Source code for wonambi.widgets.modal_widgets

from datetime import timedelta
from operator import itemgetter

from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QAbstractItemView,

from .utils import FormMenu, STAGE_NAME

[docs]class ChannelDialog(QDialog): """Template dialog for event detection. Attributes ---------- parent : instance of QMainWindow the main window groups : list of dict information about groups from Channels index : dict of FormFloat Contains detection parameters. bbox : QDialogButtonBox Button box with Ok and Cancel idx_group : FormMenu Combo box of channel groups. idx_chan : QListWidget List widget containing all channels for selected group. idx_stage : QListWidget List widget containing all stages. idx_cycle : QListWidget List widget containing all marked cycles. one_grp : dict info about selected group from Channels """ def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(None, Qt.WindowSystemMenuHint | Qt.WindowTitleHint) self.parent = parent self.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) self.groups = self.parent.channels.groups self.index = {} self.cycles = None self.create_widgets()
[docs] def create_widgets(self): """Build basic components of dialog.""" self.bbox = QDialogButtonBox( QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) self.idx_ok = self.bbox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Ok) self.idx_cancel = self.bbox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) self.idx_group = FormMenu([gr['name'] for gr in self.groups]) chan_box = QListWidget() self.idx_chan = chan_box stage_box = QListWidget() stage_box.addItems(STAGE_NAME) stage_box.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) self.idx_stage = stage_box cycle_box = QListWidget() cycle_box.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) self.idx_cycle = cycle_box
[docs] def update_groups(self): """Update the channel groups list when dialog is opened.""" self.groups = self.parent.channels.groups self.idx_group.clear() for gr in self.groups: self.idx_group.addItem(gr['name']) self.update_channels()
[docs] def update_channels(self): """Update the channels list when a new group is selected.""" group_dict = {k['name']: i for i, k in enumerate(self.groups)} group_index = group_dict[self.idx_group.currentText()] self.one_grp = self.groups[group_index] self.idx_chan.clear() self.idx_chan.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) for chan in self.one_grp['chan_to_plot']: name = chan + '—(' + '+'.join(self.one_grp['ref_chan']) + ')' item = QListWidgetItem(name) self.idx_chan.addItem(item)
[docs] def update_cycles(self): """Enable cycles checkbox only if there are cycles marked, with no errors.""" self.idx_cycle.clear() try: self.cycles = self.parent.notes.annot.get_cycles() except ValueError as err: self.idx_cycle.setEnabled(False) msg = 'There is a problem with the cycle markers: ' + str(err) self.parent.statusBar().showMessage(msg) else: if self.cycles is None: self.idx_cycle.setEnabled(False) else: self.idx_cycle.setEnabled(True) for i in range(len(self.cycles)): self.idx_cycle.addItem(str(i+1))
[docs] def get_channels(self): """Get the selected channel(s in order). Returns ------- list of str name of each channel (without group), in original record order """ selectedItems = self.idx_chan.selectedItems() selected_chan = [x.text().split('—')[0] for x in selectedItems] chan_in_order = [] for chan in self.one_grp['chan_to_plot']: if chan in selected_chan: chan_in_order.append(chan) return chan_in_order
[docs] def get_cycles(self): """Get the selected cycle(s in order). Returns ------- list of tuple Each tuple is (start time (sec), end time (sec), index (starting at 1).""" idx_cyc_sel = [ int(x.text()) - 1 for x in self.idx_cycle.selectedItems()] if not idx_cyc_sel: cycle = None else: cycle = itemgetter(*idx_cyc_sel)(self.cycles) if len(idx_cyc_sel) == 1: cycle = [cycle] return cycle
[docs]class DateTimeDialog(QDialog): """Dialog to specify time in the recordings, either as seconds from the start of the recordings or absolute time. Parameters ---------- title : str 'Lights out' or 'Lights on' start_time : datetime absolute start time of the recordings dur : int total duration of the recordings Notes ----- The value of interest is in self.idx_seconds.value(), which is seconds from the start of the recordings. """ def __init__(self, title, start_time, dur): super().__init__() self.start_time = start_time self.dur = dur end_time = start_time + timedelta(seconds=dur) self.setWindowTitle(title) bbox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) self.idx_ok = bbox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Ok) self.idx_cancel = bbox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) bbox.clicked.connect(self.button_clicked) self.idx_seconds = QSpinBox() self.idx_seconds.setMinimum(0) self.idx_seconds.setMaximum(dur) self.idx_seconds.valueChanged.connect(self.changed_spin) self.idx_datetime = QDateTimeEdit(start_time) self.idx_datetime.setMinimumDate(start_time) self.idx_datetime.setMaximumDate(end_time) self.idx_datetime.setDisplayFormat('dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss') self.idx_datetime.dateTimeChanged.connect(self.changed_datetime) layout = QFormLayout() layout.addRow('', QLabel('Enter ' + title + ' time')) layout.addRow('Seconds from recording start', self.idx_seconds) layout.addRow('Absolute time', self.idx_datetime) layout.addRow(bbox) self.setLayout(layout)
[docs] def button_clicked(self, button): if button == self.idx_ok: self.accept() elif button == self.idx_cancel: self.reject()
[docs] def changed_spin(self, i): self.idx_datetime.blockSignals(True) self.idx_datetime.setDateTime(self.start_time + timedelta(seconds=i)) self.idx_datetime.blockSignals(False)
[docs] def changed_datetime(self, dt): val = (dt.toPyDateTime() - self.start_time).total_seconds() if val < 0 or val >= self.dur: val = min(self.dur, max(val, 0)) self.changed_spin(val) self.idx_seconds.blockSignals(True) self.idx_seconds.setValue(val) self.idx_seconds.blockSignals(False)
[docs]class SVGDialog(QDialog): def __init__(self, dirname): super().__init__() self.dirname = str(dirname) self.setWindowTitle('Export to SVG') bbox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) self.idx_ok = bbox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Ok) self.idx_cancel = bbox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) bbox.clicked.connect(self.button_clicked) self.idx_list = QComboBox() self.idx_list.addItems(['Traces', 'Overview']) self.idx_file = QPushButton() self.idx_file.setText('(click to choose file)') self.idx_file.clicked.connect(self.select_filename) layout = QFormLayout() layout.addRow('Which Panel', self.idx_list) layout.addRow('File Name', self.idx_file) layout.addRow(bbox) self.setLayout(layout)
[docs] def button_clicked(self, button): if button == self.idx_ok: self.accept() elif button == self.idx_cancel: self.reject()
[docs] def select_filename(self): filename, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, 'Export screenshot', self.dirname, 'Image (*.svg)') if filename == '': return self.idx_file.setText(filename)