Source code for wonambi.ioeeg.edf

"""Module reads and writes header and data for EDF data.
from logging import getLogger

from datetime import datetime, timedelta, time, date
from pathlib import Path
from re import findall, finditer
from struct import pack
from fractions import Fraction

from numpy import (abs,
from scipy.signal import resample_poly

from .utils import decode, _select_blocks, DEFAULT_DATETIME

lg = getLogger(__name__)

EDF_FORMAT = 'int16'  # by definition
edf_iinfo = iinfo(EDF_FORMAT)
N_BYTES = edf_iinfo.dtype.itemsize
DIGITAL_MAX = edf_iinfo.max
DIGITAL_MIN = -1 * edf_iinfo.max  # so that digital 0 = physical 0

ANNOT_NAME = 'EDF Annotations'
PATTERN = b'(?P<onset>[+\-]\d+(?:\.\d*)?)(?:\x15(?P<duration>\d+(?:\.\d*)?))?(\x14(?P<annotation>[^\x00]*))?(?:\x14\x00)'

[docs]class Edf: """Provide class EDF, which can be used to read the header and the data. Parameters ---------- edffile : str Full path for the EDF file Attributes ---------- hdr : dict header taken from EDF file """ def __init__(self, edffile): self.filename = Path(edffile) self._read_hdr() def _read_hdr(self): """Read header from EDF file. It only reads the header for internal purposes and adds a hdr. """ with'rb') as f: hdr = {} assert f.tell() == 0 assert == b'0 ' # recording info hdr['subject_id'] = decode( hdr['recording_id'] = decode( # parse timestamp date_str = decode( if date_str == '': edf_date = else: (day, month, year) = [int(x) for x in findall('(\d+)', date_str)] # Y2K: cutoff is 1985 if year >= 85: year += 1900 else: year += 2000 edf_date = date(year, month, day) time_str = decode( if time_str == '': edf_time = DEFAULT_DATETIME.time() else: (hour, minute, day) = [int(x) for x in findall('(\d+)', time_str)] edf_time = time(hour, minute, day) hdr['start_time'] = datetime.combine(edf_date, edf_time) # misc hdr['header_n_bytes'] = int(, 1) # reserved for EDF+ hdr['n_records'] = int( hdr['record_length'] = float( # in seconds nchannels = hdr['n_channels'] = int( # read channel info channels = range(hdr['n_channels']) hdr['label'] = [decode( for n in channels] hdr['transducer'] = [decode( for n in channels] hdr['physical_dim'] = [decode( for n in channels] hdr['physical_min'] = [float( for n in channels] hdr['physical_max'] = [float( for n in channels] hdr['digital_min'] = [float( for n in channels] hdr['digital_max'] = [float( for n in channels] hdr['prefiltering'] = [decode( for n in channels] hdr['n_samples_per_record'] = [int( for n in channels] * nchannels, 1) # reserved assert f.tell() == hdr['header_n_bytes'] self.hdr = hdr
[docs] def return_hdr(self): """Return the header for further use. Returns ------- subj_id : str subject identification code start_time : datetime start time of the dataset s_freq : float sampling frequency chan_name : list of str list of all the channels n_samples : int number of samples in the dataset orig : dict additional information taken directly from the header Notes ----- EDF+ accepts multiple frequency rates for different channels. Here, we use only the highest sampling frequency (normally used for EEG and MEG signals), and we UPSAMPLE all the other channels. """ try: self.i_annot = self.hdr['label'].index(ANNOT_NAME) except ValueError: self.i_annot = None self.smp_in_blk = sum(self.hdr['n_samples_per_record']) self.max_smp = max(self.hdr['n_samples_per_record']) n_blocks = self.hdr['n_records'] self.blocks = ones(n_blocks, dtype='int') * self.max_smp self.dig_min = asarray(self.hdr['digital_min']) self.phys_min = asarray(self.hdr['physical_min']) phys_range = asarray(self.hdr['physical_max']) - self.phys_min dig_range = asarray(self.hdr['digital_max']) - self.dig_min if (phys_range < 0).any(): lg.warning('physical_min is higher than physical_max. Check whether the polarity of your recordings is correct') if (dig_range < 0).any(): lg.warning('digital_min is higher than digital_max. Check whether the polarity of your recordings is correct') if sum(self.dig_min) == 0: lg.warning('digital_min is zero. Setting to -32767.') self.dig_min = ones(self.dig_min.shape) * -32767.0 dig_range = 2 * 32767.0 self.gain = phys_range / dig_range subj_id = self.hdr['subject_id'] start_time = self.hdr['start_time'] s_freq = self.max_smp / self.hdr['record_length'] chan_name = [label for label in self.hdr['label'] if label != ANNOT_NAME] n_samples = self.max_smp * self.hdr['n_records'] return subj_id, start_time, s_freq, chan_name, n_samples, self.hdr
[docs] def return_dat(self, chan, begsam, endsam): """Read data from an EDF file. Reads channel by channel, and adjusts the values by calibration. Parameters ---------- chan : list of int index (indices) of the channels to read begsam : int index of the first sample endsam : int index of the last sample Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A 2d matrix, where the first dimension is the channels and the second dimension are the samples. """ assert begsam < endsam dat = empty((len(chan), endsam - begsam)) dat.fill(NaN) with'rb') as f: for i_dat, blk, i_blk in _select_blocks(self.blocks, begsam, endsam): dat_in_rec = self._read_record(f, blk, chan) dat[:, i_dat[0]:i_dat[1]] = dat_in_rec[:, i_blk[0]:i_blk[1]] # calibration dat = ((dat.astype('float64') - self.dig_min[chan, newaxis]) * self.gain[chan, newaxis] + self.phys_min[chan, newaxis]) return dat
def _read_record(self, f, blk, chans): """Read raw data from a single EDF channel. Parameters ---------- i_chan : int index of the channel to read begsam : int index of the first sample endsam : int index of the last sample Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A vector with the data as written on file, in 16-bit precision """ dat_in_rec = empty((len(chans), self.max_smp)) i_ch_in_dat = 0 for i_ch in chans: offset, n_smp_per_chan = self._offset(blk, i_ch) x = fromfile(f, count=n_smp_per_chan, dtype=EDF_FORMAT) ratio = self.max_smp / n_smp_per_chan if ratio.is_integer(): dat_in_rec[i_ch_in_dat, :] = repeat(x, int(ratio)) else: fract = round(Fraction(ratio), 2) up, down = fract.numerator, fract.denominator dat_in_rec[i_ch_in_dat, :] = resample_poly(x, up, down) i_ch_in_dat += 1 return dat_in_rec def _offset(self, blk, i_ch): ch_in_rec = sum(self.hdr['n_samples_per_record'][:i_ch]) n_smp_per_chan = self.hdr['n_samples_per_record'][i_ch] offset_in_blk = self.smp_in_blk * blk + ch_in_rec offset = self.hdr['header_n_bytes'] + offset_in_blk * N_BYTES return offset, n_smp_per_chan
[docs] def return_markers(self): """""" if self.i_annot is None: return [] annotations = [] with'rb') as f: for blk in range(self.hdr['n_records']): offset, n_smp_per_chan = self._offset(blk, self.i_annot) annotations.extend(_read_tal( markers = [] for annot in annotations: for name in annot['annotation']: m = {'name': name, 'start': annot['onset'], 'end': annot['onset'] + annot['dur'], 'chan': None, } markers.append(m) return markers
