Source code for wonambi.widgets.utils

"""Various functions used for the GUI.
from ast import literal_eval
from logging import getLogger
from math import ceil, floor
from numpy import arange, NaN
from os.path import dirname, join, realpath

from PyQt5.QtCore import QRectF, QSettings, Qt
from PyQt5.QtGui import (QBrush,
from PyQt5.QtSvg import QSvgGenerator
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QCheckBox,

lg = getLogger(__name__)

LINE_COLOR = 'black'
# TODO: this in ConfigNotes
STAGE_NAME = ['NREM1', 'NREM2', 'NREM3', 'REM', 'Wake', 'Movement',
              'Undefined', 'Unknown', 'Artefact']


stdicon = QCommonStyle.standardIcon

icon_path = join(dirname(realpath(__file__)), 'icons')
oxy_path = join(icon_path, 'oxygen')

ICON = {'application': join(icon_path, 'wonambi.png'),
        'open_rec': join(oxy_path, 'document-open.png'),
        'page_prev': join(oxy_path, 'go-previous-view.png'),
        'page_next': join(oxy_path, 'go-next-view.png'),
        'step_prev': join(oxy_path, 'go-previous.png'),
        'step_next': join(oxy_path, 'go-next.png'),
        'chronometer': join(oxy_path, 'chronometer.png'),
        'up': join(oxy_path, 'go-up.png'),
        'down': join(oxy_path, 'go-down.png'),
        'zoomin': join(oxy_path, 'zoom-in.png'),
        'zoomout': join(oxy_path, 'zoom-out.png'),
        'zoomnext': join(oxy_path, 'zoom-next.png'),
        'zoomprev': join(oxy_path, 'zoom-previous.png'),
        'ydist_more': join(oxy_path, 'format-line-spacing-triple.png'),
        'ydist_less': join(oxy_path, 'format-line-spacing-normal.png'),
        'selchan': join(oxy_path, 'mail-mark-task.png'),
        'widget': join(oxy_path, 'window-duplicate.png'),
        'settings': join(oxy_path, 'configure.png'),
        'quit': join(oxy_path, 'window-close.png'),
        'bookmark': join(oxy_path, 'bookmarks-organize.png'),
        'event': join(oxy_path, 'edit-table-cell-merge.png'),
        'new_eventtype': join(oxy_path, 'edit-table-insert-column-right.png'),
        'del_eventtype': join(oxy_path, 'edit-table-delete-column.png'),
        'help-about': join(oxy_path, 'help-about.png')

settings = QSettings("wonambi", "wonambi")

