Source code for wonambi.widgets.settings

"""Large and simple widget to indicate settings/Settings.
from logging import getLogger

from PyQt5.QtCore import QSettings, Qt
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QDialogButtonBox,

from .utils import FormInt, FormList, FormStr

lg = getLogger(__name__)

settings = QSettings("wonambi", "scroll_data")

DEFAULTS['channels'] = {'hp': .5,
                        'lp': 45,
                        'notch': 0,
                        'color': 'black',
                        'scale': 1,
                        'demean': True,
DEFAULTS['overview'] = {'timestamp_steps': 60 * 60,
                        'overview_scale': 30,
DEFAULTS['spectrum'] = {'x_min': 0.,
                        'x_max': 30.,
                        'x_tick': 10.,
                        'y_min': -5.,
                        'y_max': 5.,
                        'y_tick': 5.,
                        'log': True,
DEFAULTS['notes'] = {'marker_show': True,
                     'marker_color': 'darkBlue',
                     'annot_show': True,
                     'annot_bookmark_color': 'darkMagenta',
                     'min_marker_dur': .1,
                     'min_marker_display_dur': .1,
                     'scoring_window': 30,
DEFAULTS['traces'] = {'n_time_labels': 3,
                      'y_distance': 50,
                      'y_scale': 1,
                      'label_ratio': 0.05,
                      'max_s_freq': 30000,
                      'window_start': 0,
                      'window_length': 30,
                      'window_step': 5,
                      'grid_x': True,
                      'grid_xtick': 1,  # in seconds
                      'grid_y': True,
                      'grid_ytick': 35,
DEFAULTS['settings'] = {'max_dataset_history': 20,
                        'y_distance_presets': [20., 30., 40., 50., 100., 200.],
                        'y_scale_presets': [.1, .2, .5, 1, 2, 5, 10],
                        'window_length_presets': [1., 5., 10., 20., 30., 60.],
                        'recording_dir': '/home/gio/recordings',
DEFAULTS['video'] = {}

