Source code for wonambi.widgets.traces

"""Definition of the main widgets, with recordings.
from datetime import time, datetime, timedelta
from functools import partial
from logging import getLogger
from re import compile

from numpy import (abs, amax, arange, argmin, around, asarray, ceil, empty, floor,
                   in1d, max, min, linspace, log2, logical_or, nan_to_num,
                   nanmean, pad, power)

from PyQt5.QtCore import QPointF, Qt, QRectF
from PyQt5.QtGui import (QBrush,
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QAction,

from .. import ChanTime
from ..trans import montage, filter_, _select_channels
from .settings import Config
from .utils import (convert_name_to_color,

lg = getLogger(__name__)

# undo the chan + (group) naming
take_raw_name = lambda x: ' ('.join(x.split(' (')[:-1])

NoPen = QPen()

MINIMUM_N_SAMPLES = 32  # at least this number of samples to compute fft

CHECK_TIME_STR = compile('[0-9:-]+$')

[docs]class ConfigTraces(Config): """Widget with preferences in Settings window for Overview.""" def __init__(self, update_widget): super().__init__('traces', update_widget)
[docs] def create_config(self): box0 = QGroupBox('Signals') self.index['y_distance'] = FormFloat() self.index['y_scale'] = FormFloat() self.index['label_ratio'] = FormFloat() self.index['n_time_labels'] = FormInt() self.index['max_s_freq'] = FormInt() form_layout = QFormLayout() box0.setLayout(form_layout) form_layout.addRow('Signal scaling', self.index['y_scale']) form_layout.addRow('Distance between signals', self.index['y_distance']) form_layout.addRow('Label width ratio', self.index['label_ratio']) form_layout.addRow('Number of time labels', self.index['n_time_labels']) form_layout.addRow('Maximum Sampling Frequency', self.index['max_s_freq']) box1 = QGroupBox('Grid') self.index['grid_x'] = FormBool('Grid on time axis') self.index['grid_xtick'] = FormFloat() self.index['grid_y'] = FormBool('Grid on voltage axis') self.index['grid_ytick'] = FormFloat() form_layout = QFormLayout() box1.setLayout(form_layout) form_layout.addRow(self.index['grid_x']) form_layout.addRow('Tick every (s)', self.index['grid_xtick']) form_layout.addRow(self.index['grid_y']) form_layout.addRow('Lines at + and - (uV):', self.index['grid_ytick']) box2 = QGroupBox('Current Window') self.index['window_start'] = FormFloat() self.index['window_length'] = FormFloat() self.index['window_step'] = FormInt() form_layout = QFormLayout() box2.setLayout(form_layout) form_layout.addRow('Window start time', self.index['window_start']) form_layout.addRow('Window length', self.index['window_length']) form_layout.addRow('Step size', self.index['window_step']) main_layout = QVBoxLayout() main_layout.addWidget(box0) main_layout.addWidget(box1) main_layout.addWidget(box2) main_layout.addStretch(1) self.setLayout(main_layout)
[docs]class Traces(QGraphicsView): """Main widget that contains the recordings to be plotted. Attributes ---------- parent : instance of QMainWindow the main window. config : instance of ConfigTraces settings for this widget y_scrollbar_value : int position of the vertical scrollbar data : instance of ChanTime filtered and reref'ed data chan : list of str list of channels (labels and channel group) chan_pos : list of int y-position of each channel (based on value at 0) chan_scale : list of float scaling factor for each channel time_pos : list of QPointF we need to keep track of the position of time label during creation sel_chan : int index of self.chan of the first selected channel sel_xy : tuple of 2 floats x and y position of the first selected point scene : instance of QGraphicsScene the main scene. idx_label : list of instance of QGraphicsSimpleTextItem the channel labels on the y-axis idx_time : list of instance of QGraphicsSimpleTextItem the time labels on the x-axis idx_sel : instance of QGraphicsRectItem the rectangle showing the selection (both for selection and event) idx_info : instance of QGraphicsSimpleTextItem the rectangle showing the selection idx_markers : list of QGraphicsRectItem list of markers in the dataset idx_annot : list of QGraphicsRectItem list of user-made annotations """ def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__() self.parent = parent self.config = ConfigTraces(self.parent.overview.update_position) self.y_scrollbar_value = 0 = None self.chan = [] self.chan_pos = [] # used later to find out which channel we're using self.chan_scale = [] self.time_pos = [] self.sel_chan = None self.sel_xy = (None, None) self.scene = None self.idx_label = [] self.idx_time = [] self.idx_sel = None self.idx_info = None self.idx_markers = [] self.idx_annot = [] self.idx_annot_labels = [] self.cross_chan_mrk = True self.highlight = None self.event_sel = None self.current_event = None self.current_event_row = None self.current_etype = None self.deselect = None self.ready = True self.create_action()
