wonambi.detect.slowwave module
Module to detect slow waves.
- class wonambi.detect.slowwave.DetectSlowWave(method='Massimini2004', duration=None)[source]
Design slow wave detection on a single channel.
- Parameters:
method (str) – one of the predefined methods
duration (tuple of float) – min and max duration of SWs
- invert
- Type:
- trough_duration
- Type:
- wonambi.detect.slowwave.detect_Massimini2004(dat_orig, s_freq, time, opts)[source]
Slow wave detection based on Massimini et al., 2004.
- Parameters:
dat_orig (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the data for one channel
s_freq (float) – sampling frequency
time (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the time points for each sample
opts (instance of 'DetectSlowWave') –
- ‘det_filt’dict
parameters for ‘butter’,
- ’duration’tuple of float
min and max duration of SW
- ’min_ptp’float
min peak-to-peak amplitude
- ’trough_duration’tuple of float
min and max duration of first half-wave (trough)
- ’max_trough_amp’float
The trough amplitude has a negative value, so this parameter sets the minimum depth of the trough
- Returns:
list of dict – list of detected SWs
float – SW density, per 30-s epoch
Massimini, M. et al. J Neurosci 24(31) 6862-70 (2004).
- wonambi.detect.slowwave.detect_Ngo2015(dat_orig, s_freq, time, opts)[source]
Slow wave detection based on Ngo et al., 2015.
- Parameters:
dat_orig (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the data for one channel
s_freq (float) – sampling frequency
time (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the time points for each sample
opts (instance of 'DetectSlowWave') –
- ‘lowpass’dict
parameters for ‘low_butter’,
- ’duration’tuple of float
min and max duration of SW
- ’peak_thresh’float
mean trough amplitude is multiplied by this scalar to yield threshold; SWs above this threshold are kept
- ’ptp_thresh’float
percentile of mean ptp values, above which SW is kept
- Returns:
list of dict – list of detected SWs
Ngo, H-V. et al. J Neurosci 35(17) 6630-8 (2015).
- wonambi.detect.slowwave.detect_Staresina2015(dat_orig, s_freq, time, opts)[source]
Slow wave detection based on Ngo et al., 2015.
- Parameters:
dat_orig (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the data for one channel
s_freq (float) – sampling frequency
time (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the time points for each sample
opts (instance of 'DetectSlowWave') –
- ‘lowpass’dict
parameters for ‘low_butter’,
- ’duration’tuple of float
min and max duration of SW
- ’ptp_thresh’float
percentile of mean ptp values, above which SW is kept
- Returns:
list of dict – list of detected SWs
Staresina, B. et al. 18(11) 1679-86 (2015).
- wonambi.detect.slowwave.find_intervals(indices, s_freq, duration)[source]
From sample indices, find intervals within a certain duration.
- Parameters:
indices (ndarray (dtype='int')) – vector with the indices
s_freq (float) – sampling frequency of indices/data
duration (tuple of float) – min and max duration (s) of intervals
- Returns:
ndarray (dtype=’int’) – N x 2 matrix with start and end samples
- wonambi.detect.slowwave.find_peaks_in_slowwwave(data, events)[source]
Find trough, - to + zero-crossing and peak from start/end times.
- Parameters:
data (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the data
events (ndarray (dtype='int')) – N x 2 matrix with start, end samples
- Returns:
ndarray (dtype=’int’) – N x 5 matrix with start, trough, - to + zero crossing, peak, and end samples
- wonambi.detect.slowwave.find_zero_crossings(data, xtype='all')[source]
Find indices of zero-crossings in data.
- Parameters:
data (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the data
xtype (str) – if ‘all’, returns all zero crossings if ‘neg_to_pos’, returns only negative-to-positive zero-crossings if ‘pos_to_neg’, returns only positive-to-negative zero-crossings
- Returns:
nadarray of int – indices of zero-crossings in the data
A value of exactly 0 in data will always create a zero-crossing with nonzero values preceding of following it.
- wonambi.detect.slowwave.make_slow_waves(events, data, time, s_freq)[source]
Create dict for each slow wave, based on events of time points.
- Parameters:
events (ndarray (dtype='int')) – N x 5 matrix with start, trough, zero, peak, end samples
data (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the data
time (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with time points
s_freq (float) – sampling frequency
- Returns:
list of dict – list of all the SWs, with information about start, trough_time, zero_time, peak_time, end, duration (s), trough_val, peak_val, peak-to-peak amplitude (signal units), area_under_curve (signal units * s)
- wonambi.detect.slowwave.select_peaks(data, events, limit)[source]
Check whether event satisfies amplitude limit.
- Parameters:
data (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with data
events (ndarray (dtype='int')) – N x 2+ matrix with peak/trough in second position
limit (float) – low and high limit for spindle duration
- Returns:
ndarray (dtype=’int’) – N x 2+ matrix with peak/trough in second position