file.writerow(['Root mean squared error is {:5.4f}'.format( fm.error_)]) csv_file.writerow('') csv_file.writerow(['Haller M, Donoghue T, Peterson E, Varma P, ' 'Sebastian P, Gao R, Noto T, Knight RT, ' 'Shestyuk A, Voytek B (2018) Parameterizing ' 'Neural Power Spectra. bioRxiv, 299859. doi: ' ''])
[docs] def compute_pac(self): """Compute phase-amplitude coupling values from data.""" n_segments = sum([len(x['data'].axis['chan'][0]) for x in]) progress = QProgressDialog('Computing PAC', 'Abort', 0, n_segments - 1, self) progress.setWindowModality(Qt.ApplicationModal) pac = self.pac idpac = (pac['metric'].currentIndex() + 1, pac['surro_method'].currentIndex(), pac['surro_norm'].currentIndex()) fpha = freq_from_str(self.pac['fpha'].get_value()) famp = freq_from_str(self.pac['famp'].get_value()) nbins = self.pac['nbin'][1].get_value() nblocks = self.pac['surro']['nblocks'][1].get_value() if pac['hilbert_on'].isChecked(): dcomplex = 'hilbert' filt = self.pac['hilbert']['filt'][1].get_value() cycle = (self.pac['hilbert']['cycle_pha'][1].get_value(), self.pac['hilbert']['cycle_amp'][1].get_value()) filtorder = self.pac['hilbert']['order'][1].get_value() width = 7 # not used elif pac['wavelet_on'].isChecked(): dcomplex = 'wavelet' filt = 'fir1' # not used cycle = (3, 6) # not used filtorder = 3 # not used width = self.pac['wav_width'][1].get_value()' '.join([str(x) for x in ['Instantiating PAC:', 'idpac:', idpac, 'fpha:', fpha, 'famp:', famp, 'dcomplex:', dcomplex, 'filt:', filt, 'cycle:', cycle, 'filtorder:', filtorder, 'width:', width, 'nbins:', nbins, 'nblocks:', nblocks]])) p = Pac(idpac=idpac, fpha=fpha, famp=famp, dcomplex=dcomplex, filt=filt, cycle=cycle, filtorder=filtorder, width=width, nbins=nbins, nblocks=nblocks) nperm = self.pac['surro']['nperm'][1].get_value() optimize = self.pac['optimize'].get_value() get_pval = self.pac['surro']['pval'][0].get_value() get_surro = self.pac['surro']['save_surro'][0].get_value() njobs = self.pac['njobs'].get_value() if optimize == 'True': optimize = True elif optimize == 'False': optimize = False xpac = {} all_chan = sorted(set( [x for y in for x in y['data'].axis['chan'][0]])) counter = 0 for chan in all_chan: batch = [] batch_dat = [] for i, j in enumerate( if self.pac['prep'].get_value(): data = j['trans_data'] else: data = j['data'] if chan in data.axis['chan'][0]: batch.append(j) if idpac[1] == 1: batch_dat.append(data(chan=chan)[0]) xpac[chan] = {} xpac[chan]['data'] = zeros((len(batch), len(famp), len(fpha))) xpac[chan]['times'] = [] xpac[chan]['duration'] = [] xpac[chan]['stage'] = [] xpac[chan]['cycle'] = [] xpac[chan]['name'] = [] xpac[chan]['n_stitch'] = [] if get_pval: xpac[chan]['pval'] = zeros((len(batch), len(famp), len(fpha))) if idpac[2] > 0: xpac[chan]['surro'] = zeros((len(batch), nperm, len(famp), len(fpha))) for i, j in enumerate(batch): progress.setValue(counter) counter += 1 if self.pac['prep'].get_value(): data = j['trans_data'] else: data = j['data'] sf = data.s_freq if idpac[1] == 1: new_batch_dat = list(batch_dat) new_batch_dat.insert(0, new_batch_dat.pop(i)) dat = asarray(new_batch_dat) else: dat = data(chan=chan)[0] timeline = data.axis['time'][0] xpac[chan]['times'].append((timeline[0], timeline[-1])) duration = len(timeline) / sf xpac[chan]['duration'].append(duration) xpac[chan]['stage'].append(j['stage']) xpac[chan]['cycle'].append(j['cycle']) xpac[chan]['name'].append(j['name']) xpac[chan]['n_stitch'].append(j['n_stitch']) out = p.filterfit(sf=sf, xpha=dat, xamp=None, axis=1, traxis=0, nperm=nperm, optimize=optimize, get_pval=get_pval, get_surro=get_surro, njobs=njobs) if get_pval: if get_surro: (xpac[chan]['data'][i, :, :], xpac[chan]['pval'][i, :, :], xpac[chan]['surro'][i, :, :, :]) = (out[0][:, :, 0], out[1][:, :, 0], out[2][:, :, :, 0]) else: (xpac[chan]['data'][i, :, :], xpac[chan]['pval'][i, :, :]) = (out[0][:, :, 0], out[1][:, :, 0]) elif get_surro: (xpac[chan]['data'][i, :, :], xpac[chan]['surro'][i, :, :, :]) = (out[0][:, :, 0], out[1][:, :, :, 0]) else: xpac[chan]['data'][i, :, :] = out[:, :, 0] if progress.wasCanceled(): msg = 'Analysis canceled by user.' self.parent.statusBar().showMessage(msg) return #progress.setValue(counter) return xpac, fpha, famp
