wonambi.detect.spindle module
Module to detect spindles.
- class wonambi.detect.spindle.DetectSpindle(method='Moelle2011', frequency=None, duration=None, merge=False)[source]
Design spindle detection on a single channel.
- Parameters:
method (str) – one of the predefined methods
frequency (tuple of float) – low and high frequency of spindle band
duration (tuple of float) – min and max duration of spindles
merge (bool) – if True, then after events are detected on every channel, events on different channels that are separated by less than min_interval will be merged into a single event, with ‘chan’ = the chan of the earlier-onset event.
- tolerance
during detection and prior to applying the duration criterion, candidate events separated by less than this time interval are merged. In this way, the detector becomes tolerant to short dips below the eligibility threshold (e.g. if the spindle power drops for a split second).
- Type:
- min_interval
after the duration criterion is applied, events separated by less than this interval are merged into a single event, with ‘chan’ = the chan of the earlier-onset event.
- Type:
- power_peaks
for peak power statistics. ‘peak’ or ‘interval’. If None, values will all be NaN
- Type:
str or None
See individual detect_* functions for other attribute descriptions.
- wonambi.detect.spindle.define_threshold(dat, s_freq, method, value, nbins=120)[source]
Return the value of the threshold based on relative values.
- Parameters:
dat (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the data after selection-transformation
s_freq (float) – sampling frequency
method (str) – one of ‘mean’, ‘median’, ‘std’, ‘mean+std’, ‘median+std’, ‘histmax’
value (float) – value to multiply the values for
nbins (int) – for histmax method only, number of bins in the histogram
- Returns:
float – threshold in useful units.
- wonambi.detect.spindle.detect_Concordia(dat_orig, s_freq, time, opts)[source]
Spindle detection, experimental Concordia method. Similar to Moelle 2011 and Nir2011.
- Parameters:
dat_orig (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the data for one channel
s_freq (float) – sampling frequency
opts (instance of 'DetectSpindle') –
- ‘det_butter’dict
parameters for ‘butter’,
- ’moving_rms’dict
parameters for ‘moving_rms’
- ’smooth’dict
parameters for ‘smooth’
- ’det_thresh’float
low detection threshold
- ’det_thresh_hi’float
high detection threshold
- ’sel_thresh’float
selection threshold
- Returns:
list of dict – list of detected spindles
dict – ‘det_value_lo’, ‘det_value_hi’ with detection values, ‘sel_value’ with selection value
float – spindle density, per 30-s epoch
- wonambi.detect.spindle.detect_FASST(dat_orig, s_freq, time, opts, submethod='rms')[source]
Spindle detection based on FASST method, itself based on Moelle et al. (2002).
- Parameters:
dat_orig (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the data for one channel
s_freq (float) – sampling frequency
time (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the time points for each sample
opts (instance of 'DetectSpindle') –
- ‘det_butter’dict
parameters for ‘butter’,
- ’moving_rms’dict
parameters for ‘moving_rms’
- ’smooth’dict
parameters for ‘smooth’
- ’det_thresh’float
detection threshold (percentile)
submethod (str) – ‘abs’ (rectified) or ‘rms’ (root-mean-square)
- Returns:
list of dict – list of detected spindles
dict – ‘det_value_lo’ with detection value, ‘det_value_hi’ with nan, ‘sel_value’ with nan
float – spindle density, per 30-s epoch
Leclercq, Y. et al. Compu. Intel. and Neurosci. (2011).
- wonambi.detect.spindle.detect_Ferrarelli2007(dat_orig, s_freq, time, opts)[source]
Spindle detection based on Ferrarelli et al. 2007, and scripts obtained from Warby et al. (2014).
- Parameters:
dat_orig (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the data for one channel
s_freq (float) – sampling frequency
time (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the time points for each sample
opts (instance of 'DetectSpindle') –
- ‘det_remez’dict
parameters for ‘remez’,
- ’det_thresh’float
detection threshold
- ’sel_thresh’float
selection threshold
- Returns:
list of dict – list of detected spindles
dict – ‘det_value_lo’ with detection value, ‘det_value_hi’ with nan, ‘sel_value’ with selection value
float – spindle density, per 30-s epoch
Ferrarelli, F. et al. Am. J. Psychiatry 164, 483-92 (2007). Warby, S. C. et al. Nat. Meth. 11(4), 385-92 (2014).
