Source code for wonambi.widgets.channels

"""Widget to define channels, montage and filters.
from copy import deepcopy
from json import dump, load
from logging import getLogger
from os.path import splitext

from PyQt5.Qt import Qt
from PyQt5.QtGui import (QColor,

from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QAbstractItemView,

from .settings import Config
from .utils import FormFloat, FormStr, FormBool

lg = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ConfigChannels(Config): """Widget with preferences in Settings window for Channels.""" def __init__(self, update_widget): super().__init__('channels', update_widget)
[docs] def create_config(self): box0 = QGroupBox('Channels') self.index['hp'] = FormFloat() self.index['lp'] = FormFloat() self.index['notch'] = FormFloat() self.index['color'] = FormStr() self.index['scale'] = FormFloat() self.index['demean'] = FormBool('') form_layout = QFormLayout() form_layout.addRow('Default High-Pass Filter', self.index['hp']) form_layout.addRow('Default Low-Pass Filter', self.index['lp']) form_layout.addRow('Default Notch Filter', self.index['notch']) form_layout.addRow('Default Color', self.index['color']) form_layout.addRow('Default Scale', self.index['scale']) form_layout.addRow('Default Demeaning', self.index['demean']) box0.setLayout(form_layout) main_layout = QVBoxLayout() main_layout.addWidget(box0) main_layout.addStretch(1) self.setLayout(main_layout)
[docs]class ChannelsGroup(QWidget): """Tab inside the Channels widget. Parameters ---------- chan_name : list of str list of all the channels in the dataset config_value : dict default values for the channels s_freq : int sampling frequency (to define max of filter) Attributes ---------- chan_name : list of str list of all the channels in the dataset idx_l0 : QListWidget list with the channels to plot idx_l1 : QListWidget list with the channels to use as reference idx_hp : QDoubleSpinBox spin box to indicate the high-pass filter idx_lp : QDoubleSpinBox spin box to indicate the low-pass filter idx_scale : QDoubleSpinBox spin_box to indicate the group-specific scaling idx_reref : QPushButton it triggers a selection of reference channels equal to the channels to plot. idx_color : QColor color of the traces beloning to this channel group (it could be a property of QWidget) Notes ----- TODO: re-referencing should be more flexible, by allowing other types of referencing. Use config_value instead of config, because it's easier to pass dict when loading channels montage. """ def __init__(self, chan_name, group_name, config_value, s_freq): super().__init__() self.chan_name = chan_name self.group_name = group_name self.idx_l0 = QListWidget() self.idx_l1 = QListWidget() self.add_channels_to_list(self.idx_l0, add_ref=True) self.add_channels_to_list(self.idx_l1) self.idx_hp = QDoubleSpinBox() hp = config_value['hp'] if hp is None: hp = 0 self.idx_hp.setValue(hp) self.idx_hp.setSuffix(' Hz') self.idx_hp.setDecimals(1) self.idx_hp.setMaximum(s_freq / 2) self.idx_hp.setToolTip('0 means no filter') self.idx_lp = QDoubleSpinBox() lp = config_value['lp'] if lp is None: lp = 0 self.idx_lp.setValue(lp) self.idx_lp.setSuffix(' Hz') self.idx_lp.setDecimals(1) self.idx_lp.setMaximum(s_freq / 2) self.idx_lp.setToolTip('0 means no filter') self.idx_notch = QDoubleSpinBox() if 'notch' in config_value: # for backward compatibility notch = config_value['notch'] else: notch = None if notch is None: notch = 0 self.idx_notch.setValue(notch) self.idx_notch.setSuffix(' Hz') self.idx_notch.setDecimals(1) self.idx_notch.setMaximum(s_freq / 2) self.idx_notch.setToolTip('50Hz or 60Hz depending on the power line frequency. 0 means no filter') self.idx_scale = QDoubleSpinBox() self.idx_scale.setValue(config_value['scale']) self.idx_scale.setSuffix('x') self.idx_reref = QPushButton('Average') self.idx_reref.clicked.connect(self.rereference) self.idx_color = QColor(config_value['color']) self.idx_demean = QCheckBox() self.idx_demean.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked) if 'demean' in config_value: # for backward compatibility if config_value['demean']: self.idx_demean.setCheckState(Qt.Checked) l_form = QFormLayout() l_form.addRow('High-Pass', self.idx_hp) l_form.addRow('Low-Pass', self.idx_lp) l_form.addRow('Notch Filter', self.idx_notch) r_form = QFormLayout() r_form.addRow('Reference', self.idx_reref) r_form.addRow('Scaling', self.idx_scale) r_form.addRow('Demean', self.idx_demean) l0_layout = QVBoxLayout() l0_layout.addWidget(QLabel('Active')) l0_layout.addWidget(self.idx_l0) l1_layout = QVBoxLayout() l1_layout.addWidget(QLabel('Reference')) l1_layout.addWidget(self.idx_l1) l_layout = QHBoxLayout() l_layout.addLayout(l0_layout) l_layout.addLayout(l1_layout) lr_form = QHBoxLayout() lr_form.addLayout(l_form) lr_form.addLayout(r_form) layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(l_layout) layout.addLayout(lr_form) self.setLayout(layout)