[docs]class Path(QPainterPath): """Paint a line in the simplest possible way. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray or list x-coordinates y : ndarray or list y-coordinates """ def __init__(self, x, y): super().__init__() self.moveTo(x[0], y[0]) for i_x, i_y in zip(x, y): self.lineTo(i_x, i_y)
[docs]class RectMarker(QGraphicsRectItem): """Class to draw a rectangular, coloured item. Parameters ---------- x : float x position in scene y : gloat y position in scene width : float length in seconds height : float height in scene units color : str or QColor, optional color of the rectangle """ def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, zvalue, color='blue'): super().__init__() self.color = color self.setZValue(zvalue) buffer = 1 self.marker = QRectF(x, y, width, height) self.b_rect = QRectF(x - buffer / 2, y + buffer / 2, width + buffer, height + buffer) self.params = x, y, width, height, zvalue, color
[docs] def boundingRect(self): return self.b_rect
[docs] def paint(self, painter, option, widget): color = QColor(self.color) painter.setBrush(QBrush(color)) p = QPen() p.setWidth(0) p.setColor(color) painter.setPen(p) painter.drawRect(self.marker) super().paint(painter, option, widget)
[docs] def contains(self, pos): return self.marker.contains(pos)
[docs]class TextItem_with_BG(QGraphicsSimpleTextItem): """Class to draw text with dark background (easier to read). Parameters ---------- bg_color : str or QColor, optional color to use as background """ def __init__(self, bg_color='black'): super().__init__() self.bg_color = bg_color self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIgnoresTransformations) self.setBrush(QBrush(Qt.white))
[docs] def paint(self, painter, option, widget): bg_color = QColor(self.bg_color) painter.setBrush(QBrush(bg_color)) painter.drawRect(self.boundingRect()) super().paint(painter, option, widget)
[docs]class FormBool(QCheckBox): """Subclass QCheckBox to have a more consistent API across widgets. Parameters ---------- checkbox_label : str label next to checkbox """ def __init__(self, checkbox_label): super().__init__(checkbox_label)
[docs] def get_value(self, default=False): """Get the value of the QCheckBox, as boolean. Parameters ---------- default : bool not used Returns ------- bool state of the checkbox """ return self.checkState() == Qt.Checked
[docs] def set_value(self, value): """Set value of the checkbox. Parameters ---------- value : bool value for the checkbox """ if value: self.setCheckState(Qt.Checked) else: self.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked)
[docs] def connect(self, funct): """Call funct when user ticks the box. Parameters ---------- funct : function function that broadcasts a change. """ self.stateChanged.connect(funct)
[docs]class FormRadio(QRadioButton): """Subclass QRadioButton to have a more consistent API across widgets. Parameters ---------- checkbox_label : str label next to checkbox """ def __init__(self, checkbox_label): super().__init__(checkbox_label)
[docs] def get_value(self, default=False): """Get the value of the QCheckBox, as boolean. Parameters ---------- default : bool not used Returns ------- bool state of the checkbox """ return self.isChecked == Qt.Checked
[docs] def set_value(self, value): """Set value of the checkbox. Parameters ---------- value : bool value for the checkbox """ if value: self.setChecked(Qt.Checked) else: self.setChecked(Qt.Unchecked)
[docs] def connect(self, funct): """Call funct when user ticks the box. Parameters ---------- funct : function function that broadcasts a change. """ self.toggled.connect(funct)
[docs]class FormFloat(QLineEdit): """Subclass QLineEdit for float to have a more consistent API across widgets. Parameters ---------- significant_digits : int number of significant digits """ def __init__(self, default=None, maxw=None, significant_digits=3): super().__init__('') self.significant_digits = significant_digits if default is not None: self.set_value(default) if maxw is not None: self.setMaximumWidth(maxw)
[docs] def get_value(self, default=0): """Get float from widget. Parameters ---------- default : float default value for the parameter in case it fails Returns ------- float the value in text or default """ text = self.text() if text == 'N/A': return NaN try: text = float(text) except ValueError: lg.debug('Cannot convert "' + str(text) + '" to float.' + 'Using default ' + str(default)) text = default self.set_value(text) return text
[docs] def set_value(self, value): """Set value of the float. Parameters ---------- value : float value for the line edit """ if value == '' or value is None or value == 'N/A': text = '' else: text = ('{:.' + str(self.significant_digits) + 'f}').format(value) self.setText(text)
[docs] def connect(self, funct): """Call funct when the text was changed. Parameters ---------- funct : function function that broadcasts a change. """ self.textEdited.connect(funct)
[docs]class FormInt(QLineEdit): """Subclass QLineEdit for int to have a more consistent API across widgets. """ def __init__(self, default=None): super().__init__('') if default is not None: self.set_value(default)
[docs] def get_value(self, default=0): """Get int from widget. Parameters ---------- default : int default value for the parameter in case it fails Returns ------- int the value in text or default """ text = self.text() try: text = int(float(text)) # to convert values like 30.0 except ValueError: lg.debug('Cannot convert "' + str(text) + '" to int. ' + 'Using default ' + str(default)) text = default self.set_value(text) return text
