wonambi.detect.arousal module
Module to detect arousals
- class wonambi.detect.arousal.DetectArousal(method='HouseDetector', duration=None)[source]
Design slow wave detection on a single channel.
- Parameters:
method (str) – one of the predefined methods
freq_band (tuple of (float or None)) – frequency band of interest in Hz
spectrogram (dict) –
- ‘dur’: float
window length in sec
- ’overlap’: float
ratio of overlap between consecutive windows
- ’detrend’: str
’constant’, ‘linear’ or False
det_thresh (float) – minimum factor increase of mean frequency between consecutive windows
min_interval (float) – minimum duration between consecutive arousals, in sec
duration (tuple of float) – min and max duration of arousals
- wonambi.detect.arousal.detect_HouseDetector(dat_orig, s_freq, time, opts)[source]
House arousal detection.
- Parameters:
dat_orig (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the data for one channel
s_freq (float) – sampling frequency
time (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the time points for each sample
opts (instance of 'DetectSlowWave') –
- ‘duration’tuple of float
min and max duration of arousal
- Returns:
list of dict – list of detected arousals
float – arousal density, per 30-s epoch
- wonambi.detect.arousal.make_arousals(events, time, s_freq)[source]
Create dict for each arousal, based on events of time points.
- Parameters:
events (ndarray (dtype='int')) – N x 5 matrix with start, end samples
data (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the data
time (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with time points
s_freq (float) – sampling frequency
- Returns:
list of dict – list of all the arousals, with information about start, end, duration (s),