wonambi.widgets.info module
Widget with general information about the dataset.
- class wonambi.widgets.info.ExportDatasetDialog(parent)[source]
Dialog for choosing export dataset options.
- class wonambi.widgets.info.Info(parent)[source]
Display information about the dataset.
- parent
the main window.
- Type:
instance of QMainWindow
- filename
the full path of the file.
- Type:
- dataset
the dataset already read in.
- Type:
instance of wonambi.Dataset
- markers
list of the markers in the dataset
- Type:
- idx_filename
button to select dataset / show current dataset
- Type:
- idx_s_freq
show sampling frequency
- Type:
- idx_n_chan
show number of channels
- Type:
- idx_start_time
show start time of the dataset
- Type:
- idx_end_time
show end time of the dataset
- Type:
- idx_start
show start time of the window
- Type:
- idx_length
show length of the time window
- Type:
- idx_scaling
show current scaling
- Type:
- idx_distance
show current distance between traces
- Type:
- create_action()[source]
Create actions associated with this widget.
I think that this should be a function or a property.
The good thing about the property is that it is updated every time you run it (for example, if you change some parameters in the settings). The main drawback is that you cannot reference back to the QAction, as it creates new ones every time.
- export(new_format, filename=None, chan=None, begtime=None, endtime=None)[source]
Export current dataset to wonambi format (.won).
- Parameters:
new_format (str) – Format for exported record: ‘edf’ or ‘wonambi’
filename (str or PosixPath) – filename to export to
chan (list of str, opt) – list of original channel names to export. if None, all channels are exported
begtime (int or datedelta or datetime) – start of the data to read; if it’s int or float, it’s assumed it’s s; if it’s timedelta, it’s assumed from the start of the recording; if it’s datetime, it’s assumed it’s absolute time.
endtime (int or datedelta or datetime) – end of the data to read; if it’s int or float, it’s assumed it’s s; if it’s timedelta, it’s assumed from the start of the recording; if it’s datetime, it’s assumed it’s absolute time.