# The type of the numbers in DEFAULT is assumed to be float, excluded those below here:

[docs]class Settings(QDialog): """Window showing the Settings/settings. Parameters ---------- parent : instance of QMainWindow the main window """ def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(None, Qt.WindowSystemMenuHint | Qt.WindowTitleHint) self.parent = parent self.config = ConfigUtils(self.parent.refresh) self.setWindowTitle('Settings') self.create_settings()
[docs] def create_settings(self): """Create the widget, organized in two parts. Notes ----- When you add widgets in config, remember to update show_settings too """ bbox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Apply | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) self.idx_ok = bbox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Ok) self.idx_apply = bbox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Apply) self.idx_cancel = bbox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) bbox.clicked.connect(self.button_clicked) page_list = QListWidget() page_list.setSpacing(1) page_list.currentRowChanged.connect(self.change_widget) pages = ['General', 'Overview', 'Signals', 'Channels', 'Spectrum', 'Notes', 'Video'] for one_page in pages: page_list.addItem(one_page) self.stacked = QStackedWidget() self.stacked.addWidget(self.config) self.stacked.addWidget(self.parent.overview.config) self.stacked.addWidget(self.parent.traces.config) self.stacked.addWidget(self.parent.channels.config) self.stacked.addWidget(self.parent.spectrum.config) self.stacked.addWidget(self.parent.notes.config) self.stacked.addWidget( hsplitter = QSplitter() hsplitter.addWidget(page_list) hsplitter.addWidget(self.stacked) btnlayout = QHBoxLayout() btnlayout.addStretch(1) btnlayout.addWidget(bbox) vlayout = QVBoxLayout() vlayout.addWidget(hsplitter) vlayout.addLayout(btnlayout) self.setLayout(vlayout)
[docs] def change_widget(self, new_row): """Change the widget on the right side. Parameters ---------- new_row : int index of the widgets """ self.stacked.setCurrentIndex(new_row)
[docs] def button_clicked(self, button): """Action when button was clicked. Parameters ---------- button : instance of QPushButton which button was pressed """ if button in (self.idx_ok, self.idx_apply): # loop over widgets, to see if they were modified for i_config in range(self.stacked.count()): one_config = self.stacked.widget(i_config) if one_config.modified: lg.debug('Settings for ' + one_config.widget + ' were modified') one_config.get_values() if is not None: one_config.update_widget() one_config.modified = False if button == self.idx_ok: self.accept() if button == self.idx_cancel: self.reject()
[docs]class Config(QWidget): """Base class for widgets used in the Settings. Parameters ---------- widget : str name of the widget update_widget : function function to run to update the main window with new values Attributes ---------- modified : bool if the preference widget has been changed value : dict dictionary with the actual current values index : dict dictionary with the instances of the small widgets Notes ----- You'll need to implement create_config with the QGroupBox and layouts """ def __init__(self, widget, update_widget): super().__init__() self.modified = False self.widget = widget value_names = list(DEFAULTS[widget].keys()) self.value = self.create_values(value_names) self.index = self.create_indices(value_names) self.create_config() self.put_values() self.update_widget = update_widget
[docs] def create_values(self, value_names): """Read original values from the settings or the defaults. Parameters ---------- value_names : list of str list of value names to read Returns ------- dict dictionary with the value names as keys """ output = {} for value_name in value_names: output[value_name] = read_settings(self.widget, value_name) return output
[docs] def create_indices(self, value_names): """Create empty indices as None. They'll be created by create_config. """ return dict(zip(value_names, [None] * len(value_names)))
[docs] def get_values(self): """Get values from the GUI and save them in preference file.""" for value_name, widget in self.index.items(): self.value[value_name] = widget.get_value(self.value[value_name]) setting_name = self.widget + '/' + value_name settings.setValue(setting_name, self.value[value_name])
[docs] def put_values(self): """Put values to the GUI. Notes ----- In addition, when one small widget has been changed, it calls set_modified, so that we know that the preference widget was modified. """ for value_name, widget in self.index.items(): widget.set_value(self.value[value_name]) widget.connect(self.set_modified)
[docs] def create_config(self): """Placeholder: it'll be replaced with actual layout.""" pass
[docs] def set_modified(self): """Simply mark that the preference widget was modified. Notes ----- You cannot use lambda because they don't accept assignments. """ self.modified = True
[docs]class ConfigUtils(Config): def __init__(self, update_widget): super().__init__('settings', update_widget)
[docs] def create_config(self): box0 = QGroupBox('History') self.index['max_dataset_history'] = FormInt() self.index['recording_dir'] = FormStr() form_layout = QFormLayout() form_layout.addRow('Max History Size', self.index['max_dataset_history']) form_layout.addRow('Directory with recordings', self.index['recording_dir']) box0.setLayout(form_layout) box1 = QGroupBox('Default values') self.index['y_distance_presets'] = FormList() self.index['y_scale_presets'] = FormList() self.index['window_length_presets'] = FormList() form_layout = QFormLayout() form_layout.addRow('Signal scaling, presets', self.index['y_scale_presets']) form_layout.addRow('Distance between signals, presets', self.index['y_distance_presets']) form_layout.addRow('Window length, presets', self.index['window_length_presets']) box1.setLayout(form_layout) main_layout = QVBoxLayout() main_layout.addWidget(box0) main_layout.addWidget(box1) main_layout.addStretch(1) self.setLayout(main_layout)
[docs]def read_settings(widget, value_name): """Read Settings information, either from INI or from default values. Parameters ---------- widget : str name of the widget value_name : str name of the value of interest. Returns ------- multiple types type depends on the type in the default values. We make it more flexible so that if the default type is int, it accepts float """ setting_name = widget + '/' + value_name default_value = DEFAULTS[widget][value_name] default_type = type(default_value) if default_type is list: default_type = type(default_value[0]) if value_name not in MUST_BE_INT and default_type is int: default_type = float val = settings.value(setting_name, default_value, type=default_type) return val
[docs]class HelpDialog(QDialog): """Generic help dialog, showing uneditable HTML text.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__(None, Qt.WindowSystemMenuHint | Qt.WindowTitleHint) self.setWindowTitle('Help') self.setWindowModality(Qt.ApplicationModal) self.create_dialog()
[docs] def create_dialog(self): bbox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) self.idx_ok = bbox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Ok) bbox.clicked.connect(self.accept) textbox = QTextEdit(self) textbox.setReadOnly(True) self.textbox = textbox btnlayout = QHBoxLayout() btnlayout.addStretch(1) btnlayout.addWidget(bbox) vlayout = QVBoxLayout() vlayout.addWidget(textbox) vlayout.addLayout(btnlayout) self.setLayout(vlayout)
[docs] def set_text(self, message): """Insert HTML text.""" self.textbox.insertHtml(message)