Source code for

"""Widget with general information about the dataset."""
from datetime import timedelta
from functools import partial
from logging import getLogger
from os.path import basename, dirname, splitext

from PyQt5.QtCore import QSettings, Qt
from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon, QKeySequence
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QAbstractItemView,

from .. import Dataset
from ..dataset import detect_format
from ..ioeeg import write_wonambi, write_edf
from .utils import (short_strings, ICON, keep_recent_datasets,
                    choose_file_or_dir, select_session, FormBool, FormFloat,

lg = getLogger(__name__)
settings = QSettings("wonambi", "wonambi")

[docs]class Info(QWidget): """Display information about the dataset. Attributes ---------- parent : instance of QMainWindow the main window. filename : str the full path of the file. dataset : instance of wonambi.Dataset the dataset already read in. markers : list list of the markers in the dataset idx_filename : QPushButton button to select dataset / show current dataset idx_s_freq : QLabel show sampling frequency idx_n_chan : QLabel show number of channels idx_start_time : QLabel show start time of the dataset idx_end_time : QLabel show end time of the dataset idx_start : QLabel show start time of the window idx_length : QLabel show length of the time window idx_scaling : QLabel show current scaling idx_distance : QLabel show current distance between traces """ def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__() self.parent = parent self.filename = None self.dataset = None self.markers = [] # about the recordings self.idx_filename = None self.idx_s_freq = None self.idx_n_chan = None self.idx_start_time = None self.idx_end_time = None # about the visualization self.idx_start = None self.idx_length = None self.idx_scaling = None self.idx_distance = None self.create() self.create_action()
[docs] def create(self): """Create the widget layout with all the information.""" b0 = QGroupBox('Dataset') form = QFormLayout() b0.setLayout(form) open_rec = QPushButton('Open Dataset...') open_rec.clicked.connect(self.open_dataset) open_rec.setToolTip('Click here to open a new recording') self.idx_filename = open_rec self.idx_s_freq = QLabel('') self.idx_n_chan = QLabel('') self.idx_start_time = QLabel('') self.idx_end_time = QLabel('') form.addRow('Filename:', self.idx_filename) form.addRow('Sampl. Freq:', self.idx_s_freq) form.addRow('N. Channels:', self.idx_n_chan) form.addRow('Start Time: ', self.idx_start_time) form.addRow('End Time: ', self.idx_end_time) b1 = QGroupBox('View') form = QFormLayout() b1.setLayout(form) self.idx_start = QLabel('') self.idx_start.setToolTip('Start time in seconds from the beginning of' ' the recordings') self.idx_length = QLabel('') self.idx_length.setToolTip('Duration of the time window in seconds') self.idx_scaling = QLabel('') self.idx_scaling.setToolTip('Global scaling for all the channels') self.idx_distance = QLabel('') self.idx_distance.setToolTip('Visual distances between the traces of ' 'individual channels') form.addRow('Start Time:', self.idx_start) form.addRow('Length:', self.idx_length) form.addRow('Scaling:', self.idx_scaling) form.addRow('Distance:', self.idx_distance) layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(b0) layout.addWidget(b1) self.setLayout(layout)
[docs] def create_action(self): """Create actions associated with this widget. Notes ----- I think that this should be a function or a property. The good thing about the property is that it is updated every time you run it (for example, if you change some parameters in the settings). The main drawback is that you cannot reference back to the QAction, as it creates new ones every time. """ output = {} act = QAction(QIcon(ICON['open_rec']), 'Open Dataset...', self) act.setShortcut(QKeySequence.Open) act.triggered.connect(self.open_dataset) output['open_dataset'] = act max_dataset_history = self.parent.value('max_dataset_history') recent_recs = keep_recent_datasets(max_dataset_history) act = [] for one_recent_rec in recent_recs: act_recent = QAction(one_recent_rec, self) act_recent.triggered.connect(partial(self.open_dataset, one_recent_rec)) act.append(act_recent) output['open_recent'] = act act = QAction('Export dataset...', self) act.triggered.connect(self.parent.show_export_dataset_dialog) act.setEnabled(False) output['export'] = act self.action = output
[docs] def open_dataset(self, recent=None, debug_filename=None, bids=False): """Open a new dataset. Parameters ---------- recent : path to file one of the recent datasets to read """ if recent: filename = recent elif debug_filename is not None: filename = debug_filename else: try: dir_name = dirname(self.filename) except (AttributeError, TypeError): dir_name = self.parent.value('recording_dir') file_or_dir = choose_file_or_dir() if file_or_dir == 'dir': filename = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, 'Open directory', dir_name) elif file_or_dir == 'file': filename, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open file', dir_name) elif file_or_dir == 'abort': return if filename == '': return # otherwise basename doesn't work if filename.endswith('/'): filename = filename[:-1] # clear previous dataset once the user opens another dataset if self.dataset is not None: self.parent.reset() self.parent.statusBar().showMessage('Reading dataset: ' + basename(filename))'Reading dataset: ' + str(filename)) self.filename = filename # temp IOClass, sessions = detect_format(filename) if len(sessions) > 1: session = select_session(sessions) self.dataset = Dataset(filename, bids=bids, session=session + 1) # temp else: self.dataset = Dataset(filename, bids=bids) # temp self.action['export'].setEnabled(True) self.parent.statusBar().showMessage('') self.parent.update()
