Source code for wonambi.widgets.overview

"""Wide widget giving an overview of the recordings with markers and
annotations (bookmarks, events, and sleep scores)
from datetime import timedelta
from logging import getLogger
from math import ceil, floor

from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
from PyQt5.QtGui import (QBrush,
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QFormLayout,

from .settings import Config
from .utils import convert_name_to_color, FormInt, LINE_WIDTH

lg = getLogger(__name__)

NoPen = QPen()

NoBrush = QBrush()

STAGES = {'Wake': {'pos0': 5, 'pos1': 25, 'color':},
          'Movement': {'pos0': 5, 'pos1': 25, 'color': Qt.darkGray},
          'Artefact': {'pos0': 5, 'pos1': 25, 'color': Qt.darkGray},
          'REM': {'pos0': 10, 'pos1': 20, 'color': Qt.magenta},
          'NREM1': {'pos0': 15, 'pos1': 15, 'color': Qt.cyan},
          'NREM2': {'pos0': 20, 'pos1': 10, 'color':},
          'NREM3': {'pos0': 25, 'pos1': 5, 'color': Qt.darkBlue},
          'Undefined': {'pos0': 0, 'pos1': 30, 'color': Qt.gray},
          'Unknown': {'pos0': 30, 'pos1': 0, 'color': NoBrush},
          'cycle': {'pos0': 42, 'pos1': 43, 'color': Qt.darkRed}

BARS = {'markers': {'pos0': 0, 'pos1': 10, 'tip': 'Markers in Dataset'},
        'quality': {'pos0': 15, 'pos1': 10, 'tip': 'Signal quality'},
        'annot': {'pos0': 30, 'pos1': 10,
                  'tip': 'Annotations (bookmarks and events)'},
        'stage': {'pos0': 45, 'pos1': 30, 'tip': 'Sleep Stage'},
CURR = {'pos0': 0, 'pos1': 90}