[docs] def add_channels_to_list(self, l, add_ref=False): """Create list of channels (one for those to plot, one for ref). Parameters ---------- l : instance of QListWidget one of the two lists (chan_to_plot or ref_chan) """ l.clear() l.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) for chan in self.chan_name: item = QListWidgetItem(chan) l.addItem(item) if add_ref: item = QListWidgetItem('_REF') l.addItem(item)
[docs] def highlight_channels(self, l, selected_chan): """Highlight channels in the list of channels. Parameters ---------- selected_chan : list of str channels to indicate as selected. """ for row in range(l.count()): item = l.item(row) if item.text() in selected_chan: item.setSelected(True) else: item.setSelected(False)
[docs] def rereference(self): """Automatically highlight channels to use as reference, based on selected channels.""" selectedItems = self.idx_l0.selectedItems() chan_to_plot = [] for selected in selectedItems: chan_to_plot.append(selected.text()) self.highlight_channels(self.idx_l1, chan_to_plot)
[docs] def get_info(self): """Get the information about the channel groups. Returns ------- dict information about this channel group Notes ----- The items in selectedItems() are ordered based on the user's selection (which appears pretty random). It's more consistent to use the same order of the main channel list. That's why the additional for-loop is necessary. We don't care about the order of the reference channels. """ selectedItems = self.idx_l0.selectedItems() selected_chan = [x.text() for x in selectedItems] chan_to_plot = [] for chan in self.chan_name + ['_REF']: if chan in selected_chan: chan_to_plot.append(chan) selectedItems = self.idx_l1.selectedItems() ref_chan = [] for selected in selectedItems: ref_chan.append(selected.text()) hp = self.idx_hp.value() if hp == 0: low_cut = None else: low_cut = hp lp = self.idx_lp.value() if lp == 0: high_cut = None else: high_cut = lp notch_val = self.idx_notch.value() if notch_val == 0: notch = None else: notch = notch_val scale = self.idx_scale.value() demean = self.idx_demean.isChecked() group_info = {'name': self.group_name, 'chan_to_plot': chan_to_plot, 'ref_chan': ref_chan, 'hp': low_cut, 'lp': high_cut, 'notch': notch, 'scale': float(scale), 'color': self.idx_color, 'demean': demean, } return group_info
[docs]class Channels(QWidget): """Widget with information about channel groups. Attributes ---------- parent : QMainWindow the main window config : ConfigChannels preferences for this widget filename : path to file file with the channel groups groups : list of dict each dict contains information about one channel group tabs : QTabWidget Widget that contains the tabs with channel groups """ def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__() self.parent = parent self.config = ConfigChannels(lambda: None) self.filename = None self.groups = [] self.tabs = None self.create() self.create_action()
[docs] def create(self): """Create Channels Widget""" add_button = QPushButton('New') add_button.clicked.connect(self.new_group) color_button = QPushButton('Color') color_button.clicked.connect(self.color_group) del_button = QPushButton('Delete') del_button.clicked.connect(self.del_group) apply_button = QPushButton('Apply') apply_button.clicked.connect(self.apply) self.button_add = add_button self.button_color = color_button self.button_del = del_button self.button_apply = apply_button buttons = QGridLayout() buttons.addWidget(add_button, 0, 0) buttons.addWidget(color_button, 1, 0) buttons.addWidget(del_button, 0, 1) buttons.addWidget(apply_button, 1, 1) self.tabs = QTabWidget() layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(buttons) layout.addWidget(self.tabs) self.setLayout(layout) self.setEnabled(False) self.button_color.setEnabled(False) self.button_del.setEnabled(False) self.button_apply.setEnabled(False)
[docs] def create_action(self): """Create actions related to channel selection.""" actions = {} act = QAction('Load Montage...', self) act.triggered.connect(self.load_channels) act.setEnabled(False) actions['load_channels'] = act act = QAction('Save Montage...', self) act.triggered.connect(self.save_channels) act.setEnabled(False) actions['save_channels'] = act self.action = actions