[docs] def create_action(self): """Create actions associated with this widget.""" actions = {} act = QAction(QIcon(ICON['step_prev']), 'Previous Step', self) act.setShortcut('[') act.triggered.connect(self.step_prev) actions['step_prev'] = act act = QAction(QIcon(ICON['step_next']), 'Next Step', self) act.setShortcut(']') act.triggered.connect(self.step_next) actions['step_next'] = act act = QAction(QIcon(ICON['page_prev']), 'Previous Page', self) act.setShortcut(QKeySequence.MoveToPreviousChar) act.triggered.connect(self.page_prev) actions['page_prev'] = act act = QAction(QIcon(ICON['page_next']), 'Next Page', self) act.setShortcut(QKeySequence.MoveToNextChar) act.triggered.connect(self.page_next) actions['page_next'] = act act = QAction('Go to Epoch', self) act.setShortcut(QKeySequence.FindNext) act.triggered.connect(self.go_to_epoch) actions['go_to_epoch'] = act act = QAction('Line Up with Epoch', self) act.setShortcut('F4') act.triggered.connect(self.line_up_with_epoch) actions['line_up_with_epoch'] = act act = QAction(QIcon(ICON['zoomprev']), 'Wider Time Window', self) act.setShortcut(QKeySequence.ZoomIn) act.triggered.connect(self.X_more) actions['X_more'] = act act = QAction(QIcon(ICON['zoomnext']), 'Narrower Time Window', self) act.setShortcut(QKeySequence.ZoomOut) act.triggered.connect(self.X_less) actions['X_less'] = act act = QAction(QIcon(ICON['zoomin']), 'Larger Scaling', self) act.setShortcut(QKeySequence.MoveToPreviousLine) act.triggered.connect(self.Y_more) actions['Y_less'] = act act = QAction(QIcon(ICON['zoomout']), 'Smaller Scaling', self) act.setShortcut(QKeySequence.MoveToNextLine) act.triggered.connect(self.Y_less) actions['Y_more'] = act act = QAction(QIcon(ICON['ydist_more']), 'Larger Y Distance', self) act.triggered.connect(self.Y_wider) actions['Y_wider'] = act act = QAction(QIcon(ICON['ydist_less']), 'Smaller Y Distance', self) act.triggered.connect(self.Y_tighter) actions['Y_tighter'] = act act = QAction(QIcon(ICON['chronometer']), '6 Hours Earlier', self) act.triggered.connect(partial(self.add_time, -6 * 60 * 60)) actions['addtime_-6h'] = act act = QAction(QIcon(ICON['chronometer']), '1 Hour Earlier', self) act.triggered.connect(partial(self.add_time, -60 * 60)) actions['addtime_-1h'] = act act = QAction(QIcon(ICON['chronometer']), '10 Minutes Earlier', self) act.triggered.connect(partial(self.add_time, -10 * 60)) actions['addtime_-10min'] = act act = QAction(QIcon(ICON['chronometer']), '10 Minutes Later', self) act.triggered.connect(partial(self.add_time, 10 * 60)) actions['addtime_10min'] = act act = QAction(QIcon(ICON['chronometer']), '1 Hour Later', self) act.triggered.connect(partial(self.add_time, 60 * 60)) actions['addtime_1h'] = act act = QAction(QIcon(ICON['chronometer']), '6 Hours Later', self) act.triggered.connect(partial(self.add_time, 6 * 60 * 60)) actions['addtime_6h'] = act act = QAction('Go to Next Event', self) act.setShortcut('s') act.triggered.connect(self.next_event) actions['next_event'] = act act = QAction('Delete Event and Go to Next', self) act.setShortcut('d') act.triggered.connect(partial(self.next_event, True)) actions['del_and_next_event'] = act act = QAction('Next Event of Same Type', self) act.setCheckable(True) act.setChecked(True) actions['next_of_same_type'] = act act = QAction('Change Event Type', self) act.setShortcut('e') act.triggered.connect(self.change_event_type) actions['change_event_type'] = act act = QAction('Centre Window Around Event', self) act.setCheckable(True) act.setChecked(True) actions['centre_event'] = act act = QAction('Full-length Markers', self) act.setCheckable(True) act.setChecked(True) act.triggered.connect(self.display_annotations) actions['cross_chan_mrk'] = act # Misc act = QAction('Export to svg...', self) act.triggered.connect(partial(export_graphics, MAIN=self.parent)) actions['export_svg'] = act self.action = actions