[docs]class ConfigOverview(Config): """Widget with preferences in Settings window for Overview.""" def __init__(self, update_widget): super().__init__('overview', update_widget)
[docs] def create_config(self): box0 = QGroupBox('Overview') self.index['timestamp_steps'] = FormInt() self.index['overview_scale'] = FormInt() form_layout = QFormLayout() form_layout.addRow('Steps in overview (in s)', self.index['timestamp_steps']) form_layout.addRow('One pixel corresponds to (s)', self.index['overview_scale']) box0.setLayout(form_layout) main_layout = QVBoxLayout() main_layout.addWidget(box0) main_layout.addStretch(1) self.setLayout(main_layout)
[docs]class Overview(QGraphicsView): """Show an overview of data, such as hypnogram and data in memory. Attributes ---------- parent : instance of QMainWindow the main window. config : ConfigChannels preferences for this widget minimum : int or float start time of the recording, from the absolute time of start_time in s maximum : int or float length of the recordings in s start_time : datetime absolute start time of the recording scene : instance of QGraphicsScene to keep track of the objects idx_current : QGraphicsRectItem instance of the current time window idx_markers : list of QGraphicsRectItem list of markers in the dataset idx_annot : list of QGraphicsRectItem list of user-made annotations """ def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__() self.parent = parent self.config = ConfigOverview(self.update_settings) self.minimum = None self.maximum = None self.start_time = None # datetime, absolute start time self.scene = None self.idx_current = None self.idx_markers = [] self.idx_annot = [] self.idx_poi = [] self.setMinimumHeight(TOTAL_HEIGHT + 30)
[docs] def update(self, reset=True): """Read full duration and update maximum. Parameters ---------- reset: bool If True, current window start time is reset to 0. """ if is not None: # read from the dataset, if available header = maximum = header['n_samples'] / header['s_freq'] # in s self.minimum = 0 self.maximum = maximum self.start_time =['start_time'] elif self.parent.notes.annot is not None: # read from annotations annot = self.parent.notes.annot self.minimum = annot.first_second self.maximum = annot.last_second self.start_time = annot.start_time # make it time-zone unaware self.start_time = self.start_time.replace(tzinfo=None) if reset: self.parent.value('window_start', 0) # the only value that is reset self.display()
[docs] def display(self): """Updates the widgets, especially based on length of recordings.""" lg.debug('GraphicsScene is between {}s and {}s'.format(self.minimum, self.maximum)) x_scale = 1 / self.parent.value('overview_scale') lg.debug('Set scene x-scaling to {}'.format(x_scale)) self.scale(1 / self.transform().m11(), 1) # reset to 1 self.scale(x_scale, 1) self.scene = QGraphicsScene(self.minimum, 0, self.maximum, TOTAL_HEIGHT) self.setScene(self.scene) # reset annotations self.idx_markers = [] self.idx_annot = [] self.display_current() for name, pos in BARS.items(): item = QGraphicsRectItem(self.minimum, pos['pos0'], self.maximum, pos['pos1']) item.setToolTip(pos['tip']) self.scene.addItem(item) self.add_timestamps()
[docs] def add_timestamps(self): """Add timestamps at the bottom of the overview.""" transform, _ = self.transform().inverted() stamps = _make_timestamps(self.start_time, self.minimum, self.maximum, self.parent.value('timestamp_steps')) for stamp, xpos in zip(*stamps): text = self.scene.addSimpleText(stamp) text.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIgnoresTransformations) # set xpos and adjust for text width text_width = text.boundingRect().width() * transform.m11() text.setPos(xpos - text_width / 2, TIME_HEIGHT)
[docs] def update_settings(self): """After changing the settings, we need to recreate the whole image.""" self.display() self.display_markers() if self.parent.notes.annot is not None: self.parent.notes.display_notes()
[docs] def update_position(self, new_position=None): """Update the cursor position and much more. Parameters ---------- new_position : int or float new position in s, for plotting etc. Notes ----- This is a central function. It updates the cursor, then updates the traces, the scores, and the power spectrum. In other words, this function is responsible for keep track of the changes every time the start time of the window changes. """ if new_position is not None: lg.debug('Updating position to {}'.format(new_position)) self.parent.value('window_start', new_position) self.idx_current.setPos(new_position, 0) current_time = (self.start_time + timedelta(seconds=new_position)) msg = 'Current time: ' + current_time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') msg2 = f' ({new_position} seconds from start)' self.parent.statusBar().showMessage(msg + msg2) lg.debug(msg) else: lg.debug('Updating position at {}' ''.format(self.parent.value('window_start'))) if is not None: self.parent.traces.read_data() if is not None: self.parent.traces.display() self.parent.spectrum.display_window() if self.parent.notes.annot is not None: self.parent.notes.set_stage_index() self.parent.notes.set_quality_index() self.display_current()
[docs] def display_current(self): """Create a rectangle showing the current window.""" if self.idx_current in self.scene.items(): self.scene.removeItem(self.idx_current) item = QGraphicsRectItem(0, CURR['pos0'], self.parent.value('window_length'), CURR['pos1']) # it's necessary to create rect first, and then move it item.setPos(self.parent.value('window_start'), 0) item.setPen(QPen(Qt.lightGray)) item.setBrush(QBrush(Qt.lightGray)) item.setZValue(-10) self.scene.addItem(item) self.idx_current = item
[docs] def display_markers(self): """Mark all the markers, from the dataset. This function should be called only when we load the dataset or when we change the settings. """ for rect in self.idx_markers: self.scene.removeItem(rect) self.idx_markers = [] markers = [] if is not None: if self.parent.value('marker_show'): markers = for mrk in markers: rect = QGraphicsRectItem(mrk['start'], BARS['markers']['pos0'], mrk['end'] - mrk['start'], BARS['markers']['pos1']) self.scene.addItem(rect) color = self.parent.value('marker_color') rect.setPen(QPen(QColor(color))) rect.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(color))) rect.setZValue(-5) self.idx_markers.append(rect)