[docs] def update(self): self.setEnabled(True) self.action['load_channels'].setEnabled(True) self.action['save_channels'].setEnabled(True)
[docs] def new_group(self, checked=False, test_name=None): """Create a new channel group. Parameters ---------- checked : bool comes from QAbstractButton.clicked test_name : str used for testing purposes to avoid modal window Notes ----- Don't call self.apply() just yet, only if the user wants it. """ chan_name = self.parent.labels.chan_name if chan_name is None: msg = 'No dataset loaded' self.parent.statusBar().showMessage(msg) lg.debug(msg) else: if test_name is None: new_name = QInputDialog.getText(self, 'New Channel Group', 'Enter Name') else: new_name = [test_name, True] # like output of getText if new_name[1]: s_freq =['s_freq'] group = ChannelsGroup(chan_name, new_name[0], self.config.value, s_freq) self.tabs.addTab(group, new_name[0]) self.tabs.setCurrentIndex(self.tabs.currentIndex() + 1) # activate buttons self.button_color.setEnabled(True) self.button_del.setEnabled(True) self.button_apply.setEnabled(True)
[docs] def color_group(self, checked=False, test_color=None): """Change the color of the group.""" group = self.tabs.currentWidget() if test_color is None: newcolor = QColorDialog.getColor(group.idx_color) else: newcolor = test_color group.idx_color = newcolor self.apply()
[docs] def del_group(self): """Delete current group.""" idx = self.tabs.currentIndex() self.tabs.removeTab(idx) self.apply()
[docs] def apply(self): """Apply changes to the plots.""" self.read_group_info() if self.tabs.count() == 0: # disactivate buttons self.button_color.setEnabled(False) self.button_del.setEnabled(False) self.button_apply.setEnabled(False) else: # activate buttons self.button_color.setEnabled(True) self.button_del.setEnabled(True) self.button_apply.setEnabled(True) if self.groups: self.parent.overview.update_position() self.parent.spectrum.update() self.parent.notes.enable_events() else: self.parent.traces.reset() self.parent.spectrum.reset() self.parent.notes.enable_events()
[docs] def read_group_info(self): """Get information about groups directly from the widget.""" self.groups = [] for i in range(self.tabs.count()): one_group = self.tabs.widget(i).get_info() # one_group['name'] = self.tabs.tabText(i) self.groups.append(one_group)
[docs] def load_channels(self, checked=False, test_name=None): """Load channel groups from file. Parameters ---------- test_name : path to file when debugging the function, you can open a channels file from the command line """ chan_name = self.parent.labels.chan_name if self.filename is not None: filename = self.filename elif is not None: filename = (splitext([0] + '_channels.json') else: filename = None if test_name is None: filename, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open Channels Montage', filename, 'Channels File (*.json)') else: filename = test_name if filename == '': return self.filename = filename with open(filename, 'r') as outfile: groups = load(outfile) s_freq =['s_freq'] no_in_dataset = [] for one_grp in groups: no_in_dataset.extend(set(one_grp['chan_to_plot']) - set(chan_name)) chan_to_plot = set(chan_name) & set(one_grp['chan_to_plot']) ref_chan = set(chan_name) & set(one_grp['ref_chan']) group = ChannelsGroup(chan_name, one_grp['name'], one_grp, s_freq) group.highlight_channels(group.idx_l0, chan_to_plot) group.highlight_channels(group.idx_l1, ref_chan) self.tabs.addTab(group, one_grp['name']) if no_in_dataset: msg = 'Channels not present in the dataset: ' + ', '.join(no_in_dataset) self.parent.statusBar().showMessage(msg) lg.debug(msg) self.apply()
[docs] def save_channels(self, checked=False, test_name=None): """Save channel groups to file.""" self.read_group_info() if self.filename is not None: filename = self.filename elif is not None: filename = (splitext([0] + '_channels.json') else: filename = None if test_name is None: filename, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, 'Save Channels Montage', filename, 'Channels File (*.json)') else: filename = test_name if filename == '': return self.filename = filename groups = deepcopy(self.groups) for one_grp in groups: one_grp['color'] = one_grp['color'].rgba() with open(filename, 'w') as outfile: dump(groups, outfile, indent=' ')
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset all the information of this widget.""" self.filename = None self.groups = [] self.tabs.clear() self.setEnabled(False) self.button_color.setEnabled(False) self.button_del.setEnabled(False) self.button_apply.setEnabled(False) self.action['load_channels'].setEnabled(False) self.action['save_channels'].setEnabled(False)