[docs] def read_data(self): """Read the data to plot.""" window_start = self.parent.value('window_start') window_end = window_start + self.parent.value('window_length') dataset = groups = self.parent.channels.groups chan_to_read = [] for one_grp in groups: chan_to_read.extend(one_grp['chan_to_plot'] + one_grp['ref_chan']) if not chan_to_read: return lg.debug(f'Reading data from dataset: begtime={window_start:10.3f}, endtime={window_end:10.3f}, {len(chan_to_read)} channels') data = dataset.read_data(chan=chan_to_read, begtime=window_start, endtime=window_end) max_s_freq = self.parent.value('max_s_freq') if data.s_freq > max_s_freq: q = int(data.s_freq / max_s_freq) lg.debug('Decimate (no low-pass filter) at ' + str(q))[0] =[0][:, slice(None, None, q)] data.axis['time'][0] = data.axis['time'][0][slice(None, None, q)] data.s_freq = int(data.s_freq / q) = _create_data_to_plot(data, self.parent.channels.groups)
[docs] def display(self): """Display the recordings.""" if is None: return if self.scene is not None: self.y_scrollbar_value = self.verticalScrollBar().value() self.scene.clear() self.create_chan_labels() self.create_time_labels() window_start = self.parent.value('window_start') window_length = self.parent.value('window_length') time_height = max([x.boundingRect().height() for x in self.idx_time]) label_width = window_length * self.parent.value('label_ratio') scene_height = (len(self.idx_label) * self.parent.value('y_distance') + time_height) self.scene = QGraphicsScene(window_start - label_width, 0, window_length + label_width, scene_height) self.setScene(self.scene) self.idx_markers = [] self.idx_annot = [] self.idx_annot_labels = [] self.add_chan_labels() self.add_time_labels() self.add_traces() self.display_grid() self.display_markers() self.display_annotations() self.resizeEvent(None) self.verticalScrollBar().setValue(self.y_scrollbar_value) self.parent.overview.display_current()
[docs] def create_chan_labels(self): """Create the channel labels, but don't plot them yet. Notes ----- It's necessary to have the width of the labels, so that we can adjust the main scene. """ self.idx_label = [] for one_grp in self.parent.channels.groups: for one_label in one_grp['chan_to_plot']: item = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(one_label) item.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(one_grp['color']))) item.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIgnoresTransformations) self.idx_label.append(item)
[docs] def create_time_labels(self): """Create the time labels, but don't plot them yet. Notes ----- It's necessary to have the height of the time labels, so that we can adjust the main scene. Not very robust, because it uses seconds as integers. """ min_time = int(floor(min(['time'][0]))) max_time = int(ceil(max(['time'][0]))) n_time_labels = self.parent.value('n_time_labels') self.idx_time = [] self.time_pos = [] for one_time in linspace(min_time, max_time, n_time_labels): x_label = ( + timedelta(seconds=one_time)).strftime('%H:%M:%S') item = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(x_label) item.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIgnoresTransformations) self.idx_time.append(item) self.time_pos.append(QPointF(one_time, len(self.idx_label) * self.parent.value('y_distance')))
[docs] def add_chan_labels(self): """Add channel labels on the left.""" window_start = self.parent.value('window_start') window_length = self.parent.value('window_length') label_width = window_length * self.parent.value('label_ratio') for row, one_label_item in enumerate(self.idx_label): self.scene.addItem(one_label_item) one_label_item.setPos(window_start - label_width, self.parent.value('y_distance') * row + self.parent.value('y_distance') / 2)
[docs] def add_time_labels(self): """Add time labels at the bottom.""" for text, pos in zip(self.idx_time, self.time_pos): self.scene.addItem(text) text.setPos(pos)
[docs] def add_traces(self): """Add traces based on""" y_distance = self.parent.value('y_distance') self.chan = [] self.chan_pos = [] self.chan_scale = [] row = 0 for one_grp in self.parent.channels.groups: for one_chan in one_grp['chan_to_plot']: # channel name chan_name = one_chan + ' (' + one_grp['name'] + ')' # trace dat = (, chan=chan_name) * self.parent.value('y_scale')) dat *= -1 # flip data, upside down (because y grows downward) path = self.scene.addPath(Path(['time'][0], dat)) path.setPen(QPen(QColor(one_grp['color']), LINE_WIDTH)) # adjust position chan_pos = y_distance * row + y_distance / 2 path.setPos(0, chan_pos) row += 1 self.chan.append(chan_name) self.chan_scale.append(one_grp['scale']) self.chan_pos.append(chan_pos)
