wonambi.ioeeg.edf module
Module reads and writes header and data for EDF data.
- class wonambi.ioeeg.edf.Edf(edffile)[source]
Provide class EDF, which can be used to read the header and the data.
- Parameters:
edffile (str) – Full path for the EDF file
- hdr
header taken from EDF file
- Type:
- return_dat(chan, begsam, endsam)[source]
Read data from an EDF file.
Reads channel by channel, and adjusts the values by calibration.
- Parameters:
chan (list of int) – index (indices) of the channels to read
begsam (int) – index of the first sample
endsam (int) – index of the last sample
- Returns:
numpy.ndarray – A 2d matrix, where the first dimension is the channels and the second dimension are the samples.
- return_hdr()[source]
Return the header for further use.
- Returns:
subj_id (str) – subject identification code
start_time (datetime) – start time of the dataset
s_freq (float) – sampling frequency
chan_name (list of str) – list of all the channels
n_samples (int) – number of samples in the dataset
orig (dict) – additional information taken directly from the header
EDF+ accepts multiple frequency rates for different channels. Here, we use only the highest sampling frequency (normally used for EEG and MEG signals), and we UPSAMPLE all the other channels.
- wonambi.ioeeg.edf.remove_datetime(filename)[source]
Remove datetime from filename by overwriting the date / time info.
- Parameters:
filename (Path) – path to edf file
It modifies the file.
This function might be part of a large anonymization procedure for edf
- wonambi.ioeeg.edf.write_edf(data, filename, subj_id='X X X X', physical_max=1000, physical_min=None)[source]
Export data to FieldTrip.
- Parameters:
data (instance of ChanTime) – data with only one trial
filename (path to file) – file to export to (include ‘.mat’)
subj_id (str) – subject id
physical_max (int) – values above this parameter will be considered saturated (and also those that are too negative). This parameter defines the precision.
Data is always recorded as 2 Byte int (which is ‘int16’), so precision is limited. You can control the precision with physical_max. To get the precision:
>>> precision = physical_max / DIGITAL_MAX
where DIGITAL_MAX is 32767.