[docs]def write_edf(data, filename, subj_id='X X X X', physical_max=1000, physical_min=None): """Export data to FieldTrip. Parameters ---------- data : instance of ChanTime data with only one trial filename : path to file file to export to (include '.mat') subj_id : str subject id physical_max : int values above this parameter will be considered saturated (and also those that are too negative). This parameter defines the precision. Notes ----- Data is always recorded as 2 Byte int (which is 'int16'), so precision is limited. You can control the precision with physical_max. To get the precision: >>> precision = physical_max / DIGITAL_MAX where DIGITAL_MAX is 32767. """ if data.start_time is None: raise ValueError('Data should contain a valid start_time (as datetime)') start_time = data.start_time + timedelta(seconds=data.axis['time'][0][0]) if physical_max is None: physical_max = max(abs([0])) precision = physical_max / DIGITAL_MAX'Data exported to EDF will have precision ' + str(precision)) if physical_min is None: physical_min = -1 * physical_max dat =[0] / physical_max * DIGITAL_MAX dat = dat.astype(EDF_FORMAT) dat[dat > DIGITAL_MAX] = DIGITAL_MAX dat[dat < DIGITAL_MIN] = DIGITAL_MIN with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write('{:<8}'.format(0).encode('ascii')) f.write('{:<80}'.format(subj_id).encode('ascii')) # subject_id f.write('{:<80}'.format('Startdate X X X X').encode('ascii')) f.write(start_time.strftime('%d.%m.%y').encode('ascii')) f.write(start_time.strftime('%H.%M.%S').encode('ascii')) n_smp =[0].shape[1] s_freq = int(data.s_freq) n_records = n_smp // s_freq # floor record_length = 1 n_channels = data.number_of('chan')[0] header_n_bytes = 256 + 256 * n_channels f.write('{:<8d}'.format(header_n_bytes).encode('ascii')) f.write((' ' * 44).encode('ascii')) # reserved for EDF+ f.write('{:<8}'.format(n_records).encode('ascii')) f.write('{:<8d}'.format(record_length).encode('ascii')) f.write('{:<4}'.format(n_channels).encode('ascii')) for chan in data.axis['chan'][0]: f.write('{:<16}'.format(chan).encode('ascii')) # label for _ in range(n_channels): f.write(('{:<80}').format('').encode('ascii')) # tranducer for _ in range(n_channels): f.write('{:<8}'.format('uV').encode('ascii')) # physical_dim for _ in range(n_channels): f.write('{:<8}'.format(physical_min).encode('ascii')) for _ in range(n_channels): f.write('{:<8}'.format(physical_max).encode('ascii')) for _ in range(n_channels): f.write('{:<8}'.format(DIGITAL_MIN).encode('ascii')) for _ in range(n_channels): f.write('{:<8}'.format(DIGITAL_MAX).encode('ascii')) for _ in range(n_channels): f.write('{:<80}'.format('').encode('ascii')) # prefiltering for _ in range(n_channels): f.write('{:<8d}'.format(s_freq).encode('ascii')) # n_smp in record for _ in range(n_channels): f.write((' ' * 32).encode('ascii')) length_record = s_freq * n_channels # length of one record for i in range(n_records): i0 = i * s_freq i1 = i0 + s_freq x = dat[:, i0:i1].flatten(order='C') # assumes it's ChanTimeData f.write(pack('<' + 'h' * length_record, *x))
def _read_tal(rawbytes): """Read TAL (Time-stamped Annotations Lists) using regex Parameters ---------- rawbytes : bytes raw information from file Returns ------- annotation : list of dict where each dict contains onset, duration, and list with the annotations """ annotations = [] for m in finditer(PATTERN, rawbytes): d = m.groupdict() annot = {'onset': float(decode(d['onset'])), 'dur': float(decode(d['duration'])) if d['duration'] else 0., 'annotation': [decode(a) for a in d['annotation'].split(b'\x14') if a], } if annot['annotation']: annotations.append(annot) return annotations
[docs]def remove_datetime(filename): """Remove datetime from filename by overwriting the date / time info. Parameters ---------- filename : Path path to edf file Notes ----- It modifies the file. TODO ---- This function might be part of a large anonymization procedure for edf """ with Path(filename).open('r+b') as f: f.write(16 * b' ')