[docs] def display_grid(self): """Display grid on x-axis and y-axis.""" window_start = self.parent.value('window_start') window_length = self.parent.value('window_length') window_end = window_start + window_length if self.parent.value('grid_x'): x_tick = self.parent.value('grid_xtick') x_ticks = arange(window_start, window_end + x_tick, x_tick) for x in x_ticks: x_pos = [x, x] y_pos = [0, self.parent.value('y_distance') * len(self.idx_label)] path = self.scene.addPath(Path(x_pos, y_pos)) path.setPen(QPen(QColor(LINE_COLOR), LINE_WIDTH, Qt.DotLine)) if self.parent.value('grid_y'): y_tick = (self.parent.value('grid_ytick') * self.parent.value('y_scale')) for one_label_item in self.idx_label: x_pos = [window_start, window_end] y = one_label_item.y() y_pos_0 = [y, y] path_0 = self.scene.addPath(Path(x_pos, y_pos_0)) path_0.setPen(QPen(QColor(LINE_COLOR), LINE_WIDTH, Qt.DotLine)) y_up = one_label_item.y() + y_tick y_pos_up = [y_up, y_up] path_up = self.scene.addPath(Path(x_pos, y_pos_up)) path_up.setPen(QPen(QColor(LINE_COLOR), LINE_WIDTH, Qt.DotLine)) y_down = one_label_item.y() - y_tick y_pos_down = [y_down, y_down] path_down = self.scene.addPath(Path(x_pos, y_pos_down)) path_down.setPen(QPen(QColor(LINE_COLOR), LINE_WIDTH, Qt.DotLine))
[docs] def display_markers(self): """Add markers on top of first plot.""" for item in self.idx_markers: self.scene.removeItem(item) self.idx_markers = [] window_start = self.parent.value('window_start') window_length = self.parent.value('window_length') window_end = window_start + window_length y_distance = self.parent.value('y_distance') markers = [] if is not None: if self.parent.value('marker_show'): markers = for mrk in markers: if window_start <= mrk['end'] and window_end >= mrk['start']: mrk_start = max((mrk['start'], window_start)) mrk_end = min((mrk['end'], window_end)) color = QColor(self.parent.value('marker_color')) h_annot = len(self.idx_label) * y_distance mrk_dur = amax((mrk_end - mrk_start, self.parent.value('min_marker_display_dur'))) item = RectMarker(mrk_start, 0, mrk_dur, h_annot, zvalue=-9, color=color) self.scene.addItem(item) item = TextItem_with_BG(color.darker(200)) item.setText(str(mrk['name'])) item.setPos(mrk['start'], len(self.idx_label) * self.parent.value('y_distance')) item.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIgnoresTransformations) item.setRotation(-90) self.scene.addItem(item) self.idx_markers.append(item)
[docs] def display_annotations(self): """Mark all the bookmarks/events, on top of first plot.""" for item in self.idx_annot: self.scene.removeItem(item) self.idx_annot = [] for item in self.idx_annot_labels: self.scene.removeItem(item) self.idx_annot_labels = [] self.highlight = None window_start = self.parent.value('window_start') window_length = self.parent.value('window_length') window_end = window_start + window_length y_distance = self.parent.value('y_distance') bookmarks = [] events = [] if self.parent.notes.annot is not None: if self.parent.value('annot_show'): bookmarks = self.parent.notes.annot.get_bookmarks() events = self.parent.notes.get_selected_events((window_start, window_end)) annotations = bookmarks + events for annot in annotations: if window_start <= annot['end'] and window_end >= annot['start']: mrk_start = max((annot['start'], window_start)) mrk_end = min((annot['end'], window_end)) if annot in bookmarks: color = QColor(self.parent.value('annot_bookmark_color')) if annot in events: color = convert_name_to_color(annot['name']) if logical_or(annot['chan'] == [''], self.action['cross_chan_mrk'].isChecked()): h_annot = len(self.idx_label) * y_distance item = TextItem_with_BG(color.darker(200)) item.setText(annot['name']) item.setPos(annot['start'], len(self.idx_label) * y_distance) item.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIgnoresTransformations) item.setRotation(-90) self.scene.addItem(item) self.idx_annot_labels.append(item) mrk_dur = amax((mrk_end - mrk_start, self.parent.value('min_marker_display_dur'))) item = RectMarker(mrk_start, 0, mrk_dur, h_annot, zvalue=-8, color=color.lighter(120)) self.scene.addItem(item) self.idx_annot.append(item) if annot['chan'] != ['']: # find indices of channels with annotations chan_idx_in_mrk = in1d(self.chan, annot['chan']) y_annot = asarray(self.chan_pos)[chan_idx_in_mrk] y_annot -= y_distance / 2 mrk_dur = amax((mrk_end - mrk_start, self.parent.value('min_marker_display_dur'))) for y in y_annot: item = RectMarker(mrk_start, y, mrk_dur, y_distance, zvalue=-7, color=color) self.scene.addItem(item) self.idx_annot.append(item)