- wonambi.detect.spindle.detect_Lacourse2018(dat_orig, s_freq, time, opts)[source]
Spindle detection based on Lacourse et al., 2018
- Parameters:
dat_orig (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the data for one channel
s_freq (float) – sampling frequency
time (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the time points for each sample
opts (instance of 'DetectSpindle') –
- ‘det_butter’dict
parameters for ‘butter’,
- ’det_butter2’dict
parameters for ‘butter’,
- ’windowing’ :
’step’ for downsampling and ‘dur’ for moving window duration
- ’moving_ms’dict
parameters for ‘moving_rms’
- ’moving_power_ratio’ :
parameters for ‘moving_power_ratio’
- ’zscore’ :
parameters for ‘moving_zscore’
- ’moving_covar’ :
parameters for ‘moving_covar’
- ’moving_sd’ :
parameters for ‘moving_sd’
- ’smooth’dict
parameters for ‘smooth’
- ’abs_pow_thresh’float
absolute power threshold
- ’rel_pow_thresh’float
relative power threshold
- ’covar_thresh’float
covariance threshold
- ’corr_thresh’float
coorelation threshold
- Returns:
list of dict – list of detected spindles
dict – ‘det_value_lo’ with detection value, ‘det_value_hi’ is nan, ‘sel_value’ is nan (for consistency with other methods)
float – spindle density, per 30-s epoch
Lacourse, K. et al. J. Neurosci. Meth. (2018).
- wonambi.detect.spindle.detect_Martin2013(dat_orig, s_freq, time, opts)[source]
Spindle detection based on Martin et al. 2013
- Parameters:
dat_orig (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the data for one channel
s_freq (float) – sampling frequency
time (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the time points for each sample
opts (instance of 'DetectSpindle') –
- ‘det_remez’dict
parameters for ‘remez’ filter
- ’moving_rms’dict
parameters for ‘moving_rms’
- ’det_thresh’float
percentile for detection threshold
- Returns:
list of dict – list of detected spindles
dict – ‘det_value_lo’ with detection value, ‘det_value_hi’ is nan, ‘sel_value’ is nan (for consistency with other methods)
float – spindle density, per 30-s epoch
Martin, N. et al. Neurobio Aging 34(2), 468-76 (2013).
- wonambi.detect.spindle.detect_Moelle2011(dat_orig, s_freq, time, opts)[source]
Spindle detection based on Moelle et al. 2011
- Parameters:
dat_orig (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the data for one channel
s_freq (float) – sampling frequency
time (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the time points for each sample
opts (instance of 'DetectSpindle') –
- ‘det_remez’dict
parameters for ‘remez’,
- ’moving_rms’dict
parameters for ‘moving_rms’
- ’smooth’dict
parameters for ‘smooth’
- ’det_thresh’float
detection threshold
- Returns:
list of dict – list of detected spindles
dict – ‘det_value_lo’ with detection value, ‘det_value_hi’ with nan, ‘sel_value’ with nan
float – spindle density, per 30-s epoch
Moelle, M. et al. J. Neurosci. 22(24), 10941-7 (2002).
- wonambi.detect.spindle.detect_Nir2011(dat_orig, s_freq, time, opts)[source]
Spindle detection based on Nir et al. 2011
- Parameters:
dat_orig (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the data for one channel
s_freq (float) – sampling frequency
time (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the time points for each sample
opts (instance of 'DetectSpindle') –
- ‘det_butter’dict
parameters for ‘butter’,
- ’smooth’dict
parameters for ‘gaussian’
- ’det_thresh’float
detection threshold
- ’sel_thresh’float
selection threshold
- Returns:
list of dict – list of detected spindles
dict – ‘det_value_lo’ with detection value, ‘det_value_hi’ with nan, ‘sel_value’ with selection value
float – spindle density, per 30-s epoch
This paper also selects channels carefully: ‘First, the channels with spindle activity in NREM sleep were chosen for further analysis.’