[docs] def display_annotations(self): """Mark all the bookmarks/events, from annotations. This function is similar to display_markers, but they are called at different stages (f.e. when loading annotations file), so we keep them separate """ for rect in self.idx_annot: self.scene.removeItem(rect) self.idx_annot = [] if self.parent.notes.annot is None: return bookmarks = [] events = [] if self.parent.value('annot_show'): bookmarks = self.parent.notes.annot.get_bookmarks() events = self.parent.notes.get_selected_events() annotations = bookmarks + events for annot in annotations: rect = QGraphicsRectItem(annot['start'], BARS['annot']['pos0'], annot['end'] - annot['start'], BARS['annot']['pos1']) self.scene.addItem(rect) if annot in bookmarks: color = self.parent.value('annot_bookmark_color') if annot in events: color = convert_name_to_color(annot['name']) rect.setPen(QPen(QColor(color), LINE_WIDTH)) rect.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(color))) rect.setZValue(-5) self.idx_annot.append(rect) for epoch in self.parent.notes.annot.epochs: self.mark_stages(epoch['start'], epoch['end'] - epoch['start'], epoch['stage']) self.mark_quality(epoch['start'], epoch['end'] - epoch['start'], epoch['quality']) cycles = self.parent.notes.annot.rater.find('cycles') cyc_starts = [float(mrkr.text) for mrkr in cycles.findall('cyc_start')] cyc_ends = [float(mrkr.text) for mrkr in cycles.findall('cyc_end')] for mrkr in cyc_starts: self.mark_cycles(mrkr, 30) # TODO: better width solution for mrkr in cyc_ends: self.mark_cycles(mrkr, 30, end=True)
[docs] def mark_stages(self, start_time, length, stage_name): """Mark stages, only add the new ones. Parameters ---------- start_time : int start time in s of the epoch being scored. length : int duration in s of the epoch being scored. stage_name : str one of the stages defined in global stages. """ y_pos = BARS['stage']['pos0'] current_stage = STAGES.get(stage_name, STAGES['Unknown']) # the -1 is really important, otherwise we stay on the edge of the rect old_score = self.scene.itemAt(start_time + length / 2, y_pos + current_stage['pos0'] + current_stage['pos1'] - 1, self.transform()) # check we are not removing the black border if old_score is not None and old_score.pen() == NoPen: lg.debug('Removing old score at {}'.format(start_time)) self.scene.removeItem(old_score) self.idx_annot.remove(old_score) rect = QGraphicsRectItem(start_time, y_pos + current_stage['pos0'], length, current_stage['pos1']) rect.setPen(NoPen) rect.setBrush(current_stage['color']) self.scene.addItem(rect) self.idx_annot.append(rect)
[docs] def mark_quality(self, start_time, length, qual_name): """Mark signal quality, only add the new ones. Parameters ---------- start_time : int start time in s of the epoch being scored. length : int duration in s of the epoch being scored. qual_name : str one of the stages defined in global stages. """ y_pos = BARS['quality']['pos0'] height = 10 # the -1 is really important, otherwise we stay on the edge of the rect old_score = self.scene.itemAt(start_time + length / 2, y_pos + height - 1, self.transform()) # check we are not removing the black border if old_score is not None and old_score.pen() == NoPen: lg.debug('Removing old score at {}'.format(start_time)) self.scene.removeItem(old_score) self.idx_annot.remove(old_score) if qual_name == 'Poor': rect = QGraphicsRectItem(start_time, y_pos, length, height) rect.setPen(NoPen) rect.setBrush( self.scene.addItem(rect) self.idx_annot.append(rect)
[docs] def mark_cycles(self, start_time, length, end=False): """Mark cycle bound, only add the new one. Parameters ---------- start_time: int start time in s of the bounding epoch length : int duration in s of the epoch being scored. end: bool If True, marker will be a cycle end marker; otherwise, it's start. """ y_pos = STAGES['cycle']['pos0'] height = STAGES['cycle']['pos1'] color = STAGES['cycle']['color'] # the -1 is really important, otherwise we stay on the edge of the rect old_rect = self.scene.itemAt(start_time + length / 2, y_pos + height - 1, self.transform()) # check we are not removing the black border if old_rect is not None and old_rect.pen() == NoPen: lg.debug('Removing old score at {}'.format(start_time)) self.scene.removeItem(old_rect) self.idx_annot.remove(old_rect) rect = QGraphicsRectItem(start_time, y_pos, 30, height) rect.setPen(NoPen) rect.setBrush(color) self.scene.addItem(rect) self.idx_annot.append(rect) if end: start_time -= 120 kink_hi = QGraphicsRectItem(start_time, y_pos, 150, 1) kink_hi.setPen(NoPen) kink_hi.setBrush(color) self.scene.addItem(kink_hi) self.idx_annot.append(kink_hi) kink_lo = QGraphicsRectItem(start_time, y_pos + height, 150, 1) kink_lo.setPen(NoPen) kink_lo.setBrush(color) self.scene.addItem(kink_lo) self.idx_annot.append(kink_lo)
[docs] def mark_poi(self, times=None): """Mark selected signal, from list of start and end times. Parameters ---------- times : list of tuple of float start and end times, in sec form rec start """ y_pos = BARS['quality']['pos0'] height = 5 for rect in self.idx_poi: self.scene.removeItem(rect) self.idx_poi = [] if not times: return for beg, end in times: rect = QGraphicsRectItem(beg, y_pos, end - beg, height) rect.setPen(NoPen) rect.setBrush(Qt.darkRed) self.scene.addItem(rect) self.idx_poi.append(rect)
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, event): """Jump to window when user clicks on overview. Parameters ---------- event : instance of QtCore.QEvent it contains the position that was clicked. """ if self.scene is not None: x_in_scene = self.mapToScene(event.pos()).x() window_length = self.parent.value('window_length') window_start = int(floor(x_in_scene / window_length) * window_length) if self.parent.notes.annot is not None: window_start = self.parent.notes.annot.get_epoch_start( window_start) self.update_position(window_start)
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the widget, and clear the scene.""" self.minimum = None self.maximum = None self.start_time = None # datetime, absolute start time self.idx_current = None self.idx_markers = [] self.idx_annot = [] if self.scene is not None: self.scene.clear() self.scene = None
def _make_timestamps(start_time, minimum, maximum, steps): """Create timestamps on x-axis, every so often. Parameters ---------- start_time : instance of datetime actual start time of the dataset minimum : int start time of the recording from start_time, in s maximum : int end time of the recording from start_time, in s steps : int how often you want a label, in s Returns ------- dict where the key is the label and the value is the time point where the label should be placed. Notes ----- This function takes care that labels are placed at the meaningful time, not at random values. """ t0 = start_time + timedelta(seconds=minimum) t1 = start_time + timedelta(seconds=maximum) t0_midnight = t0.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) d0 = t0 - t0_midnight d1 = t1 - t0_midnight first_stamp = ceil(d0.total_seconds() / steps) * steps last_stamp = ceil(d1.total_seconds() / steps) * steps stamp_label = [] stamp_time = [] for stamp in range(first_stamp, last_stamp, steps): stamp_as_datetime = t0_midnight + timedelta(seconds=stamp) stamp_label.append(stamp_as_datetime.strftime('%H:%M')) stamp_time.append(stamp - d0.total_seconds()) return stamp_label, stamp_time