[docs] def step_prev(self): """Go to the previous step.""" window_start = around(self.parent.value('window_start') - self.parent.value('window_length') / self.parent.value('window_step'), 2) if window_start < 0: return self.parent.overview.update_position(window_start)
[docs] def step_next(self): """Go to the next step.""" window_start = around(self.parent.value('window_start') + self.parent.value('window_length') / self.parent.value('window_step'), 2) self.parent.overview.update_position(window_start)
[docs] def page_prev(self): """Go to the previous page.""" window_start = (self.parent.value('window_start') - self.parent.value('window_length')) if window_start < 0: return self.parent.overview.update_position(window_start)
[docs] def page_next(self): """Go to the next page.""" window_start = (self.parent.value('window_start') + self.parent.value('window_length')) self.parent.overview.update_position(window_start)
[docs] def go_to_epoch(self, checked=False, test_text_str=None): """Go to any window""" if test_text_str is not None: time_str = test_text_str ok = True else: time_str, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self, 'Go To Epoch', 'Enter start time of the ' 'epoch,\nin seconds ("1560") ' 'or\nas absolute time ' '("22:30")') if not ok: return try: rec_start_time =['start_time'] window_start = _convert_timestr_to_seconds(time_str, rec_start_time) except ValueError as err: error_dialog = QErrorMessage() error_dialog.setWindowTitle('Error moving to epoch') error_dialog.showMessage(str(err)) if test_text_str is None: error_dialog.exec() self.parent.statusBar().showMessage(str(err)) return self.parent.overview.update_position(window_start)
[docs] def line_up_with_epoch(self): """Go to the start of the present epoch.""" if self.parent.notes.annot is None: # TODO: remove if buttons are disabled error_dialog = QErrorMessage() error_dialog.setWindowTitle('Error moving to epoch') error_dialog.showMessage('No score file loaded') error_dialog.exec() return new_window_start = self.parent.notes.annot.get_epoch_start( self.parent.value('window_start')) self.parent.overview.update_position(new_window_start)
[docs] def add_time(self, extra_time): """Go to the predefined time forward.""" window_start = self.parent.value('window_start') + extra_time self.parent.overview.update_position(window_start)
[docs] def X_more(self): """Zoom out on the x-axis.""" new_length = self.parent.value('window_length') * 2 self.parent.value('window_length', new_length) new_start = self.parent.value('window_start') - new_length / 4 self.parent.value('window_start', new_start) self.parent.overview.update_position()
[docs] def X_less(self): """Zoom in on the x-axis.""" new_length = self.parent.value('window_length') / 2 self.parent.value('window_length', new_length) new_start = self.parent.value('window_start') + new_length / 2 self.parent.value('window_start', new_start) self.parent.overview.update_position()
[docs] def X_length(self, new_window_length): """Use presets for length of the window.""" self.parent.value('window_length', new_window_length) self.parent.overview.update_position()
[docs] def Y_more(self): """Increase the scaling.""" self.parent.value('y_scale', self.parent.value('y_scale') * 2) self.parent.traces.display()
[docs] def Y_less(self): """Decrease the scaling.""" self.parent.value('y_scale', self.parent.value('y_scale') / 2) self.parent.traces.display()
[docs] def Y_ampl(self, new_y_scale): """Make scaling on Y axis using predefined values""" self.parent.value('y_scale', new_y_scale) self.parent.traces.display()
[docs] def Y_wider(self): """Increase the distance of the lines.""" self.parent.value('y_distance', self.parent.value('y_distance') * 1.4) self.parent.traces.display()
[docs] def Y_tighter(self): """Decrease the distance of the lines.""" self.parent.value('y_distance', self.parent.value('y_distance') / 1.4) self.parent.traces.display()
[docs] def Y_dist(self, new_y_distance): """Use preset values for the distance between lines.""" self.parent.value('y_distance', new_y_distance) self.parent.traces.display()