[docs] def set_value(self, value): """Set value of the int. Parameters ---------- value : int value for the line edit """ self.setText(str(value))
[docs] def connect(self, funct): """Call funct when the text was changed. Parameters ---------- funct : function function that broadcasts a change. """ self.textEdited.connect(funct)
[docs]class FormList(QLineEdit): """Subclass QLineEdit for lists to have a more consistent API across widgets. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__('')
[docs] def get_value(self, default=None): """Get int from widget. Parameters ---------- default : list list with widgets Returns ------- list list that might contain int or str or float etc """ if default is None: default = [] try: text = literal_eval(self.text()) if not isinstance(text, list): pass # raise ValueError except ValueError: lg.debug('Cannot convert "' + str(text) + '" to list. ' + 'Using default ' + str(default)) text = default self.set_value(text) return text
[docs] def set_value(self, value): """Set value of the list. Parameters ---------- value : list value for the line edit """ self.setText(str(value))
[docs] def connect(self, funct): """Call funct when the text was changed. Parameters ---------- funct : function function that broadcasts a change. """ self.textEdited.connect(funct)
[docs]class FormStr(QLineEdit): """Subclass QLineEdit for str to have a more consistent API across widgets. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__('')
[docs] def get_value(self, default=''): """Get int from widget. Parameters ---------- default : str not used Returns ------- str the value in text """ return self.text()
[docs] def set_value(self, value): """Set value of the string. Parameters ---------- value : str value for the line edit """ self.setText(value)
[docs] def connect(self, funct): """Call funct when the text was changed. Parameters ---------- funct : function function that broadcasts a change. """ self.textEdited.connect(funct)
[docs]class FormDir(QPushButton): """Subclass QPushButton for str to have a more consistent API across widgets. Notes ----- It calls to open the directory three times, but I don't understand why """ def __init__(self): super().__init__('')
[docs] def get_value(self, default=''): """Get int from widget. Parameters ---------- default : str not used Returns ------- str the value in text """ return self.text()
[docs] def set_value(self, value): """Set value of the string. Parameters ---------- value : str value for the line edit """ self.setText(value)
[docs] def connect(self, funct): """Call funct when the text was changed. Parameters ---------- funct : function function that broadcasts a change. Notes ----- There is something wrong here. When you run this function, it calls for opening a directory three or four times. This is obviously wrong but I don't understand why this happens three times. Traceback did not help. """ def get_directory(): rec = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, 'Path to Recording' ' Directory') if rec == '': return self.setText(rec) funct() self.clicked.connect(get_directory)
[docs]class FormMenu(QComboBox): """Subclass QComboBox for dropdown menus to have a more consistent API across widgets. Parameters ---------- input_list: list of str items to include in the dropdown menu / combobox """ def __init__(self, input_list): super().__init__() if input_list is not None: for i in input_list: self.addItem(i)
[docs] def get_value(self, default=None): """Get selection from widget. Parameters ---------- default : str str for use by widget Returns ------- str selected item from the combobox """ if default is None: default = '' try: text = self.currentText() except ValueError: lg.debug('Cannot convert "' + str(text) + '" to list. ' + 'Using default ' + str(default)) text = default self.set_value(text) return text
[docs] def set_value(self, value): """Set value of the list. Parameters ---------- value : str value for the combobox """ self.setCurrentText(str(value))
[docs] def connect(self, funct): """Call funct when the selection was changed. Parameters ---------- funct : function function that broadcasts a change. """ self.currentIndexChanged.connect(funct)
[docs]class FormSpin(QSpinBox): """Subclass QSpinBox for int to have a more consistent API across widgets. """ def __init__(self, default=None, min_val=None, max_val=None, step=None): super().__init__() if default is not None: self.set_value(default) if min_val is not None: self.setMinimum(min_val) if max_val is not None: self.setMaximum(max_val) if step is not None: self.setSingleStep(step)
[docs] def get_value(self, default=0): """Get int from widget. Parameters ---------- default : int default value for the parameter in case it fails Returns ------- int the value in text or default """ text = self.value() try: text = int(float(text)) except ValueError: lg.debug('Cannot convert "' + str(text) + '" to int. ' + 'Using default ' + str(default)) text = default self.set_value(text) return text
[docs] def set_value(self, value): """Set value of the int. Parameters ---------- value : int value for the line edit """ self.setValue(int(value))