‘Third, those channels, in which an increase in spectral power within the detected events was restricted to the spindle-frequency range (10-16 Hz) rather than broadband.’
Nir, Y. et al. Neuron 70, 153-69 (2011).
- wonambi.detect.spindle.detect_Ray2015(dat_orig, s_freq, time, opts)[source]
Spindle detection based on Ray et al., 2015
- Parameters:
dat_orig (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the data for one channel
s_freq (float) – sampling frequency
time (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the time points for each sample
opts (instance of 'DetectSpindle') –
- ‘cdemod’dict
parameters for ‘cdemod’ (complex demodulation)
- ’det_butter’dict
parameters for ‘butter’,
- ’det_low_butter’dict
parameters for ‘low_butter’,
- ’smooth’dict
parameters for ‘smooth’
- ’zscore’dict
parameters for ‘moving_zscore’
- ’det_thresh’float
detection threshold
- ’sel_thresh’nan
selection threshold
- Returns:
list of dict – list of detected spindles
dict – ‘det_value_lo’ with detection value, ‘det_value_hi’ is nan, ‘sel_value’ is nan (for consistency with other methods)
float – spindle density, per 30-s epoch
Ray, L. B. et al. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 9-16 (2015).
- wonambi.detect.spindle.detect_UCSD(dat_orig, s_freq, time, opts)[source]
Spindle detection based on the UCSD method
- Parameters:
dat_orig (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the data for one channel
s_freq (float) – sampling frequency
time (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the time points for each sample
opts (instance of 'DetectSpindle') –
- det_waveletdict
parameters for ‘wavelet_real’,
- det_thres’float
detection threshold
- sel_waveletdict
parameters for ‘wavelet_real’
- sel_threshfloat
selection threshold
- ratio_threshfloat
ratio between power inside and outside spindle band to accept them
- Returns:
list of dict – list of detected spindles
dict – ‘det_value_lo’ with detection value, ‘det_value_hi’ with nan, ‘sel_value’ with selection value
float – spindle density, per 30-s epoch
- wonambi.detect.spindle.detect_Wamsley2012(dat_orig, s_freq, time, opts)[source]
Spindle detection based on Wamsley et al. 2012
- Parameters:
dat_orig (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the data for one channel
s_freq (float) – sampling frequency
time (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the time points for each sample
opts (instance of 'DetectSpindle') –
- ‘det_wavelet’dict
parameters for ‘morlet’,
- ’smooth’dict
parameters for ‘smooth’
- ’det_thresh’float
detection threshold
- Returns:
list of dict – list of detected spindles
dict – ‘det_value_lo’ with detection value, ‘det_value_hi’ is nan, ‘sel_value’ is nan (for consistency with other methods)
float – spindle density, per 30-s epoch
Wamsley, E. J. et al. Biol. Psychiatry 71, 154-61 (2012).
- wonambi.detect.spindle.detect_events(dat, method, value=None)[source]
Detect events using ‘above_thresh’, ‘below_thresh’ or ‘maxima’ method.
- Parameters:
dat (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the data after transformation
method (str) – ‘above_thresh’, ‘below_thresh’ or ‘maxima’
value (float or tuple of float) – for ‘above_thresh’ or ‘below_thresh’, it’s the value of threshold for the event detection for ‘between_thresh’, it’s the lower and upper threshold as tuple for ‘maxima’, it’s the distance in s from the peak to find a minimum
- Returns:
ndarray (dtype=’int’) – N x 3 matrix with start, peak, end samples
- wonambi.detect.spindle.make_spindles(events, power_peaks, powers, dat_det, dat_orig, time, s_freq)[source]
Create dict for each spindle, based on events of time points.
- Parameters:
events (ndarray (dtype='int')) – N x 3 matrix with start, peak, end samples, and peak frequency
power_peaks (ndarray (dtype='float')) – peak in power spectrum for each event
powers (ndarray (dtype='float')) – average power in power spectrum for each event
dat_det (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the data after detection-transformation (to compute peak)
dat_orig (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the raw data on which detection was performed
time (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with time points
s_freq (float) – sampling frequency
- Returns:
list of dict – list of all the spindles, with information about start_time, peak_time, end_time (s), peak_val (signal units), area_under_curve (signal units * s), peak_freq (Hz)
- wonambi.detect.spindle.merge_close(events, min_interval, merge_to_longer=False)[source]
Merge events that are separated by a less than a minimum interval.