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, event): """Create a marker or start selection Parameters ---------- event : instance of QtCore.QEvent it contains the position that was clicked. """ if not self.scene: return if self.event_sel or self.current_event: self.parent.notes.idx_eventtype.setCurrentText(self.current_etype) self.current_etype = None self.current_event = None self.deselect = True self.event_sel = None self.current_event_row = None self.scene.removeItem(self.highlight) self.highlight = None self.parent.statusBar().showMessage('') return self.ready = False self.event_sel = None xy_scene = self.mapToScene(event.pos()) chan_idx = argmin(abs(asarray(self.chan_pos) - xy_scene.y())) self.sel_chan = chan_idx self.sel_xy = (xy_scene.x(), xy_scene.y()) chk_marker = self.parent.notes.action['new_bookmark'].isChecked() chk_event = self.parent.notes.action['new_event'].isChecked() if not (chk_marker or chk_event): channame = self.chan[self.sel_chan] + ' in selected window' self.parent.spectrum.show_channame(channame) # Make annotations clickable else: for annot in self.idx_annot: if annot.contains(xy_scene): self.highlight_event(annot) if chk_event: row = self.parent.notes.find_row(annot.marker.x(), annot.marker.x() + annot.marker.width()) self.parent.notes.idx_annot_list.setCurrentCell(row, 0) break self.ready = True
[docs] def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): """When normal selection, update power spectrum with current selection. Otherwise, show the range of the new marker. """ if not self.scene: return if self.event_sel or self.deselect: return if self.sel_xy[0] is None or self.sel_xy[1] is None: return if self.idx_sel in self.scene.items(): self.scene.removeItem(self.idx_sel) self.idx_sel = None chk_marker = self.parent.notes.action['new_bookmark'].isChecked() chk_event = self.parent.notes.action['new_event'].isChecked() if chk_marker or chk_event: xy_scene = self.mapToScene(event.pos()) y_distance = self.parent.value('y_distance') pos = QRectF(self.sel_xy[0], 0, xy_scene.x() - self.sel_xy[0], len(self.idx_label) * y_distance) item = QGraphicsRectItem(pos.normalized()) item.setPen(NoPen) if chk_marker: color = QColor(self.parent.value('annot_bookmark_color')) elif chk_event: eventtype = self.parent.notes.idx_eventtype.currentText() color = convert_name_to_color(eventtype) item.setBrush(QBrush(color.lighter(115))) item.setZValue(-10) self.scene.addItem(item) self.idx_sel = item return xy_scene = self.mapToScene(event.pos()) pos = QRectF(self.sel_xy[0], self.sel_xy[1], xy_scene.x() - self.sel_xy[0], xy_scene.y() - self.sel_xy[1]) self.idx_sel = QGraphicsRectItem(pos.normalized()) self.idx_sel.setPen(QPen(QColor(LINE_COLOR), LINE_WIDTH)) self.scene.addItem(self.idx_sel) if self.idx_info in self.scene.items(): self.scene.removeItem(self.idx_info) duration = '{0:0.3f}s'.format(abs(xy_scene.x() - self.sel_xy[0])) # get y-size, based on scaling too y = abs(xy_scene.y() - self.sel_xy[1]) scale = self.parent.value('y_scale') * self.chan_scale[self.sel_chan] height = '{0:0.3f}uV'.format(y / scale) item = TextItem_with_BG() item.setText(duration + ' ' + height) item.setPos(self.sel_xy[0], self.sel_xy[1]) self.scene.addItem(item) self.idx_info = item trial = 0 time =['time'][trial] beg_win = min((self.sel_xy[0], xy_scene.x())) end_win = max((self.sel_xy[0], xy_scene.x())) time_of_interest = time[(time >= beg_win) & (time < end_win)] if len(time_of_interest) > MINIMUM_N_SAMPLES: data =, chan=self.chan[self.sel_chan], time=time_of_interest) n_data = len(data) n_pad = (power(2, ceil(log2(n_data))) - n_data) / 2 data = pad(data, (int(ceil(n_pad)), int(floor(n_pad))), 'constant') self.parent.spectrum.display(data)
[docs] def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): """Create a new event or marker, or show the previous power spectrum """ if not self.scene: return if self.event_sel: return if self.deselect: self.deselect = False return if not self.ready: return chk_marker = self.parent.notes.action['new_bookmark'].isChecked() chk_event = self.parent.notes.action['new_event'].isChecked() y_distance = self.parent.value('y_distance') if chk_marker or chk_event: x_in_scene = self.mapToScene(event.pos()).x() y_in_scene = self.mapToScene(event.pos()).y() # it can happen that selection is empty (f.e. double-click) if self.sel_xy[0] is not None: # max resolution = sampling frequency # in case there is no data s_freq =['s_freq'] at_s_freq = lambda x: round(x * s_freq) / s_freq start = at_s_freq(self.sel_xy[0]) end = at_s_freq(x_in_scene) if abs(end - start) < self.parent.value('min_marker_dur'): end = start if start <= end: time = (start, end) else: time = (end, start) if chk_marker: self.parent.notes.add_bookmark(time) elif chk_event and start != end: eventtype = self.parent.notes.idx_eventtype.currentText() # if dragged across > 1.5 chan, event is marked on all chan if abs(y_in_scene - self.sel_xy[1]) > 1.5 * y_distance: chan = '' else: chan_idx = int(floor(self.sel_xy[1] / y_distance)) chan = self.chan[chan_idx] self.parent.notes.add_event(eventtype, time, chan) else: # normal selection if self.idx_info in self.scene.items(): self.scene.removeItem(self.idx_info) self.idx_info = None # restore spectrum self.parent.spectrum.update() self.parent.spectrum.display_window() # general garbage collection self.sel_chan = None self.sel_xy = (None, None) if self.idx_sel in self.scene.items(): self.scene.removeItem(self.idx_sel) self.idx_sel = None
[docs] def keyPressEvent(self, event): chk_event = self.parent.notes.action['new_event'].isChecked() chk_book = self.parent.notes.action['new_bookmark'].isChecked() if not ((chk_event or chk_book) and self.event_sel): return annot = self.event_sel highlight = self.highlight annot_start = annot.marker.x() annot_end = annot_start + annot.marker.width() if type(event) == QKeyEvent and ( event.key() == Qt.Key_Delete or event.key() == Qt.Key_Backspace): if chk_event: self.parent.notes.remove_event(time=(annot_start, annot_end)) elif chk_book: self.parent.notes.remove_bookmark( time=(annot_start, annot_end)) self.scene.removeItem(highlight) msg = 'Deleted event from {} to {}'.format(annot_start, annot_end) self.parent.statusBar().showMessage(msg) self.event_sel = None self.highlight = None self.parent.notes.idx_eventtype.setCurrentText(self.current_etype) self.current_etype = None self.current_event = None self.display_annotations
[docs] def highlight_event(self, annot): """Highlight an annotation on the trace. Parameters ---------- annot : intance of wonambi.widgets.utils.RectMarker existing annotation """ beg = annot.marker.x() end = beg + annot.marker.width() window_start = self.parent.value('window_start') window_length = self.parent.value('window_length') events = self.parent.notes.get_selected_events((window_start, window_start + window_length)) ev = [x for x in events if (x['start'] == annot.marker.x() or \ x['end'] == annot.marker.y())] if ev: annot_name = ev[0]['name'] msg = "Event of type '{}' from {} to {}".format( annot_name, beg, end) self.current_etype = self.parent.notes.idx_eventtype.currentText() self.parent.notes.idx_eventtype.setCurrentText(annot_name) self.current_event = ev[0] else: msg = "Marker from {} to {}".format(beg, end) self.parent.statusBar().showMessage(msg) highlight = self.highlight = RectMarker(annot.marker.x(), annot.marker.y(), annot.marker.width(), annot.marker.height(), zvalue=-5, color=QColor(255, 255, 51)) self.scene.addItem(highlight) self.event_sel = annot
[docs] def next_event(self, delete=False): """Go to next event.""" if delete: msg = "Delete this event? This cannot be undone." msgbox = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Question, 'Delete event', msg) msgbox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) msgbox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Yes) response = msgbox.exec_() if response == QMessageBox.No: return event_sel = self.event_sel if event_sel is None: return notes = self.parent.notes if not self.current_event_row: row = notes.find_row(event_sel.marker.x(), event_sel.marker.x() + event_sel.marker.width()) else: row = self.current_event_row same_type = self.action['next_of_same_type'].isChecked() if same_type: target = notes.idx_annot_list.item(row, 2).text() if delete: notes.delete_row() msg = 'Deleted event from {} to {}.'.format(event_sel.marker.x(), event_sel.marker.x() + event_sel.marker.width()) self.parent.statusBar().showMessage(msg) row -= 1 if row + 1 == notes.idx_annot_list.rowCount(): return if not same_type: next_row = row + 1 else: next_row = None types ='name')[row + 1:] for i, ty in enumerate(types): if ty == target: next_row = row + 1 + i break if next_row is None: return self.current_event_row = next_row notes.go_to_marker(next_row, 0, 'annot') notes.idx_annot_list.setCurrentCell(next_row, 0)