[docs] def export_pac(self, xpac, fpha, famp, desc): """Write PAC analysis data to CSV.""" filename = splitext(self.filename)[0] + '_pac.csv' heading_row_1 = ['Segment index', 'Start time', 'End time', 'Duration', 'Stitch', 'Stage', 'Cycle', 'Event type', 'Channel', ] spacer = [''] * (len(heading_row_1) - 1) heading_row_2 = [] for fp in fpha: fp_str = str(fp[0]) + '-' + str(fp[1]) for fa in famp: fa_str = str(fa[0]) + '-' + str(fa[1]) heading_row_2.append(fp_str + '_' + fa_str + '_pac') if 'pval' in xpac[list(xpac.keys())[0]].keys(): heading_row_3 = [x[:-4] + '_pval' for x in heading_row_2] heading_row_2.extend(heading_row_3) with open(filename, 'w', newline='') as f:'Writing to ' + str(filename)) csv_file = writer(f) csv_file.writerow(['Wonambi v{}'.format(__version__)]) csv_file.writerow(heading_row_1 + heading_row_2) csv_file.writerow(['Mean'] + spacer + list(desc['mean'])) csv_file.writerow(['SD'] + spacer + list(desc['sd'])) csv_file.writerow(['Mean of ln'] + spacer + list(desc['mean_log'])) csv_file.writerow(['SD of ln'] + spacer + list(desc['sd_log'])) idx = 0 for chan in xpac.keys(): for i, j in enumerate(xpac[chan]['times']): idx += 1 cyc = None if xpac[chan]['cycle'][i] is not None: cyc = xpac[chan]['cycle'][i][2] data_row = list(ravel(xpac[chan]['data'][i, :, :])) pval_row = [] if 'pval' in xpac[chan]: pval_row = list(ravel(xpac[chan]['pval'][i, :, :])) csv_file.writerow([idx, j[0], j[1], xpac[chan]['duration'][i], xpac[chan]['n_stitch'][i], xpac[chan]['stage'][i], cyc, xpac[chan]['name'][i], chan, ] + data_row + pval_row)
[docs] def compute_evt_params(self): """Compute event parameters.""" ev = self.event glob = {k: v.get_value() for k, v in ev['global'].items()} params = {k: v[0].get_value() for k, v in ev['local'].items()} prep = {k: v[1].get_value() for k, v in ev['local'].items()} slopes = {k: v.get_value() for k, v in ev['sw'].items()} f1 = ev['f1'].get_value() f2 = ev['f2'].get_value() if not f2: f2 = None band = (f1, f2) if not (slopes['avg_slope'] or slopes['max_slope']): slopes = None evt_dat = event_params(, params, band=band, slopes=slopes, prep=prep, parent=self) count = None density = None if glob['count']: count = len( if glob['density']: epoch_dur = glob['density_per'] # get period of interest based on stage and cycle selection poi = get_times(self.parent.notes.annot, stage=self.stage, cycle=self.cycle, exclude=True) total_dur = sum([x[1] - x[0] for y in poi for x in y['times']]) density = len( / (total_dur / epoch_dur) return evt_dat, count, density
[docs] def make_title(self, chan, cycle, stage, evt_type): """Make a title for plots, etc.""" cyc_str = None if cycle is not None: cyc_str = [str(c[2]) for c in cycle] cyc_str[0] = 'cycle ' + cyc_str[0] title = [' + '.join([str(x) for x in y]) for y in [chan, cyc_str, stage, evt_type] if y is not None] return ', '.join(title)
[docs]class PlotCanvas(FigureCanvas): """Widget for showing plots.""" def __init__(self, parent=None, width=5, height=4, dpi=100): if Figure is None: return fig = Figure(figsize=(width, height), dpi=dpi) self.axes = fig.add_subplot(111) FigureCanvas.__init__(self, fig) self.setParent(parent) FigureCanvas.setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) FigureCanvas.updateGeometry(self)
[docs] def plot(self, x, y, title, ylabel, scale='semilogy', idx_lim=(1, -1)): """Plot the data. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray vector with frequencies y : ndarray vector with amplitudes title : str title of the plot, to appear above it ylabel : str label for the y-axis scale : str 'log y-axis', 'log both axes' or 'linear', to set axis scaling idx_lim : tuple of (int or None) indices of the data to plot. by default, the first value is left out, because of assymptotic tendencies near 0 Hz. """ x = x[slice(*idx_lim)] y = y[slice(*idx_lim)] ax = self.figure.add_subplot(111) ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if 'semilogy' == scale: ax.semilogy(x, y, 'r-') elif 'loglog' == scale: ax.loglog(x, y, 'r-') elif 'linear' == scale: ax.plot(x, y, 'r-')
[docs]class PlotDialog(QDialog): """Dialog for displaying plots.""" def __init__(self, parent=None): if Figure is None: return super().__init__(parent) self.setWindowModality(Qt.ApplicationModal) self.parent = parent self.canvas = PlotCanvas(self) self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas, self) self.create_dialog()
[docs] def create_dialog(self): """Create the basic dialog.""" self.bbox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Close) self.idx_close = self.bbox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Close) self.idx_close.pressed.connect(self.reject) btnlayout = QHBoxLayout() btnlayout.addStretch(1) btnlayout.addWidget(self.bbox) layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(self.toolbar) layout.addWidget(self.canvas) layout.addLayout(btnlayout) layout.addStretch(1) self.setLayout(layout)