[docs] def connect(self, funct): """Call funct when the text was changed. Parameters ---------- funct : function function that broadcasts a change. """ self.valueChanged.connect(funct)
[docs]def keep_recent_datasets(max_dataset_history, info=None): """Keep track of the most recent recordings. Parameters ---------- max_dataset_history : int maximum number of datasets to remember info : str, optional TODO path to file Returns ------- list of str paths to most recent datasets (only if you don't specify new_dataset) """ history = settings.value('recent_recordings', []) if isinstance(history, str): history = [history] if info is not None and info.filename is not None: new_dataset = info.filename if new_dataset in history: lg.debug(new_dataset + ' already present, will be replaced') history.remove(new_dataset) if len(history) > max_dataset_history: lg.debug('Removing last dataset ' + history[-1]) history.pop() lg.debug('Adding ' + new_dataset + ' to list of recent datasets') history.insert(0, new_dataset) settings.setValue('recent_recordings', history) return None else: return history
[docs]def choose_file_or_dir(): """Create a simple message box to see if the user wants to open dir or file Returns ------- str 'dir' or 'file' or 'abort' """ question = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Information, 'Open Dataset', 'Do you want to open a file or a directory?') dir_button = question.addButton('Directory', QMessageBox.YesRole) file_button = question.addButton('File', QMessageBox.NoRole) question.addButton(QMessageBox.Cancel) question.exec_() response = question.clickedButton() if response == dir_button: return 'dir' elif response == file_button: return 'file' else: return 'abort'
[docs]def select_session(sessions): """Select one session out of a list of sessions. Parameters ---------- sessions : list list of integers Returns ------- None or int index of the session being chosen """ question = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Question, 'Open Dataset', 'Select one session') buttons = [] for sess in sessions: buttons.append( question.addButton('Session ' + str(sess), QMessageBox.ActionRole)) button_cancel = question.addButton(QMessageBox.Cancel) question.exec_() response = question.clickedButton() if response == button_cancel: return else: return buttons.index(response)
[docs]def short_strings(s, max_length=MAX_LENGTH): if len(s) > max_length: max_length -= 3 # dots start = ceil(max_length / 2) end = -floor(max_length / 2) s = s[:start] + '...' + s[end:] return s
[docs]def convert_name_to_color(s): """Convert any string to an RGB color. Parameters ---------- s : str string to convert selection : bool, optional if an event is being selected, it's lighter Returns ------- instance of QColor one of the possible color Notes ----- It takes any string and converts it to RGB color. The same string always returns the same color. The numbers are a bit arbitrary but not completely. h is the baseline color (keep it high to have brighter colors). Make sure that the max module + h is less than 256 (RGB limit). The number you multiply ord for is necessary to differentiate the letters (otherwise 'r' and 's' are too close to each other). """ h = 100 v = [5 * ord(x) for x in s] sum_mod = lambda x: sum(x) % 100 color = QColor(sum_mod(v[::3]) + h, sum_mod(v[1::3]) + h, sum_mod(v[2::3]) + h) return color
[docs]def freq_from_str(freq_str): """Obtain frequency ranges from input string, either as list or dynamic notation. Parameters ---------- freq_str : str String with frequency ranges, either as a list: e.g. [[1-3], [3-5], [5-8]]; or with a dynamic definition: (start, stop, width, step). Returns ------- list of tuple of float or None Every tuple of float represents a frequency band. If input is invalid, returns None. """ freq = [] as_list = freq_str[1:-1].replace(' ', '').split(',') try: if freq_str[0] == '[' and freq_str[-1] == ']': for i in as_list: one_band = i[1:-1].split('-') one_band = float(one_band[0]), float(one_band[1]) freq.append(one_band) elif freq_str[0] == '(' and freq_str[-1] == ')': if len(as_list) == 4: start = float(as_list[0]) stop = float(as_list[1]) halfwidth = float(as_list[2]) / 2 step = float(as_list[3]) centres = arange(start, stop, step) for i in centres: freq.append((i - halfwidth, i + halfwidth)) else: return None else: return None except: return None return freq
[docs]def export_graphics(MAIN, checked=False, test=None): from .modal_widgets import SVGDialog # avoid circolar import if is not None: filename = join(dirname(, '*.svg') else: filename = None svg_dialog = SVGDialog(filename) if test is None: if not svg_dialog.exec(): return else: svg_dialog.idx_file.setText(test) if svg_dialog.idx_list.currentText() == 'Traces': widget = MAIN.traces elif svg_dialog.idx_list.currentText() == 'Overview': widget = MAIN.overview svg_file = svg_dialog.idx_file.text() if not svg_file.endswith('.svg'): svg_file += '.svg' export_graphics_to_svg(widget, svg_file)
[docs]def export_graphics_to_svg(widget, filename): """Export graphics to svg Parameters ---------- widget : instance of QGraphicsView traces or overview filename : str path to save svg """ generator = QSvgGenerator() generator.setFileName(filename) generator.setSize(widget.size()) generator.setViewBox(widget.rect()) painter = QPainter() painter.begin(generator) widget.render(painter) painter.end()