[docs] def change_event_type(self): """Action: change highlighted event's type by cycling through event type list.""" if self.current_event is None: return hl_params = self.highlight.params self.scene.removeItem(self.highlight) ev = self.current_event new_name = self.parent.notes.change_event_type(name=ev['name'], time=(ev['start'], ev['end']), chan=ev['chan']) msg = "Event from {} to {} changed type from '{}' to '{}'".format( ev['start'], ev['end'], ev['name'], new_name) ev['name'] = new_name self.current_event = ev self.current_etype = new_name #self.event_sel = True self.parent.notes.idx_eventtype.setCurrentText(new_name) self.parent.statusBar().showMessage(msg) self.display_annotations() self.highlight = RectMarker(*hl_params) self.scene.addItem(self.highlight)
[docs] def resizeEvent(self, event): """Resize scene so that it fits the whole widget. Parameters ---------- event : instance of QtCore.QEvent not important Notes ----- This function overwrites Qt function, therefore the non-standard name. Argument also depends on Qt. The function is used to change the scale of view, so that the scene fits the whole scene. There are two problems that I could not fix: 1) how to give the width of the label in absolute width, 2) how to strech scene just enough that it doesn't trigger a scrollbar. However, it's pretty good as it is now. """ if self.scene is not None: ratio = self.width() / (self.scene.width() * 1.1) self.resetTransform() self.scale(ratio, 1)
[docs] def reset(self): self.y_scrollbar_value = 0 = None self.chan = [] self.chan_pos = [] self.chan_scale = [] self.sel_chan = None self.sel_xy = (None, None) if self.scene is not None: self.scene.clear() self.scene = None self.idx_sel = None self.idx_info = None self.idx_label = [] self.idx_time = [] self.time_pos = []
def _create_data_to_plot(data, chan_groups): """Create data after montage and filtering. Parameters ---------- data : instance of ChanTime the raw data chan_groups : list of dict information about channels to plot, to use as reference and about filtering etc. Returns ------- instance of ChanTime data ready to be plotted. """ # chan_to_plot only gives the number of channels to plot, for prealloc chan_to_plot = [one_chan for one_grp in chan_groups for one_chan in one_grp['chan_to_plot']] output = ChanTime() output.s_freq = data.s_freq output.start_time = data.start_time output.axis['time'] = data.axis['time'] output.axis['chan'] = empty(1, dtype='O') = empty(1, dtype='O')[0] = empty((len(chan_to_plot), data.number_of('time')[0]), dtype='f') all_chan_grp_name = [] i_ch = 0 for one_grp in chan_groups: sel_data = _select_channels(data, one_grp['chan_to_plot'] + one_grp['ref_chan']) data1 = montage(sel_data, ref_chan=one_grp['ref_chan'])[0] = nan_to_num([0]) if one_grp['hp'] is not None: data1 = filter_(data1, low_cut=one_grp['hp']) if one_grp['lp'] is not None: data1 = filter_(data1, high_cut=one_grp['lp']) if one_grp['notch'] is not None: data1 = filter_(data1, ftype='notch', notchfreq=one_grp['notch']) for chan in one_grp['chan_to_plot']: chan_grp_name = chan + ' (' + one_grp['name'] + ')' all_chan_grp_name.append(chan_grp_name) dat = data1(chan=chan, trial=0) if one_grp['demean']: dat = dat - nanmean(dat)[0][i_ch, :] = dat * one_grp['scale'] i_ch += 1 output.axis['chan'][0] = asarray(all_chan_grp_name, dtype='U') return output def _convert_timestr_to_seconds(time_str, rec_start): """Convert input from user about time string to an absolute time for the recordings. Parameters ---------- time_str : str time information as '123' or '22:30' or '22:30:22' rec_start: instance of datetime absolute start time of the recordings. Returns ------- int start time of the window, in s, from the start of the recordings Raises ------ ValueError if it cannot convert the string """ if not CHECK_TIME_STR.match(time_str): raise ValueError('Input can only contain digits and colons') if ':' in time_str: time_split = [int(x) for x in time_str.split(':')] # if it's in 'HH:MM' format, add ':SS' if len(time_split) == 2: time_split.append(0) clock_time = time(*time_split) chosen_start = datetime.combine(, clock_time) # if the clock time is after start of the recordings, assume it's the next day if clock_time < rec_start.time(): chosen_start += timedelta(days=1) window_start = int((chosen_start - rec_start).total_seconds()) else: window_start = int(time_str) return window_start