- Parameters:
events (list of dict) – events with ‘start’ and ‘end’ times, from one or several channels. Events must be sorted by their start time.
min_interval (float) – minimum delay between consecutive events, in seconds
merge_to_longer (bool (default: False)) – If True, info (chan, peak, etc.) from the longer of the 2 events is kept. Otherwise, info from the earlier onset spindle is kept.
- Returns:
list of dict – original events list with close events merged.
- wonambi.detect.spindle.peak_in_power(events, dat, s_freq, method, value=None)[source]
Define peak in power of the signal.
- Parameters:
events (ndarray (dtype='int')) – N x 3 matrix with start, peak, end samples
dat (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the original data
s_freq (float) – sampling frequency
method (str or None) – ‘peak’ or ‘interval’. If None, values will be all NaN
value (float) – size of the window around peak, or nothing (for ‘interval’)
- Returns:
ndarray (dtype=’float’) – vector with peak frequency
- wonambi.detect.spindle.peaks_in_time(dat, troughs=False)[source]
Find indices of peaks or troughs in data.
- Parameters:
dat (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the data
troughs (bool) – if True, will return indices of troughs instead of peaks
- Returns:
nadarray of int – indices of peaks (or troughs) in dat
This function does not deal well with flat signal; when the signal is not increasing, it is assumed to be descreasing. As a result, this function finds troughs where the signal begins to increase after either decreasing or remaining constant
- wonambi.detect.spindle.power_in_band(events, dat, s_freq, frequency)[source]
Define power of the signal within frequency band.
- Parameters:
events (ndarray (dtype='int')) – N x 3 matrix with start, peak, end samples
dat (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the original data
s_freq (float) – sampling frequency
frequency (tuple of float) – low and high frequency of spindle band, for window
- Returns:
ndarray (dtype=’float’) – vector with power
- wonambi.detect.spindle.power_ratio(events, dat, s_freq, limits, ratio_thresh)[source]
Estimate the ratio in power between spindle band and lower frequencies.
- Parameters:
events (ndarray (dtype='int')) – N x 3 matrix with start, peak, end samples
dat (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the original data
s_freq (float) – sampling frequency
limits (tuple of float) – high and low frequencies for spindle band
ratio_thresh (float) – ratio between spindle vs non-spindle amplitude
- Returns:
ndarray (dtype=’int’) – N x 3 matrix with start, peak, end samples
In the original matlab script, it uses amplitude, not power.
- wonambi.detect.spindle.remove_straddlers(events, time, s_freq, tolerance=0.1)[source]
Reject an event if it straddles a stitch, by comparing its duration to its timespan.
- Parameters:
events (ndarray (dtype='int')) – N x M matrix with start, …, end samples
time (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with time points
s_freq (float) – sampling frequency
tolerance (float, def=0.1) – maximum tolerated difference between event duration and timespan
- Returns:
ndarray (dtype=’int’) – N x M matrix with start , …, end samples
- wonambi.detect.spindle.select_events(dat, detected, method, value)[source]
Select start sample and end sample of the events.
- Parameters:
dat (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with the data after selection-transformation
detected (ndarray (dtype='int')) – N x 3 matrix with start, peak, end samples
method (str) – ‘above_thresh’, ‘below_thresh’, ‘below_thresh_positive’
value (float) – for ‘threshold’, it’s the value of threshold for the spindle selection.
- Returns:
ndarray (dtype=’int’) – N x 3 matrix with start, peak, end samples
- wonambi.detect.spindle.transform_signal(dat, s_freq, method, method_opt=None, dat2=None)[source]
Transform the data using different methods.