[docs] def display_dataset(self): """Update the widget with information about the dataset.""" header = self.dataset.header self.parent.setWindowTitle(basename(self.filename)) short_filename = short_strings(basename(self.filename)) self.idx_filename.setText(short_filename) self.idx_s_freq.setText(str(header['s_freq'])) self.idx_n_chan.setText(str(len(header['chan_name']))) start_time = header['start_time'].strftime('%b-%d %H:%M:%S') self.idx_start_time.setText(start_time) end_time = (header['start_time'] + timedelta(seconds=header['n_samples'] / header['s_freq'])) self.idx_end_time.setText(end_time.strftime('%b-%d %H:%M:%S'))
[docs] def display_view(self): """Update information about the size of the traces.""" self.idx_start.setText(str(self.parent.value('window_start'))) self.idx_length.setText(str(self.parent.value('window_length'))) self.idx_scaling.setText(str(self.parent.value('y_scale'))) self.idx_distance.setText(str(self.parent.value('y_distance')))
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset widget to original state.""" self.filename = None self.dataset = None # about the recordings self.idx_filename.setText('Open Recordings...') self.idx_s_freq.setText('') self.idx_n_chan.setText('') self.idx_start_time.setText('') self.idx_end_time.setText('') # about the visualization self.idx_scaling.setText('') self.idx_distance.setText('') self.idx_length.setText('') self.idx_start.setText('')
[docs] def export(self, new_format, filename=None, chan=None, begtime=None, endtime=None): """Export current dataset to wonambi format (.won). Parameters ---------- new_format : str Format for exported record: 'edf' or 'wonambi' filename : str or PosixPath filename to export to chan : list of str, opt list of original channel names to export. if None, all channels are exported begtime : int or datedelta or datetime start of the data to read; if it's int or float, it's assumed it's s; if it's timedelta, it's assumed from the start of the recording; if it's datetime, it's assumed it's absolute time. endtime : int or datedelta or datetime end of the data to read; if it's int or float, it's assumed it's s; if it's timedelta, it's assumed from the start of the recording; if it's datetime, it's assumed it's absolute time. """ dataset = self.dataset subj_id = dataset.header['subj_id'] if filename is None: filename = dataset.filename data = dataset.read_data(chan=chan, begtime=begtime, endtime=endtime) if 'wonambi' == new_format: write_wonambi(data, filename, subj_id=subj_id) elif 'edf' == new_format: write_edf(data, filename, subj_id=subj_id) else: self.parent.statusBar().showMessage('Format unrecognized.')
[docs]class ExportDatasetDialog(QDialog): """Dialog for choosing export dataset options.""" def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(None, Qt.WindowSystemMenuHint | Qt.WindowTitleHint) self.parent = parent self.setWindowModality(Qt.ApplicationModal) self.create_dialog()
[docs] def create_dialog(self): """Create the dialog.""" self.bbox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) self.idx_ok = self.bbox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Ok) self.idx_cancel = self.bbox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) filebutton = QPushButton() filebutton.setText('Choose') self.idx_filename = filebutton self.new_format = FormMenu(['EDF', 'Wonambi']) self.all_time = FormBool('Entire length of record') self.all_chan = FormBool('All channels') self.times = {} self.times['beg'] = FormFloat() self.times['end'] = FormFloat() chan_box = QListWidget() chan_box.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) self.idx_chan = chan_box filebutton.clicked.connect(self.save_as) self.all_time.connect(self.toggle_buttons) self.all_chan.connect(self.toggle_buttons) self.bbox.clicked.connect(self.button_clicked) self.all_time.set_value(True) self.all_chan.set_value(True) form = QFormLayout() form.addRow('Filename', filebutton) #form.addRow('Format', self.new_format) form.addRow(self.all_time) form.addRow('Start time (sec)', self.times['beg']) form.addRow('End time (sec)', self.times['end']) form.addRow(self.all_chan) form.addRow('Channel(s)', self.idx_chan) btnlayout = QHBoxLayout() btnlayout.addStretch(1) btnlayout.addWidget(self.bbox) vlayout = QVBoxLayout() vlayout.addLayout(form) vlayout.addStretch(1) vlayout.addLayout(btnlayout) self.setLayout(vlayout)
[docs] def button_clicked(self, button): """Action when button was clicked. Parameters ---------- button : instance of QPushButton which button was pressed """ if button is self.idx_ok: #new_format = self.new_format.get_value().lower() new_format = 'edf' chan = None beg = None end = None if not self.all_time.get_value(): beg = self.times['beg'].get_value() end = self.times['end'].get_value() if not self.all_chan.get_value(): chan = self.get_channels(), filename=self.filename, chan=chan, begtime=beg, endtime=end) self.accept() if button is self.idx_cancel: self.reject()
[docs] def toggle_buttons(self): """Turn buttons on and off.""" all_time_on = self.all_time.get_value() all_chan_on = self.all_chan.get_value() self.times['beg'].setEnabled(not all_time_on) self.times['end'].setEnabled(not all_time_on) self.idx_chan.setEnabled(not all_chan_on)
[docs] def save_as(self): """Dialog for getting name, location of dataset export.""" filename = splitext(self.filename)[0] + '.edf' filename, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, 'Export dataset', filename, 'European Data Format ' '(*.edf)') if filename == '': return self.filename = filename short_filename = short_strings(basename(self.filename)) self.idx_filename.setText(short_filename)
[docs] def get_channels(self): """Get the selected channel(s in order). """ selectedItems = self.idx_chan.selectedItems() selected_chan = [x.text() for x in selectedItems] chan_in_order = [] for chan in self.chan: if chan in selected_chan: chan_in_order.append(chan) return chan_in_order
[docs] def update(self): """Get info from dataset before opening dialog.""" self.filename = self.chan =['chan_name'] for chan in self.chan: self.idx_chan.addItem(chan)