- Parameters:
dat (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with all the data for one channel
s_freq (float) – sampling frequency
method (str) – one of ‘abs’, ‘abs_complex’, ‘butter’, ‘cdemod’, ‘cheby2’, ‘double_butter’, ‘double_sosbutter’, ‘gaussian’, ‘hilbert’, ‘high_butter’, ‘low_butter’, ‘morlet’, ‘moving_covar’, ‘moving_ms’, ‘moving_periodogram’, ‘moving_power_ratio’, ‘moving_rms’, ‘moving_sd’, ‘moving_zscore’, ‘remez’, ‘smooth’, ‘sosbutter’, ‘spectrogram’, ‘wavelet_real’.
method_opt (dict) – depends on methods
dat2 (ndarray(dtype='float')) – second vector with data
- Returns:
ndarray (dtype=’float’) – vector with all the data for one channel
double_butter implements an effective bandpass by applying a highpass, followed by a lowpass. This method reduces filter instability, due to underlying numerical instability arising from nyquist / freq at low freq.
Wavelets pass only absolute values already, it does not make sense to store the complex values.
- butter has parameters:
- freqtuple of float
low and high values for bandpass
- orderint
filter order (will be effecively doubled by filtfilt)
- cdemod has parameters:
- freqfloat
carrier frequency for complex demodulation
- cheby2 has parameters:
- freqtuple of float
low and high values for bandpass
- orderint
filter order (will be effecively doubled by filtfilt)
- double_butter has parameters:
- freqtuple of float
low and high values for highpass, then lowpass
- orderint
filter order (will be effecively doubled by filtfilt)
- double_sosbutter has parameters:
- freqtuple of float
low and high values for highpass, then lowpass
- orderint
filter order (will be effecively doubled by filtfilt)
- gaussian has parameters:
- durfloat
standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel, aka sigma (sec)
- high_butter has parameters:
- freqfloat
Highpass (lowcut) frequency, in Hz
- orderint
filter order (will be effecively doubled by filtfilt)
- low_butter has parameters:
- freqfloat
Lowpass (highcut) frequency, in Hz
- orderint
filter order (will be effecively doubled by filtfilt)
- morlet has parameters:
- f0float
center frequency in Hz
- sdfloat
standard deviation of frequency
- durfloat
window length in number of standard deviations
- moving_covar has parameters:
- durfloat
duration of the window (sec)
- step: float
step between consecutive windows (sec)
- moving_ms has parameters:
- durfloat
duration of the window (sec)
- step: float
step between consecutive windows (sec)
- moving_periodogram has parameters:
- durfloat
duration of the z-score sliding window (sec)
- freqtuple of float
frequency range for periodogram (Hz)
- step: float
step between consecutive windows (sec)
- moving_power_ratio has parameters:
- durfloat
duration of the z-score sliding window (sec)
- freq_narrowtuple of float
frequency range for the narrowband power (Hz)
- freq_broadtuple of float
frequency range for the broadband power (Hz)
- fft_durfloat
duration of the FFT window (sec)
- step: float
step between consecutive windows (sec)
- moving_rms has parameters:
- durfloat
duration of the window (sec)
- step: float
step between consecutive windows (sec)
- moving_sd has parameters:
- durfloat
duration of the z-score sliding window (sec)
- step: float
step between consecutive windows (sec)
- moving_zscore has parameters:
- durfloat
duration of the z-score sliding window (sec)
- pcl_rangetuple of float, or None
if not None, only data within this percentile range will be used for determining the standard deviation for calculation of the z-score
- step: float
step between consecutive windows (sec)
- remez has parameters:
- freqtuple of float
low and high values for bandpass
- rollofffloat
bandwidth, in hertz, between stop and pass frequencies
- durfloat
dur * s_freq = N, where N is the filter order, a.k.a number of taps
- smooth has parameters:
- durfloat
duration of the convolution window (sec). For ‘triangle’, base of isosceles triangle.
- wavelet_real has parameters:
- freqsndarray
vector of wavelet frequencies for spindle detection
- durfloat
duration of the wavelet (sec)
- widthfloat
wavelet width
- winfloat
moving average window length (sec) of wavelet convolution
- wonambi.detect.spindle.within_duration(events, time, limits)[source]
Check whether event is within time limits.
- Parameters:
events (ndarray (dtype='int')) – N x M matrix with start sample first and end samples last on M
time (ndarray (dtype='float')) – vector with time points
limits (tuple of float) – low and high limit for spindle duration
- Returns:
ndarray (dtype=’int’) – N x M matrix with start sample first and end samples last on M